Beloved Mail Carrier Murdered – Crime Watch Daily

Beloved Mail Carrier Murdered – Crime Watch Daily

Pat LaLama has the story.

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47 thoughts on “Beloved Mail Carrier Murdered – Crime Watch Daily

  1. Samantha Betz said “She had to get the superintendent to open his door because it was locked…but not signs of forced entry…so who locked the door on their way out?”

    That’s what I want to know.🧐🤔🧐🤔

  2. Huh 🤔 someone slashed his tire and they didn’t think to look into that because they don’t believe it’s connected. The killer is out there living their best life because of sloppy investigative work

  3. The daughter must have done it because she practically laughs/smirks through the entire video 😯

    Soooo annoying . . makes me think of wiping that hideous grin off her face with a hammer.

    Okay . . I'm done venting.

  4. Such a weird feeling. Sept 17th, 2007, the day of the murder was my first day at university. I remember that day so well, what I did etc.. Feels weird that the same day this happened.

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