Arrest Video Shows Bloody Armored Gloves – LAWSUIT filed today – Everything Law and Order Blog

Today we filed a federal Section 1983 civil rights lawsuit alleging multiple counts of civil rights violations related to allegations of excessive force which occurred during a “domestic disturbance” call involving my client, Melvin Sargent. Following a non-violent argument with his wife, deputies from the Mercer County Sheriff’s Department arrived at his home.

Due to the fact that he was open-carrying a pistol in a retention holster, as he usually did, and as he was legally entitled to do, Mr. Sargent went out of his way to raise his hands in the air and allow the officers to disarm him, following their arrival. However, as the complaint alleges, after being disarmed, he was punched in the face with a closed fist, and subjected to violence from there. His hand was boot-stomped, which resulted in a fractured hand.

After handcuffs were applied behind his back and placed in the rear of the police cruiser, his hand began to swell and cause severe pain. When he complained about the pain, the deputy violently pushed him and began punching him again. He then sprays pepper spray in his eyes for 3 to 5 seconds, and then shuts him inside the police cruiser. Afterwards the deputy walks over to Mr. Sargent’s significant other, who was filming video, where you can see his black armored knuckle gloves, covered with my client’s blood.

Read the full complaint, as filed today:

Part 1 video:


47 thoughts on “Arrest Video Shows Bloody Armored Gloves – LAWSUIT filed today”
  1. I think I just heard that cop say respect the badge two that young lady well to that cop I do want to add to him respect is earned not given just because you wear that badge does not mean everybody has to respect you if you show the citizens respect they will respect you it's not show the citizens fear and they will respect you it show respect and they will respect you how many times have cops give fear out of the citizens just to have respect it doesn't work that way cops respect is given not earned is that what y'all think it is earned not given think about that

  2. Was she purposely trying to not direct the camera at anything that matters or what.
    People – women more likely – that constantly apologize for no reason, are so aggravating being that it isn't deserving in any way, shape, or form.

  3. Respect the badge! Yeah, that's some serious Cartmancop shit right there. Respect my authoritah! I don't know where he gets off ordering anyone to respect theirs or anyone else's badge. First of all, respect is earned, not commanded, and second, as far as I know, there isn't any law, anywhere, that says that us private citizens are required to honor or respect the badge or anyone wearing or carrying one. It's our right, no, that's wrong, it's our responsibility to hold every cop we meet in contempt until they demonstrate to us that THEY are worthy of OUR respect. Never apologize to any cop, ever, and you sure as hell don't do it under coercion.

  4. Blood on Gloves😮. THen says wtf is wrong with him. Its you mother effer. They are animals. It's a dam Shame. I hope he's alright and she's traumatized too. When she said I'll call someone then asked if they knew her friend woman tyrant says ' I don't care who you call and no I don't know him'. She said that's because he's dead😮. Tis is beyond Krazy

  5. He bragged on the stand about the gloves being “UFC-type” gloves” somewhat aligning himself with a professional fight organization. Sad truly that these officers are acting this way with civilians. Bullying must stop and these insecure bullies lose their qualified immunity too. Tragic indeed.

  6. I feel just as sick and insidious as the July 6th of this year. The entire Police needs to be dismantled and a Federal investigatios on them and the entire judicial also. The nuts don't fall far from the tree, you
    know!? I am 62, and am disgusted. Maybe we do need to dismantle all policing nationwide.

  7. Street beating with knuckle duster gloves see the other cop block the videoing to cover the beating and then another to block the view of the pepper spray. Street beating from the gang. Let me guess all charges dropped the next day, all reports written don’t match the video. Fear them. Cops interviewed and don’t remember things and their body cams were turned off. Standard police beating police union will have their backs.

  8. "Do you see this fucking badge on her chest, that means you respect it" perfectly sums up the contempt and disdain cops have in America. Cop union endorses a candidate or politician, vote them out. That cop should have been fired right away

  9. This kind of officer abuse should carry a mandatory 50 yr sentence. I bet that would bite the bullies on their fuzzy rodent rectums. Bish is a Pig, not piggy cop, straight out Pig, a pig of a person

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