All Charges Dismissed in Mount Hope Case (Officer Pottymouth) – Everything Law and Order Blog

This week, following public release of the footage showing the arrest of Brian Beckett by Officer Aaron Shrewsbury, of the Mount Hope WV Police Department, the prosecutor on the case filed a motion requesting dismissal of all of the charges, which was granted by the Court. The pending charges of obstruction, disorderly conduct, speeding, and reckless driving were all dismissed and Mr. Beckett was released from bond.

The prosecutor noted in his motion that, “A review of the evidence does not support prosecution of the case.”

See the motion and orders:


41 thoughts on “All Charges Dismissed in Mount Hope Case (Officer Pottymouth)”
  1. This POS cop should face criminal charges for breaking that kids jaw. What kind of coward would hit someone in the face who is handcuffed? He ought to get 5 years for that. Assault causing bodily injury. Civil case will only take money out of the city. Shrewsbury needs to pay for this on a personal level.

  2. We'll never see it, but I'd love to see a judge review video footage, then instruct the bailiffs to take a cop into custody for contempt of court and the DA to file charges of perjury, battery, and official misconduct. Bonus for removing the cop's badge and gun in front of everyone. That would send a message all the way up the police department that their reign of thuggery is about to end.

  3. There was another small town where historically they had like 1 cop for the entire town but they hire a fleet of corrupt cops to give tons of traffic ticket around some near by highway. The entire town revenue was from these tickets of people that traveled along this highway. Its almost like some kind of predatory animal who will makes its home next to a stream of insects to take whatever it wants or a spider making its web by some outdoor light that comes on at night. This is how some of these small towns act towards the highway, as some endless stream of people to fleece.

  4. FOIAFAFO is becoming a necessary application for the priest class to their protection 🤡’s. Consequences for actions – behavior modification outcome is required? (Rhetorical)

  5. You are doing great work, please leep it going. Too many attorneys will not touch these case because there isn;t big money in them if they win. Also, they are part of the "good ol' boy" club.

  6. From Australia
    Policing for profit seems like a bad issue in the US. It doesnt happen here at all because all policing is financed by the tax payer . Of course this effects policing in general and it appears US standards are far far lower than what is expected both here and in New Zealand. Cops here would never get away with the crap that goes on in the US

  7. It would seem appropriate when a prosecutor dismisses a case based on false testimony of an officer, charges of equal or more damaging consequences should be levied against the arresting officer. This manure of allowing officials to resign and move-on in their same capacity to inflict the same damages to other unsuspecting, law abiding citizens is simply an extension of the corruption in perpituity

  8. Here's my concern, The officer opens the door… (after the man got outside)… and made a point to specifically seize the phone.
    That coupled WITH the fact that an unknown officer (possibly Aaron Shrewsbury) took the memory cards from the Dash Cam at some point, shows conspiracy to cover up and/or destroy evidence
    Couldn't charges be brought upon him for that?
    The falsifying of the police report isn't just a lie to the public, but a lie to his own bosses.
    These things could get this officer jailed and/or arrested.
    In Florida we have "FDLE" which can act like Internal Affairs.
    Not sure what the version is in West Virginia but if the local police department refuses to acknowledge his violations or attempts to violate…
    An outside agency should be contacted and shown the evidence of it all

  9. The lying White racist cop was allowed to falsify facts in his report, assaulted the young Black man and broke his jaw, and stopped him under false pretenses in order to make the arrest to start with!! Yeah, sounds like White justice to me!!

  10. I sued our county pro se once, and got a judge admonished when he threatened to arrest us in a state seal stamped letter for filing a complaint. Although they prosecuted the judge in, they openly ignored my claim, which I thought rule 8 frcp made my allegations "admitted" by the defendants. The Magistrate was corrupt, in fact was handling a similar case in the county below me where the new prosecutor left, and was in my county doing the same corrupt crap. In the similar case, the complainant, like us was being stalked by a maniac ["manic depressive psychotics" –Psych report], and because we called bs on the corrupt system in courts seeking remedy, they retaliated. I was lucky, but the other plaintiff in the other county was seeking a restraining order in federal court because the local order, like mine was being ignored, encouraging the stalker to escalate. In the other case, Mr. O'Sullivan was murdered by the ex official and sent to prison, but the Magistrate ignored the murder victims complaints and cleared the way for the murder to happen.

    Ironically, I found Macias v. Ihde 9th 2000, where Mrs Macias was murdered, but the circuit laid blame on the officials that "fundamentally misconstrued" Mrs. Macias allegations to "failure to protect," which is not a constitutional violation, see Gonzales v. Castle Rock, US (20??).

    So, the most dangerous pattern emerges in police retaliation that really goes unnoticed. This is that when a victim of crime is unsatisfied by police indifference, or deliberate indifference, police all the way up to the Mayor or Supervisor, even federal representatives, they ignore you and allow violence to take place and that seems to put an end to so-called "ungrateful crime victims."

    Very sad, that the politicians on the right now are acting as if their allegations of abuse suddenly, according to one pundit," USA is over, due to these constitutional violations against Trump or whoever." This ignoring or "fundamentally misconstruing" reality to sway idiots that vote out of pure hatred has been going on since the inception of our country, and is wholly ignored, except for guys like you who figured out how to make right wrongs without losing everything you worked for. I see your candid videos show a very sane and reasonable person helping many victims.

    The worse emotion in the world aside from learning you may die of a disease is the disease of injustice.

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