Be Careful What You Open in Your Spam Folder! – Everything Law and Order Blog

The first 100 people to use code PLEASANTGREEN at the link below will get 20% off of Incogni:

You ever gone through your spam folder and actually tried responding to some of that stuff? I did! And this video tells you what I learned.

If you want a great website that will scan URL’s for you, check out

If you want to learn more about Black Axe, check out this BBC documentary:

If you want a great tool to grab people’s IP addresses, check out


43 thoughts on “Be Careful What You Open in Your Spam Folder!”
  1. I almost clicked on a link because it said your package has been held up for whatever reason click this link to enter your information and I had just bought something off of eBay I don't buy off of Amazon I buy off of eBay
    I remember a scammer had called me pretending to be Amazon and wanted some information and I said I don't buy off of Amazon I buy off of eBay a minute later they called from the exact same phone number and said hello this is eBay we need your information I said I don't buy from eBay I buy from Amazon
    I really want to know where the link would have taken me but I didn't click it

  2. Coming late to the party, but I would advise NOT opening any of the spam emails. It will often show on their end your mail account is active and will send you more spam or worse. Glance over the spam emails to see whether a genuine email was sent there by mistake and delete all if not. I am never that bored to go through the spam for fun. And this was probably unnecessary video with a wrong request at the end. Plus the incogni service cannot clear the dark web of your data. You are paying for a plaster over a tumour. Shame.

  3. Well, some has led me to you Pleasant.. I got a curious e-mail to saying;"Hello there! Have you ever considered the idea of letting AQUAFINA use your car for some advertising? It's pretty simple really – all you have to do is give us permission to stick one of our cute stickers on your vehicle. And guess what? You could potentially earn up to $700 every week just by going about your daily drives with it! Intriguing, right? Click on the link to apply" The link looks real as when you click on it takes you to a full page form to sign up, and of course they want your bank account information.If it were real would you see a bunch of cars with AQUAFINA in the window?😒😒Thanks, and keep up the good work..

  4. Crazy how much effort they put into these schemes with multiple websites, texts, phone numbers, emails, and photoshopping a bunch of shit…

    Like, I wonder if it’s fun for them to role playing and make all this shit up for them. Guess since they have nothing else to do over in Nigeria

  5. I once was looking for a girlfriend. Started talking to a girl that was smoking hot on plenty of fish she said she needed a place to live and if I would let her live with me she would be my girlfriend. She lived in Florida and was going to drive up and move into my apartment didn't ask for gas money or anything so I don't know if it really was a scam but the day after she left Florida I got a call from a sheriff's department in Tennessee that she had been arrested and said that her boyfriend me was going to pay her bail money. I said I have no idea who you're talking about I've never met that girl in my life and immediately blocked her

  6. Enjoyed watching this year old video. I was a scambater a little while back, got the phasing email. Kept the spam going, I have a 90+ pdf of what is happening plus fake documents I made up that they never look at that made it more fun for me. I even died and my lawyer took over, then I came back to life and it continued. It ended up in court and still continued until the judge wanted to review there documents that ended it. They were the ones the quit.

  7. I successfully waisted almost a month of a scammers time on a scam years ago. I was selling a 12” audio speaker on Craigslist. Scammer hits me up saying he wants it. Pay full price. But he doesn’t live near me. He’s gonna have someone ship it. So he will send me a check. I gave him my name, Barry Marootner. You know, “Burry My Root in Her”. So he sends me four $1,000 checks and wants me to cash, keep my $250, and then send the rest of the money to his shipper in Indiana. I’m in Oregon. So it takes a week or so to get checks. Looked legit. I pretended to deposit checks and waiting for them to clear. That took another week. My Bank was super slow. Then after letting him know I had the money he gave me the info to send money. I was supposed to send western union. So I waisted another couple days telling the guy I was super busy and was going to get to it when I had the time. At first he was being nice cause he wanted the money. Then he started getting pushy. I think he was worried my bank was gonna contact me soon about fake checks. So I googled to find out how many numbers in the western union info that I needed to send to him. I think it was 9 numbers and letters. I gave him the number I made up and he got back to me saying it didn’t work. I just typed it wrong I guess. I did this a couple times before letting him know that I misplaced the receipt with the number but thought I had it written down correctly. The guy was getting really pissed and blasting my phone saying he’d harm me since he has my address. Then the moment hit, the time I get to tell him I knew he was a scammer. I told him that I knew he was a scammer and that I had known from the very first message he had sent me. He blasted me telling me to kindly go fu*k myself in a broken English kinda way. What a rush. I had the checks framed and on my wall for a year or so and then donated the checks and frame to a goodwill. So I sit here wondering if someone has a frame with four checks in it with the name Barry Marootner. That was my success story.

  8. Confused we always were told not to click the unsubscribe button in these emails
    Do then not theses apps also just confirm that it’s an active account

    Prag is at least the server country my scams come from
    Renew driving license or car registration
    Don’t got either sunshine
    Oh and why my own ISP don’t block emails with their name as sender

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