Alleged Stepson Killer Letecia Stauch Begs for Immunity as Ex-Husband Grills Her

Alleged Stepson Killer Letecia Stauch Begs for Immunity as Ex-Husband Grills Her

In a recorded call, alleged stepson killer Letecia Stauch begged her ex-husband for immunity. Investigators claim she shot, stabbed, and beat her 11-year-old stepson Gannon Stauch to death, put his remains in a suitcase, and left it under a Florida highway. “I need the truth!” Al Stauch shouted at Letecia while pressing her about the inconsistencies in her story.

#LeteciaStauch #GannonStauch #LawAndCrime

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47 thoughts on “Alleged Stepson Killer Letecia Stauch Begs for Immunity as Ex-Husband Grills Her

  1. It's sickening how she's acting like SHE is a victim. And her constant attempts at trying to garner sympathy is so cringe inducing. And she's screaming "I NEED IMMUNITY!!" to Al Stauch, like he has the power to grant it. Even if he believed her, he has nothing to do with the prosecution. She really is delusional. A real conniving snake.

  2. I truly believe, when he had " bathroom" accidents, it was because he was so scared when he was with Her, and her Alone! He knew she was jealous of him and his Real mother….

  3. This just shows that she knew what she did was wrong. If you’re insane you don’t know what’s right from wrong. Just please send her to jail already 🙄

  4. Letecia cannot talk, she screeches, and the bigger the lie she is telling the louder she screeches. She seems to believe that if her screech is loud enough, she will FORCE people to believe what she is saying. She's saying she didn't know what she was doing but she sure knew what she was doing well enough that she took many steps to lie to people and try to cover what she did. If women prisoners hate those who hurt children as much as MEN prisoners do, I would predict that she is going to have a VERY unpleasant time for the rest of her life.

  5. Al had all he could take! This evil monster killed his son and he KNOWS it, but has clung to the hope that Letechia isn't the horrible person he's come to see. He played her game and bit his tongue all he could, until he saw the truth of what this evil devil was doing. She was enjoying his pain and gaining her supply in his suffering!! Put her in a cage and throw away the 🗝️ key! It's a more humane life than what she gave that innocent 11yr old boy! I'm disgusted by this woman! She's enjoying putting this family through this pain and getting to relive her deception. She's not embarrassed, she's enjoying the pain she's inflicting on this family. True evil EXISTS!!

  6. Pure evil. I can imagine the dad is struggling . He wants answers. He wants her to say it. He wants her to say I killed him.
    I couldn't imagine living with the fact my wife or husband killed my child.
    Were there signs? Was she already abusive towards Gannon?

  7. After admission WHY is she putting everyone through a Court Case only to murder the young little innocent boy again. 🤔.

    She is SO evil and definitely NOT insane!

  8. She will get convicted for certain. I only think that her sentence should reflect the crime. Feel sorry for her daughter. Forever tainted, possibly even complicit. How terrible to bring your own daughter into an alibi, possible accomplice. The daughter should be exonerated completely. This woman is a nightmare, in my opinion, the daughter is not to blame. She probably is the most hurt.

  9. So disgusting. All she wants is immunity. She is so disconnected that she thinks that the father of the son she murdered is going to help her! How arrogant? This woman is desperate now. She knows she is on the brink of getting caught. We just need to remember, she not only hurt him beyond repair, she also allegedly stabbed him multiple times, shot him in the head. Also, whatever those burns were, they don't make sense either. She viciously hurt this defenceless child, and probably did so for a while. She had to kill him, because he would get the chance to tell people. This was not a moment of madness. It was an evil few days of torture, culminating in a vicious and horrible death.

  10. Pleading insanity? Really? No. Multiple Personality Disorder? No. In MPD the personalities are distinct. One does not mix with the other. Repeatedly, she mixes and crosses over, both with her actions and her statements. There is no distinction, nothing but her own mixture of one personality. She just has one. She got cross and evil with her stepson. She killed him. Full stop.

  11. He already knew that she was full of BS. He was being a brilliant father, deceiving her. Very brave. She just could not keep track of her own stories. He obviously is more intelligent, but you have to admire him for luring his wife. Who has that kind of presence of mind? Poor guy, but yes, he was going to get her punished. He did a great job. After this? He has to live with losing his dear son.

  12. This is why I'll be alone FOREVER… Ya never know what someone's thinking or what their motives are…. over my dead body will ANYBODY even put a hair outta place on my babies head! Kudos to that father…. he kept calm and cool so well… I can't even imagine how hard these convos… all of this must be. My heart hurts for the family!

  13. She should be forced to sit front and center! How is the judge allowing her to be that disrespectful that she suts and hides in the corner. She can't even show her face. She is not innocent she is the devil!

  14. I feel he bares responsibility for this as well.😢 no loving father with half a brain would leave a child with this scum! Honestly feel he needs to be held accountable

  15. She killed his son to get REVENGE on the father. Men have to be just as diligent in choosing a woman when you have children from other relationships. When she stated that he could 'f' all the b__ches he wanted – she told on herself again. She knew he loved his son.

  16. Narcissist, self absorbed and evil killer needs to spend the rest of her life under the prison. She wants mercy? Give her the mercy she gave the child she killed!!!!!!!

  17. She is cracked. Immunity? 🤣. So wants immunity if talks about phantom attackers? Makes no sense. If intruders did come into house and cause harm why would she need immunity? Maybe has good qualities but all shown if her to this point is cringe worthy.

  18. If I was telling the truth and innocent, I would be giving as much detailed info as possible! She is yelling and getting mad when her stepson is "missing". The nerve!

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