Arrested at Pride Event For Free Speech | First Amendment Violation? – Everything Law and Order Blog

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40 thoughts on “Arrested at Pride Event For Free Speech | First Amendment Violation?”
  1. The man was there to disrupt the event by shouting hos beliefs that being gay was wrong. At a Pride event thos could be considered insulting but gay people have a lot more abuse than a god botherer shouting about God.
    The cop was not going to allow disruption.
    But it is America and there is free speech, so he wrong.

  2. This is why I have nothing to do with the pride movement,they are celebrating his arrest. I would never hire them or help them in any way , despicable. And the cops actions really despicable especially for a sergeant.

    It Doesn’t matter the deed or crime , the orgy. Who or how many.
    You are not good ( this is the base)
    GOD is good He Is Perfect 🤔 He is The ONLY ONE WHO IS PERFECT !!! HE IS GOD
    Our goodness at its BEST is like filthy rags compared to GOD’S .
    GOD came down to be born of a virgin , in the form of baby JESUS , To Die on the CROSS for our SINS . He SAVED US from OUR selves, Past , Present and Future Sins , that we could go to Heaven to be with HIM .
    Have NO FEAR

    Description of Hell
    Hell was created for Satan and his fallen angels .
    The Bible Called hell the Lake of Fire. Reading this I could not imagine where hell was , then one day , the light bulb went off , I ran outside and Looked up what did is see the SUN it makes perfect sense JESUS BECOMES
    The SON is the SUN

    Hell was not made for Humans but through their choices 😳

    We have the Right to Reject JESUS ( UNBELIEVERS ) Will go to Hell

    Giving person a body to take extreme Heat , being Alone , no one to talk to, total darkness , No water to cool the lips , no way to warn your Family 😲

    Only Believers will enter Heaven

    Want to know what is happening on the earth today with Israel and Palestine

    The Book of Revelation
    I am a bad reader , it takes 1.5 hours to read Revelation

    Proof that Jews are the chosen people . THEY’RE STILL HERE 😃

    People are running around trying to get rich or to make a name ,
    Seek JESUS while you can .

    Who Gain the whole world and loose your own Soul 🥲🥲🥲

    Jesus Loves you
    You are BORN in the Spirit
    Now your BORN AGAIN

    Jesus told Nicodemus you must be BORN AGAIN , Nicodemus responds do I need to be reborn again in my mother womb? No !
    Just BELIEVE
    This is Being Born the Spirit

    Jesus Loves You , He came to the earth To Save You from your Sins .
    Believing is being Born in the Spirit
    Now Your BORN AGAIN

    Don’t play the part of the Hypocrite , Turn From Sin

    It Doesn’t matter the deed or crime , the orgy. Who or how many.
    You are not good ( this is the base)
    GOD is good He Is Perfect 🤔 He is The ONLY ONE WHO IS PERFECT !!! HE IS GOD
    Our goodness at its BEST is like filthy rags compared to GOD’S .
    GOD came down to be born of a virgin , in the form of baby JESUS , To Die on the CROSS for our SINS . He SAVED US from OUR selves, Past , Present and Future Sins , that we could go to Heaven to be with HIM .
    Have NO FEAR

    Description of Hell
    Hell was created for Satan and his fallen angels .
    The Bible Called hell the Lake of Fire. Reading this I could not imagine where hell was , then one day , the light bulb went off , I ran outside and Looked up what did is see the SUN it makes perfect sense JESUS BECOMES
    The SON is the SUN

    Hell was not made for Humans but through their choices 😳

    We have the Right to Reject JESUS ( UNBELIEVERS ) Will go to Hell

    Giving person a body to take extreme Heat , being Alone , no one to talk to, total darkness , No water to cool the lips , no way to warn your Family 😲

    Only Believers will enter Heaven

    Want to know what is happening on the earth today with Israel and Palestine

    The Book of Revelation
    I am a bad reader , it takes 1.5 hours to read Revelation

    Proof that Jews are the chosen people . THEY’RE STILL HERE 😃

    People are running around trying to get rich or to make a name ,
    Seek JESUS while you can .

    Who Gain the whole world and loose your own Soul 🥲🥲🥲

    Jesus Loves you
    You are BORN in the Spirit
    Now your BORN AGAIN

    Jesus told Nicodemus you must be BORN AGAIN , Nicodemus responds do I need to be reborn again in my mother womb? No !
    Just BELIEVE
    This is Being Born the Spirit

    Jesus Loves You , He came to the earth To Save You from your Sins .
    Believing is being Born in the Spirit
    Now Your BORN AGAIN

    Don’t play the part of the Hypocrite , Turn From Sin

    It Doesn’t matter the deed or crime , the orgy. Who or how many.
    You are not good ( this is the base)
    GOD is good He Is Perfect 🤔 He is The ONLY ONE WHO IS PERFECT !!! HE IS GOD
    Our goodness at its BEST is like filthy rags compared to GOD’S .
    GOD came down to be born of a virgin , in the form of baby JESUS , To Die on the CROSS for our SINS . He SAVED US from OUR selves, Past , Present and Future Sins , that we could go to Heaven to be with HIM .
    Have NO FEAR

    Description of Hell
    Hell was created for Satan and his fallen angels .
    The Bible Called hell the Lake of Fire. Reading this I could not imagine where hell was , then one day , the light bulb went off , I ran outside and Looked up what did is see the SUN it makes perfect sense JESUS BECOMES
    The SON is the SUN

    Hell was not made for Humans but through their choices 😳

    We have the Right to Reject JESUS ( UNBELIEVERS ) Will go to Hell

    Giving person a body to take extreme Heat , being Alone , no one to talk to, total darkness , No water to cool the lips , no way to warn your Family 😲

    Only Believers will enter Heaven

    Want to know what is happening on the earth today with Israel and Palestine

    The Book of Revelation
    I am a bad reader , it takes 1.5 hours to read Revelation

    Proof that Jews are the chosen people . THEY’RE STILL HERE 😃

    People are running around trying to get rich or to make a name ,
    Seek JESUS while you can .

    Who Gain the whole world and loose your own Soul 🥲🥲🥲

    Jesus Loves you
    You are BORN in the Spirit
    Now your BORN AGAIN

    Jesus told Nicodemus you must be BORN AGAIN , Nicodemus responds do I need to be reborn again in my mother womb? No !
    Just BELIEVE
    This is Being Born the Spirit

    Jesus Loves You , He came to the earth To Save You from your Sins .
    Believing is being Born in the Spirit
    Now Your BORN AGAIN

    Don’t play the part of the Hypocrite , Turn From Sin

  6. You keep putting out this garbage, and I'm finished with you making money under false pretenses. Nobody gives a fu*k about an incident w/o a conclusion. Were charges dropped? are they still pending? Why didn't you find out before posting? YOUR TURNING OUT TO BE A
    POS. If you don't understand, then you must be sick. UNSCRIBING !

  7. And the women there, think that's OK. Why do people stand around and allow that to happen?

    If it happens to him, it will happen to you. We have to start standing up for us because those pigs are against law-abiding citizens ..

  8. Wow absolute 1 st amendment violation . Look at the fools cheering it on, the Gay community was able thrive using the first amendment protections among others and enjoyed having a different point of view. Isn’t that the hypocrisy of people that’s why all of mankind’s government, and movements have failed with no success in 5;000 years

  9. While their speech and views are disgusting, they must be permitted when nonviolent and nonthreatening. But when the police violate the 1a, they violate America's most precious, foundational value. Maybe law enforcement needs to be professionalized, made respectable, and meet the needs of the community in a civilized manner because most municipalities clearly aren't able to consistently retain sensible LEOs or train them properly.

  10. It is absolutely disgusting to see a police officer – an agent of the executive branch of our government btw – literally piss on the graves of every single man and woman who have sacrificed their lives in service to our country. Every single founding father – piss all over their faces. Every single Revolutionary War “Minute Men,” every single U.S. soldier in the war of 1812, every single soldier in the U.S. civil war in which both sides wished to continue the same vision of freedom from subjective judgments of a tyrant, a single monarch, without proper representation although they completely disagreed on what a “man” was. Obviously, the “right” side won since we now, in the 21st century, 😮intellectually accept that ALL races and sexes are completely equal – even though this concept has not been 100% emotionally and socially accepted. What about the US Soldiers and doughboys in WWI in the heart of the conflict in France? What about the U.S. airmen, seamen, marines and Army Soldiers that fought so bravely on D-Day, in Bastogne, in Germany, in the Pacific, in the bogs and swamps of SE Asia, on ships fighting Kamikaze devils all over the South Pacific, how about Korea? Feel like a history lesson? Good. Because THAT is what is MISSING. These young punks that are now cops never learned what are freedoms and rights are, how they became legal, who fought to ensure we have them and why they are sacred. That’s the only explanation for this action by this lame brain police “officer.” Either that or they have no morals and ethics. What happened to, “I may disagree strongly with every word you say but I will fight to my last breath to ensure you have THE RIGHT TO SAY IT!” What happened to that patriotic AMERICAN attitude towards our rights? Now we have thrown it all away and are accepting that the only speech that it allowed is what we AGREE with!?! It’s ridiculous. It’s anti-American, people! Please go back to school.

  11. I dont like the alphabet warriors they shove thete agenda down our throats and leave the children alone weirdos and this cop should be fired im sick of cops breaking the law

  12. In situations like this I have no problems with people taking matters into their own hands especially when dealing with ignorant tyrants like this. They are outnumbered and should do what they need to do when someone is being kidnapped. Old school.

  13. It’s funny how some people know what god wants. How full of themselves can they be. Even though I don’t like people against anyone else’s choice it is still legal no matter how bigoted they are.

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