Baltimore Man Fights to Clear Name in Girlfriend’s Murder – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Baltimore Man Fights to Clear Name in Girlfriend’s Murder – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Jesse Barnes has been fighting to clear his name for nearly four decades after being convicted of murder.

And when you hear the evidence that locked him up, you might be as outraged as he is. Michelle Sigona reports.

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43 thoughts on “Baltimore Man Fights to Clear Name in Girlfriend’s Murder – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Mr. Barnes my heart breaks for you. I'm so sorry that our justice system took away your life and failed to bring justice to your girlfriend's killer. You have such a beautiful soul-even after everything you have been through in your life, sir. I wish I could hug you. Sending so much love to you and your family!!

  2. This reminds me of that episode in Homicide life in the streets where they forced a boy to confess to murdering his friend when it indeed was a cop that did it.

  3. Not only do they shit on him once by locking him up with next to no evidence for 40 fuckin years, they then shit on him again by letting him out but still saying hes guilty so they dont have to hand him at least a couple million dollars in compensation. I feel terrible for this guy. I hope he gets the verdict overturned and the state is forced to pay up

  4. This is common. Back in those days, they used intimidation to get confessions. There's plenty of ppl still incarcerated that experienced the same thing!!!! I hope the best for this man!!!#

  5. 40 years 😥 – my heart breaks. It's just so sad because it is something that still happens today – people going to prison for decades for absolutely no reason.

    Whilst I know that there are a lot of GREAT policemen and policewomen out there, there also seems to be some that chooses to abuse their power of position and it's not on.
    I hope that your story helps/encourages those who work in authority to rather be more loving and more compassionate 🤷🏾‍♀️.

    God bless you, your beautiful wife and family.
    I wish you all nothing but the best 🙏🏾

  6. In those days laws were more against blacks then now.. police didn’t care nothing about who actually did the killing, but more so they had a suspect and that was it.. Forget about a complete investigation..or bringing who actually did this to justice… He was under pressure for 32 hours being told to confess to this or else. No one could understand his reasons until you are a young poor black man back in that time frame. He couldn’t grieve for his childhood girl and that’s the sad part..The system once again felled both Cynthia and Jesse… Jesse Barnes God had a plan for you and ur story has touch me thanks for sharing

  7. Oh my Lord!!!! Poor guy….hes no longer poor man but BLESSED!!!! you are in my prayers. And the lady who stuck by him all these years…WOW what a wonderful woman she is. You are all in my prayers.

  8. Thats funny you just said that, because right before you did i was thinking i bet it's because they don't want to pay him out they probably are thinking well he's pretty old now if we don't clear him yet maybe we won't have to.!!

  9. Lord my first time seeing this and it's heart breaking.While some of us could never understand how one could confess to a crime they didn't commit.This does happen may God continue to bless you sir!So sorry that you had to endure this.

  10. This sucks. This poor man was railroaded. This just pisses me off to no end. I know a lot of cops do their job and do it exceptionally well but this happens way to often even now, all these years later. I'd rather no one be charged for a loved ones murder than an innocent person be convicted. I've had 2 very close friends murdered and both are still unsolved but I'd rather it be that way than for an innocent person be blamed.

  11. Hi Mr Jessie god bless yu I'm going through the same thing going with my husband he's been locked up for 15 years and he got denied this year also for his Parole Butt this year THE DNA CRIME LAB SENT HIM A LETTER telling him they no DNA FROM HIM he's INNOCENT so he's appealed it Butt I hate to bother yu Butt do you know how he can get lawyer who will HELP HIM GET OUT YU TAKE CARE also .

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