Pam Hupp, the woman who once pointed the finger at Russ Faria in the murder investigation of his wife, now has fingers pointed at her.
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Pam Hupp, the woman who once pointed the finger at Russ Faria in the murder investigation of his wife, now has fingers pointed at her.
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Pampig P A M P I G P A M P I G P I G P A M
What is your answer? Wo Wo Wo…. lol
This woman is a vile psychopath and would kill anyone. No doubt she stabbed that woman herself. She wouldn’t trust anyone else to not f up unless she could also kill them.
This is one of the most UNBELIEVABLE, CRAZY, and INSANE cases I’ve seen in awhile. I mean I’m not going to bash the Cops from this County (nor any other MOST Cops are just trying to do their jobs and get home to their loved ones) HOWEVER……These had to be some of the easiest marks, and easily manipulated bunch I’ve seen. (Ok, I guess I am going to do a little bashing sorry!) But these guys had such a hard on for Russ Faria (the husband) that they missed the friggin psycho right in front of them the whole time. I mean this wench manipulated EVERY SINGLE PERSON within 30 miles and McDonalds and it STILL took YEARS, and several more crimes and dead body’s before they got it right!
I mean this old crone didn’t just kill Betsy, she DESTROYED the relationships between friends, and family members. And ESPECIALLY, the main one between Russ and HIS daughters. Yes I said HIS DAUGHTERS. Because they Loved him like their own blood, and had called him Dad from the time they were in grade school. And that damage can never be erased. I know Russ felt abandoned, and HE WAS ABANDONED by all of the people that SHOULD HAVE BEEN SUPPORTING HIM. But the old ugly Pam Hupp was able to lie, and manipulate all of these people. It was DISGUSTING! I mean she was ALLOWED to be a smart ass ON THE WITNESS STAND. The judge NEVER CALLED HER ON IT, and that horrible DA at the time was almost as crooked. It is TERRIBLE that some people are just allowed to misuse the Justice System to their advantage. I mean it’s like watching a Trump on the stand. These kinds of people think that the rules don’t apply to them. This is SO WRONG PEOPLE! So wrong!
And to top it off, my sources say that she’s doing the same kind of crap in prison. She’s lying and pitting women against each other for her own evil amusement. I mean what can one say….but WOW! One day WE ALL will have to answer for our own sins. And there will be NO WAY TO MANIPULATE GOD ALMIGHTY! No way AT ALL!
Wow. What an Arrogant, disrespectful WITCH!!
Pure EVIL!! Hard to believe people like her lurk around every corner!!!
Makes no sense. She could of named the children directly as beneficiaries, that Pam bitch is dirty
she's so petty about the money
shw could at least gave the girla 10,000 a piece and told them putting the rest in some offshore accounts or something for them. she didn't give them a dime 
just petty
Pam Hupp is fucked now.

She knows it's over the moment she admitted in court to lying to anyone who asked too many questions about the money…
The way she scrunches up her face in that moment is almost the opposite of "doopers delight". It was a scoul. She always has that Joker-esque smile on her face. That was the "real" Pam Hupp.
These kinda of things make you wonder how many people are rotting in jail for a crime they didn’t commit… Horrible system

What made her think she had the right to that money.. totally insane
Betsy's life insurance policy named her husband as the beneficiary. Pam changed the beneficiary to herself because she claimed Betsy wanted the money to go to her daughters. It that were the case she could have put it in a trust for them and named them as beneficiaries. I think Betsy wanted her husband to have the money and trusted him to take care of their girls. I don't think anything Pam said about the change in beneficiary can be trusted. She was also known to forge signatures previously.
That fatty lazy butt police officers arrested tether husband without find any basic investigation.. sick
Juries are dumb
They need to sue the insurance company the police and the prosecutor who brainwashed them into testifying against the wrong person.
Pam Hupp is one despicable woman!
And how was she collecting disability and flipping houses at the same time?
I hope that the maker of this series will give $150K to her daughters. I can't believe the judge did make Crazy Lady sell her home and cars to pay them.
So calculated
Hupp is a HORRIBLE so called "human being."
God bless Chris Hayes for being a true journalist. There's not many real ones left today.