‘Blind Rage’: Murder and Family Intrigue in an Arkansas City (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

‘Blind Rage’: Murder and Family Intrigue in an Arkansas City (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

Crime Watch Daily investigates a story that involves sin, sex and a family rivalry gone horribly wrong.

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18 thoughts on “‘Blind Rage’: Murder and Family Intrigue in an Arkansas City (Pt. 2) – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I don't feel like he did it I think the cops set him up because he is gay I feel like they went in there and murdered his mother to make it look like a hateful hateful crime so they can blame it on him just because he is gay and I didn't like it now that's a damn shame but that's just my opinion

  2. Please don't scream at me for this. I'm only reporting it for those who study crimes. I believe "back then", especially in areas like the deep South, people who were homophobic believed that gay men could & would go into "gay hysterics". What was meant by that was the belief that a gay man could/would suddenly just lose all self-control & they'd fly into a homicidal rage. They'd just start killing or hurting people left & right & have the strength of 5-10 men. We can laugh when we hear of such stupid ideas now, thankfully. But consider this. How can you defend yourself against ideas like that? And if one was black & gay?! I just can't even imagine the hell those guys were put through!

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