‘April’s Fools’ Child-Sex Sting: Disney Guard Among Arrests – Crime Watch Daily

‘April’s Fools’ Child-Sex Sting: Disney Guard Among Arrests – Crime Watch Daily

A security guard at Walt Disney World and a youth football coach are just two of suspects busted in an undercover sex sting in Florida.

Check your local listings at CrimeWatchDaily.com.


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15 thoughts on “‘April’s Fools’ Child-Sex Sting: Disney Guard Among Arrests – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Great job Crime Watch 👍🏻but I fill sad 😞 because how many criminals we don’t know they doing this write now 😞 but We not going to give up hope that each and everyone is going to be in jail🙏🏻👊🏻please Crime Watch do these setups often to catch them 🙏🏻

  2. It's a sin cuz they will be all out of jail in a few years and only punishment is that they have to register as a sex offender. These are the people that should be in jail for 25 to life!!! Drug Addicts get more time than sex offenders !! That's not okay! When will this stupid system change??

  3. A huge majority off these guys where young men! Some even attractive! WHAT DA FUCK IS WRONG WITH THEM?? I feel like the better looking the predator the more people should be afraid of them because they could get a person their own age easily but they choose not to. Its not out of desperation it's out of want. They want to cause harm and if they weren't stopped they would have continued for the rest of their lives.

  4. I would pay a lot more in taxes, just so these types of stings could happen non- stop!! Talk about a rewarding day at work. These filthy sex predators are disgusting and there are millions and millions of them from the lowest dregs of society to the highest. It's a serious plague. Arrg!!

  5. I think this is great to catch them before they get to the children and mess them up. I was a victim of a preaditor when I was a child, it stays with you forever. its great to get these preaditors before they harm children, and kids.these cops that do this are Heroes!. I LOVE SHERIFF. GRADY!❤️🇺🇸⚖️🛡️⚖️🇺🇸🦅👍

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