Arrested in 20 Seconds! | No Charges – Everything Law and Order Blog

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27 thoughts on “Arrested in 20 Seconds! | No Charges”
  1. 😂 Vallejo police Department has been well known for violation of the 4th amendment for years . This is not news. That city file for bankruptcy back in the early 2000’s . And that police department was part of the problem.

  2. Dam it didn't take that cop long to escalate the situation that guy was not showing any threat to him. As usual the cop immediately got aggressive and assaulted the guy for no apparent reason. It's just disgusting how some cops treat people and wonder why they are hated.

  3. Even if someone “possibly has a weapon”; that doesn’t necessarily make them dangerous. Is it not the rights of American citicitizens carry and keep arms? I’m assuming every single cop they ever come into contact with who is off duty is also carrying. What makes them more special than anyone else?

  4. Some one, some time, some where will be mistreated by a policeman and the person mistreated sees the officer days later out of uniform and in public. Then the officer gets his ass whipped.! It is just a matter of time.

  5. Why is it cops think they can tell you how to walk talk and where to put your hands they have jurisdiction over you until your arrested or detained the cop violated several of his rights,cops like him does not need to be a cop,cops has to be made to understand they can't dictate to you to do anything it's that power thing it just go's to show any cop from west va. Are bigger thugs than any crook they stay in the news and it's never about anything good theyrebjust a bunch of hillbilly assholes

  6. When people say they dont use drugs, they use drugs. Of course cop paranoid mentality. Why would somebody say that when it can be easily proven. I never had a big problem with cops because I never had much interactions with them. But several years ago i had a couple living in my neighborhood and saw their cocky mannerisms. About 20yrs ago it got terrible, they became a army even in my small town of less than ten thousand. But they still cant stop the crazy drivers or the wrecks on the 2 main roads. They've got great cars and gear😂

  7. I still say that there should be absolutely no way for an officer to turn off his body cam. 100% coverage during the shift. the only thing that prevents that from happening. is when they need to relieve themselves. My place of employment has cameras everywhere being in the automotive industry. They are used to investigate when injuries occur, how they happened. Also there are components for catalytic converters which are very costly, which get stolen often.

  8. He knows the guy is intoxicated yet attacked the guy for not properly understanding instructions. That's US policing. They even shoot drunk people dead for not following instructions. Even as they are lying on the ground surrounded by cops. They put a terrified drunk guy in Phoenix lying on the ground in his underwear through an obstacle course of putting his hands up while also ordering him to crawl… 6 cops surrounding him pointing guns shouting mixed instructions at him. Then they killed him for "reaching for something" when he pulled up his underwear. All to keep police safe… of course. It's organized crime under the pretense of fighting crime.

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