An Update on the Chikaordery Saga – Everything Law and Order Blog

Here’s the latest on what’s happening with Chikaordery, a woman from Cameroon who I’ve been trying to help.

Watch the full series to get caught up!

Purchase a copy of her book!


30 thoughts on “An Update on the Chikaordery Saga”
  1. Nice fake surgery scam, hand a scammer free shyt as usual, the bytch scammed you! There are people in the US who need more help than a scammer in a 3rd world shyt hole, proving these things can't do crapola for themselves with out whytees hand outs.

  2. This is a big problem with getting US visas. My mom in India appeared for the tourist visa interview so that she could attend my graduation and took all kinds of documents as evidence – including proof of the fact that she had a full time job, that she owns a house, as well as the invitation from my university to attend the ceremony. However, she was denied because she couldn't show "strong enough ties to her country" or something along those lines. I guess when they saw that she was single (my dad passed away many years ago) and that I was her only child, they assumed she would never return.

  3. I'm only a few minutes into this whole story, which caught my attention thru one of the shorts, and I am suddenly struck with a little rage throughout the overwhelming empathy I have for this young woman.
    Why the "rage?"
    Simple . . . this Administration is allowing . . .no, they are encouraging people, at the rate of hundreds of thousands a month, to flood our country, no questions asked, and not only are they released inside the country with NO surety of their intentions, we are now spending hundreds, even thousands of dollars DAILY on these people, literally catering to their every need and whim . . .
    and HERE you have a girl who has spent several YEARS raising money for a surgery, has ALL the info to back up her claim, most notably a PUBLISHED book about her plight and struggle and intentions, and yet she is denied entry??
    This Administration actually looked this young lady in the eye, took down all her info, AND REJECTED HER while at the VERY same time turning slightly in their chair to face the TWO THOUSAND people with little to no paperwork or info, and signaled every single last one of them to file on in, right past this young woman.

    One of THE most despicable acts out of a despicable Administration.

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