Airboat ride through the St John’s River in Florida, where I grew up.


28 thoughts on “Airboating in the old swamping grounds”
  1. That was soooooo Cool! I have never been on an airboat ride!
    I love the gators! That should have made you feel right at home… Just like being in court… everything wants to eat you!

  2. America has fallen. When the government stopped obeying the US Constitution, it became an illegal government. Our government has broken the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 10th and 14th Amendments (Bill of Rights,) which were put in place to limit the government's authority and protect citizens from a government that is overreaching its authority. Here is a video that states the government cannot be held accountable, meaning they cannot be charged or sued for “any” crime they commit against a citizen: 21:50 minutes. Authority imposed through the barrel of a gun is tyranny. Our government no longer represents the people, it only represents the agenda of the nefarious entities who rule from behind a curtain. The military and police do not follow the Constitution, they follow their commanding officer’s orders. We need to start talking to military and police and tell them to defend the Constitution and arrest our entire government from the President and Congress to Governors and Mayors for treason. Of course, they will not do that and instead will impose tyranny over the land to keep their jobs at the expense of our entire nation’s future. Our greatest weapon is unity; we must investigate, expose, educate, and unify the masses into a collective ocean of force against those who have hijacked our country and nefariously rule over us. We cannot vote or gun our way out of the predicament we are in, we can only win our freedom through mass unity AND PROTESTS, demanding that NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW – ESPECIALLY GOVERNMENT AND LAW ENFORCEMENT!!!

    Words are the central nervous system of the human collective. Spread the words far and wide. Research and critical thinking are an effective shield against ignorance. Knowledge is the strongest armor we can wear in the journey of life…

  3. Amazing piece of equipment, almost purchased one, at a spur of a moment 'gotta have it toy'. Two of happiest days of a boat owners life: the day they buy it, and the day they sell it. Now with price of fuel at gas dock, especially NYC, "No Way Jose". Gas-up a 31 footer, do a Tuna run 15 miles off shore, ouch. Between bait, beer & etc, cheaper to own a thoroughbred race horse.

  4. So That's what it looks like? Just Beautiful! About Time i got to 'ride' on an Airboat! and I Live Here. that's sad
    Sure need More Gators, Too many of those Rats still getting Fat on Fraud. Many Thanks to ALL aboard!

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