Alex Murdaugh’s murder trial; Memphis police charged in beating death; Petito lawsuit – TCD Sidebar – Everything Law and Order Blog

In this episode of True Crime Daily The Sidebar Podcast: Anne Bremner joins host Joshua Ritter to break down the biggest cases making headlines across the nation. They discuss the ongoing trial of Alex Murdaugh, the former police officers charged in the death of Tyre Nichols, and Brian Laundrie’s family attorney added to the lawsuit filed by the parents of Gabby Petito.

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38 thoughts on “Alex Murdaugh’s murder trial; Memphis police charged in beating death; Petito lawsuit – TCD Sidebar”
  1. That 911 call is a very damning piece of evidence. Go back and listen to it.
    911 calls begin recording the moment you finish dialing the number. NOT whe the 911 operator picks up, hence why we always hear the ringing.
    In Alex's call it is so calm & quiet while the phone rings you can hear the dogs barking in the distant kennel. Not so much as a single whimper from Alex UNTIL the operator answers. THEN he turns on the theatrics.

  2. Honestly disgusted by these sympathetic remarks but not even shocked by who it's coming from. Your statements about Not all cops is completely tone deaf and misplaced. These cases are split decision instances. This is a man who was beating over a period of time by several officers. It was t one blow that was fatal. And statements like the ones you have made here only further the agenda of corrupt officers having no choice and holding cities hostage refusing to do their damn jobs due to "constraints". I'm disgusted. Please get some reputable people of color to speak on these issues since you obviously lack the scope and range

  3. I don't believe procedures in Murdaugh trial has enough to convict Alex for murder without the financial crime stuff but that doesn't make him guilty.Procecuters know they can't get guilty verdict without. the other charges but other charges doesn't make him guilty on murder.and that should not of been allowed in. I don't buy he killed them because. Of the other crimes cause he could have worked thru them. Another case of cops having tunnel vision on one suspect and wanting to tie it all up in tidy bow.When my son died I didn't cry. For days I went thru denial and anger first.

  4. TOTAL DISINTEGRATION total depravity William Shakespeare lost a son Hamnet James Joyce knew Shakespeare 👍🏼 ⚡ ⚡ Hitler Stalin two personal heros MEIN KAMPF David Irving amazing man guaranteed a place THE NEW WORLD HEAVEN

  5. I'm not stereotyping but instead relying on statistics that a lot more blacks are behind bars a lot more blacks commit murder, rob, steal or simply put nonlaw abiding citizens, then why would you put them into the police force and arm them with a deadly weapon, it's crazy to think of it…or maybe it's by design to put blacks against blacks…not sure.

  6. This guy was murdered, George Floyd was not. It's that simple. Wrong is wrong. George Floyd was a criminal doing bad stuff and was never choked. He was talking the whole time. If you are choking, it is impossible to talk. But this second guy was brutally attacked, it was horrible.

  7. A person not crying would not be of concern to me, however if law enforcement starts basing their investigation of that person crying that would be concerning. I do absolutely believe he is crying for himself in court. I think the 911 recording he is having legitimate reactions in the since I do not think he expected things to happen the way they did. Maybe he didn't expect his son to be there, only his wife was suppose to be there, kind of thing. There seems to be evidence he was lurring his wife there, but is it possible he didn't know his son was going to be there, and therefore "had to kill his son" kinda thing?

  8. LA County prosecutor of 10 years?!?! So gross u playing god. A defense attorney now in an attempt to balance your karma as a past prosecutor? God knows how much unnecessary stress u contributed to “fighting for justice” for low level non violent drug offenders and petty crimes. U make me sick…following and prosecuting laws rather than your own moral compass shows how much of a sheep you are…u follow the law(s) rather than listen to your gut…so gross 🤢 pig..back in the 50’s u would probably write black people tickets for sitting in front of the bus “because it was the law” and your basic sheep mind was too dumb too know basic right from wrong….ugh. Prosecutors are so gross. Yeah talking bout u too Lonnie!

  9. “He sounds emotional.” Wellll…he could be dope sick?🥴…he could’ve been laughing too. This man is dirty, dirty…as dirty as they come. Whatever that “noise” was, u can bet your sweet ass it wasn’t grieving over his dead wife and son. 🤬

  10. The video of Tyler Nichols is cold😢😩that was soo much hatred i think it wasn't just about traffic 💔you never kick a man when he is down.
    Those 5 wicked men continued beating him even after he was handcuffed

  11. It wouldn't have been split second decision for an officer to intervene in that instance, the police beat on that poor man for minutes, Just admit it! There are some really BAD cops out there

  12. Everyone should watch Tyre’s mother’s interview. She is an incredible human being. My thoughts and prayers are with Tyre’s family and loved ones. I hope that justice is served.

  13. Alex Murdaugh’s 911 call turned on his crying when the operator answered — he did NOT cry until the operator answered, the calls are taped as soon as ringing starts. This was brought out by a SC lawyer on CNN documentary

  14. Tyre never ran they pull him out of his car,cops are lying and it about tyre dating one of the officers ex girlfriend.the truth will come out about the women.That cop baby mama worked with Tyree at FedEx. Tyree was target for dating cop baby mama!

  15. The police need to learn techniques to take down suspects without causing harm. The "Scorpion Unit" had an adequate number of officers to each take an arm or leg and gently put their suspect on the ground. Psychiatric nurses can contain violent people without hurting them. So can the police.

  16. I've heard about the Alex Murdaugh case multiple multiple times over here on the news in London, UK, so if you haven't heard about it in the US they must be living under a rock!

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