Samantha Betz said “She had to get the superintendent to open his door because it was locked…but not signs of forced entry…so who locked the door on their way out?”
That’s sad someone took that girls dad away. I bet her father dated the ex wife or a girlfriend of one of the public workers. And he threatened that girls dad.
„You could tell it was a ‚ lil‘ violent“….That was more than just a little violent my friend. Some individuals shouldn‘t be allowed to speak to the media.
Being well loved at work is motive for jealousy too let's not rule that out. We know there are a fare share of haters on the job. Someone who knew his days off.
Huh someone slashed his tire and they didn’t think to look into that because they don’t believe it’s connected. The killer is out there living their best life because of sloppy investigative work
Such a weird feeling. Sept 17th, 2007, the day of the murder was my first day at university. I remember that day so well, what I did etc.. Feels weird that the same day this happened.
Maybe his girlfriend ex boyfriend
I have no clue who will kill this man
Samantha Betz said “She had to get the superintendent to open his door because it was locked…but not signs of forced entry…so who locked the door on their way out?”
That’s what I want to know.

So sad rip Steven
Gf did it period
#boredbitchartwork #shareabeads #blackKittenlove #Sagittarius83 #virgo01 #vibes #energy #balance #comfort #happy #confidence #beauty #pic #green #son #mom #freespirit #thankful #crochet #Holidays #sisterhood
So very sad
I have a feeling the girlfriend was involved. It's always the spouse or girlfriend. She obviously hired a hit man.
That’s sad someone took that girls dad away. I bet her father dated the ex wife or a girlfriend of one of the public workers. And he threatened that girls dad.
„You could tell it was a ‚ lil‘ violent“….That was more than just a little violent my friend. Some individuals shouldn‘t be allowed to speak to the media.
God knows who committed this murder
They may not pay in this life, but a much worse fate awaits them on the other side !
My bet is Mail boi got killed by some house wife's husband…

His tires were slashed and the girlfriends windows were broken and police think it’s unrelated……you really can’t fix stupid omfg
The thumb nail looked like Adam Sandler
“It was just a little gruesome” uhhh-Understatement much?!?!?
has anybody looked into FedEx's possible involement?
Check into the girlfriends past
"she seems like your normal girlfriend" – oh, so she's the number one suspect then?
Why do you always say “closure”? There’s never closure! only some sort of justice
Crap police, talking like he knows stuff. Find his killer!
I feel so bad for his daughter she grew up to be a beautiful young woman without a father I can’t imagine
Being well loved at work is motive for jealousy too let's not rule that out. We know there are a fare share of haters on the job. Someone who knew his days off.
someone slashed his tire and they didn’t think to look into that because they don’t believe it’s connected. The killer is out there living their best life because of sloppy investigative work
You can see the daughter is so proud of him
It's a shame that there has to award offered for someone to speak up!
The subtitle will make you laugh I dare you to turn it on. Tamara but according to subtitle its TOMORROW!
RIP Stephen, and my heart goes out to his daughter
Must be ex girlfriend or who she screwed to get it done
She had to get the superintendent to open his door because it was locked…but not signs of forced entry…so who locked the door on their way out?
Idk y but Steven looks like Adam standler
He looks like Adam Sandler
Our Prayers.
Skyler, I pray that you get justice for your precious Dad.
The daughter must have done it because she practically laughs/smirks through the entire video
Soooo annoying . . makes me think of wiping that hideous grin off her face with a hammer.
Okay . . I'm done venting.
I was hoping for an update on this but it looks unsolved still
God bless his beautiful daughter! Losing a parent is a very hard pill to swallow and I pray she gets closure
any update?
“Someone tried to hurt daddy” no honey, somebody butchered daddy.
Such a weird feeling. Sept 17th, 2007, the day of the murder was my first day at university. I remember that day so well, what I did etc.. Feels weird that the same day this happened.
I think Tamara did it or knows who did.
I dont like the daughter
Nothing about the forensic evidence?
What a pretty daughter he had.
He looks like Adam Sandler
Yes check out whoever bashed the girlfriend's car, could be a jealous ex sad