How easy could it be for a potential predator to lure you into danger? Chris Hansen investigates.
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How easy could it be for a potential predator to lure you into danger? Chris Hansen investigates.
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I am Very angered about each of these stories, I find these stories very disturbing, extremely upsetting.
Prayers and Deepest Condolences to this women's family.
Hurting Women is NOT ok
This is a reply post regarding a article on Assault Against Woman:
For what is statistically true, or accurate, and even what is not included statistically, and all other crime such as this is what is ( violence against women) Always unacceptable…
Women have the Right to Feel and be Safe…
No woman…, or person….child…should ever have to experience this kind heinous personal intrusion in their lifetime, this seems to be occurring at least according to news reports more, and all to often.
Actually this activity should be in a stage, or state of Reversal, and NOT Increasing, I am continually upset as well as greatly disturbed in hearing such stories, as I have always have been…
My Heart Always… goes out to any person which have experienced any such similar experience of intrusion, attacks, and, or invasion of their personal well-being… due violence, and or violent behavior,
I will continue to pray for the Safety and Well-Being of Others…
Advocate of Humanity, Author, Writer, Poet, Safety Advocate
Jason Sandifer,
Don't run alone, don't run with ear-buds, don't in remote areas.
This is brutal reality. They had to use a male model to illustrate how women can get lured because they know it’s hard to lure them using non-attractive guy. Its because handsome men are not considered creepy by women. Only ugly men are deemed creepy always even if they did not act creepy.
Try this experiment with an older creepy guy and see if the results are the same….(Zack is really cute. So this isn’t fair)
Stop jogging in the woods @4 o’clock in the morning half-naked with no cellphone and loud music in your ears
This show is written to make women paranoid.
it happened 4 times, so it is happening "across the country" ? theres roughly 350million people in the USA , 3 or 4 joggers getting killed or kidnapped is not a problem, its a sad situation, but certainly not anything to scare joggers.
Why do women run by themselves? Earbuds in, all alone,no dog,or weapon! You would think "learn" would be the word!!
Open season on joggers, how about open season on pedos and killers!?
Don't listen to music
Poor Mollie Tibbets
I feel like all this does is make people afraid of everything. I just carry pepper spray with me
I don't understand people who run down trails with earbuds on to where you can't hear anything. I mean shit be a little smarter!
Always run with a friend and against traffic
Looks like jogging is bad for your health
Woman run around half naked these days and that in itself attracts negative attention from the scum bags lurking around every town.
Its always a good idea to be aware of your surroundings, f.ex. getting bone conduction headphones can allow you to listen to music while also hear traffic or other sounds in the area, but this is blown way out of proportion. The fact will always remain that your greatest threat, by a staggering margin, are the people closest to you. Should we be constantly alert of our family members and significant others as well because they're statistically more likely to hurt us? This is contrived at best.
exactly, never ever talk to anybody, do not trust anyone, have fear, fear, fear always!! oh, and pay your voluntary income tax!!!
And another repeat segment.Beginning to think crime watch Dailey is on a loop
Ally was my friend, and her case is STILL unsolved. It's not talked about, yet these other female joggers got so much coverage. What happened to Ally wasn't by another jogger, she was shot in the back with a shot gun. This case deserves as much coverage as any other, and Ally and her parents deserve justice.
Dont listen to music and dont jog alone
So they continuing jogging alone. Here in South Florida we have a pedophiles reg in this area along A1A ft.Lauderdale Fl. They eat at a well known Fast food Restaurant. People who come to vacation in Ft.Lauderdale Fl have no clue there sitting just feet away from these pedophiles. Some of them Mr.Hansen has had on his program being caught. I head to point out to the MGR. About these people who come in with double stack suit cases back packs
Wearing hoodies. What she is facing if something gets out of hand. Some have been rude to her until I showed her what app to look up and you get photo's of all that are reg to that area.
you can jog at colleges they have cameras, their college cops, and the red emeregncy button plus lights if ur jogging at night.
Happened to me on a public trail jogging with people around. A bastard was following me around I heard wrestling noises in the leaves. He positioned himself against a tree so id run past him. He was grunting and jerking off and had a bag over his head with circles cut out for his eyes. I screamed ran got away and park police came after I called 911. I feel I was fast enough to be lucky. I never went back to the park or on a trail again. The park police said he'd been doing it for months. I dunno why they never caught him.
Just be alert, notice if someone is following too close to you, and have 911 on speed dial
Not fair to use a handsome fake jogger guy. Like really of course lol.
That's reason I stop jogging where I live cuz I have a lot of Fields know jog around Walmart parking a lot
Prankz in the hood with chris Hansen
these women seem to run at weird times of day and in creepy secluded trails… i run out in the open where everyone can see me. i dont trust hidden secluded areaas or trails
they need to keep mase on them
such a joke go live under a rock if youre too scared to walk 10 feet to some benches to take someones picture
Hot girls are at risk of being abducted. Simple as that.
can't be too careful… just ignore your friends or other people who tell you that you are Paranoid by being cautious. Ignore them
correction open season on white female joggers.sad to say they are easy victim to criminals.they put their self at risk by going on runs any part of the day or night alone.they're gullible at its best,low street smart and not that physical if something goes down
This is why I'm getting a conceal weapon. Ladies start getting a pepper spray or conceal weapon. It's unfortunate you can't even take a decent run or walk anymore. Might as well go to the gym and not run outside.
Statistically you are safe if you go running. Stop fear mongering. If you actually look at the stats, the worst that will happen is a phone gets stolen. If you are a man there is actually a higher chance of being roughed up by thugs than there is if you are a woman, but even that is just not all that likely. Really the most likely thing is someone rips your phone off you, which does suck, but at least it's not rape.
all unrelated cases..nothing to do with joggers..
Great, you basically trained Zack in killing joggers. It is going to be real awkward when they find two joggers in his trunk.
its Zack bro hes the killer nigga looks evil as fuck if scooby doo mysteries made be a pro and im telling you Zack is the killer