Bikram Choudhury case: One-time attorney to yoga pioneer speaks out

Bikram Choudhury case: One-time attorney to yoga pioneer speaks out

Bikram Choudhury, the guru behind the wildly popular fitness craze Bikram Yoga is now being called a monster hiding a dirty, depraved secret. One of his alleged victims was the attorney the yogi brought in to protect his mighty empire, until she became his target too.



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20 thoughts on “Bikram Choudhury case: One-time attorney to yoga pioneer speaks out

  1. I remember watching a docu on this dude and his former lawyer was so strong willed and defended him to the death. To see her call him out and take him to court is awesome. He’s such a freaking predatory creep!

  2. Im seeing the pattern here. Just like Uber and Lyft a company starts producing money and people start to sue. Everyone wants a piece of the pie. Why would a millionaire rape the whores that are saying he did?

  3. Please abstain from using the term “yogi” to refer to this person. A big problem is the sensationalizing of a completely misconstrued idea of what yoga actually is that is a major variable in this little person from India convincing naive westerners of the “magic of bikram yoga”!!! Please do some fact checking before you misuse terms. It only negates the credibility of your reporting. Thank you 🙏🏼

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