Art Curator Stalked by Schizophrenic Man Pushes for Change in Law – Crime Watch Daily

Art Curator Stalked by Schizophrenic Man Pushes for Change in Law   – Crime Watch Daily

Lenora Claire speaks with Andrea Isom about her terrifying stalking ordeal.

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43 thoughts on “Art Curator Stalked by Schizophrenic Man Pushes for Change in Law – Crime Watch Daily

  1. 5:40 I had them follow me too this is a joke. Point out this clip is 8 yrs old I was talking for 2 decades about Law enfo preying on me no way to report included on other stalkers. They blame me for it happening. Again law enfo did in riverside in 2016-17 as well. I get it a lot. I don't know these people at all. Pre before anyone talked lasd gangs due to the misogyny left women out of the convo when it was me told people in 2001 first it was rel to law enfor on women. They la co knew for decades it was women in la co were told chose to instead ignore it look at me like the problem. Purposeful kamala too. She was to get my reports purposeful act to ward it off she got forced into presidency all a fraud. Big story targets on me pretending to act concerned.

  2. I had the same thing he was reported to cops multi times he stalked celebs too. Our stalker stalked me for 2 years. Lasd gangs thought it was hilarious he wanted to light me on fire. Worst thing to find out now he lives near by unknowingly. He also made threats to president on twitter long ago. He always wants to light people on fire. I use to have the same red hair as Lenora as it was happening oddly enough. Similar stuff. No media on it everyone thinks I deserve it an it was hilarious. He went to my 2 different bosses they threatened him he just does not care. Called self superman too. He is a sociopath also was autistic somehow worked at the la school district. Thank Lasd gangs for that hot mess probably lapd cuz other victims that reported him nothing was ever done except they made a threat to me to call him an tell him to stop and recorded it. If I didn't they said they wouldnt do anything. They didn't do anything anyways. I don;t even know the guy. random fan.

  3. We have to wait until he kills you first before we can protect you. That makes the paperwork easier. Sorry you died, we will reform things better for the next person.

  4. LOL this is that same girl who is always on different "reality" shows, but always playing a different character each time lmfao, which proves how "real" those shows are 🤣🤣
    She's so self-obsessed it's actually hilarious.

  5. Schizophrenia is a terrible illness, so many people suffer with it, in so many different ways, whether that be in their mind, psychotically, or believing in religion and non beings etc.
    Help is out there people.
    It’s so sad to see!

  6. these people are complete unhinged ! they lie and are very good at it! the stalker who IS doing it is claiming the victim status so she can frame us to shift the blame off her! i know the truth and this person does and will not stop no matter how many phones i change or towns i move to they still invade!

  7. It's not her looks. I've heard of a teenage boy stalking a grandmother he worked with a Walmart. He was obsessed with her. Just bizarre how just someone can just pick someone for some weird or unknown reason, maybe even unknown to themselves, and just fixate on them.

  8. For anyone who has never dealt with a stalker: You can't begin to imagine how awful it is to live that way, knowing that you have a target on your back 24/7/365. And in many cases, including my own, the stalker is out there telling the world that we are doing it to them. Being stalked is not something you would wish on your worst enemy.

  9. Kertis and his friend suspect (female) who stalker on me he has owner dog and he or she either watch on me. Police told me need evidencepics or texts . My life been hell and I has anxiety and worry since 14 years it doesn’t go away. It feel like hell of evil world 🙁

  10. No healthy, well adjusted, sane person stalks people. Stalking should be a serious crime. It often leads to assault and even murder. People who stalk have no place in society.

  11. Not for nothing this guy is a genius stalked the president's daughter I need to meet him lol. How the hell he pulled that off? as for the red head she looks sexy and has a nice rack but I wouldn't stalk it's all make up and enhancements.

  12. "LA weekly people of the year" OH MY FN GOD! YOURE AMAZING! well I'm the top ranked candy crush player Of the decade, for the state of Alabama, city of mobile, north side of moffett road, suit 3, last bedroom on the right. Beat that,

  13. Well, the only person who is in love with her more than her creepy stalker is herself. Certain parts of stories like these usually leaves me with a few details, and they are, stalker (of course) and 4 or 5 things about herself that she makes a point to say like, top 10 something in LA, which made the word liar come out, imo. And I don't want to pretend that this case isn't serious. It is and I hope she is safe, but I feel like she is more focused on her resume and booking a job, more than getting this creep.she made me think of her as an instigator instead of a victim and I dont like thinking that way. I don't need her to remind me that she's attractive, damn I hate people.

  14. I rolled my eyes when she states that she's popular? Absolutely no one knows her or cares. I have a feeling she loved the attention any way she could get it. He stalked Ivanka Trump than went to lower than skid row for this trailer trash. No!

  15. Im sorry but if she had taken this up with the police sooner then maybe lhe would still be locked up. U let this go on for four years and he contacted u while he was in prison… Come on I thought u were smart

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