Body Cam shows JUDGE flip out at Traffic Stop – now charged with abusing authority – Everything Law and Order Blog

A West Virginia Circuit Court judge has been charged with violating the rules of judicial conduct after he verbally accosted a young police officer in his jurisdiction who had pulled him over for allegedly using his cell phone while driving and abusing his power. I obtained the raw body cam footage. This happened in Moorefield, West Virginia. During the stop, the judge calls the officer’s supervisor and allegedly attempts to stop the issuance of a ticket. After the stop he makes even more phone calls, and even shows up at the mayor’s house later that evening. He was investigated and charged by judicial disciplinary authorities.
#JudicialMisconduct #BodyCam #TrafficStops

Read the Statement of Charges:

Here’s an article in the West Virginia Record about the situation:


47 thoughts on “Body Cam shows JUDGE flip out at Traffic Stop – now charged with abusing authority”
  1. While the judge is entitled and acting like a baby, I find the officer to be ridiculous all the same. I have not finished the entire video yet, but I am appalled by both of their behavior.

    The officer is not only pulling the guy over just for holding the phone in his hand even though he wasn’t looking at it while he was driving, and on top of that he just keeps droning on and on about the judge having an attitude problem, repeating himself a million times…

    Why does this officer think that people need to be happy about being pulled over and ticketed? We are legally allowed to be pissed off. It seems pretty obvious that the officer wanted the judge to smile and be happy and kiss his arse for being pulled over and ticketed.

    The moment the judge said to give him a ticket, the the officer should’ve went and written the damned dumb ticket and be done with it, instead of prolonging the interaction unnecessarily and desperately trying to force the judge to give the officer respect/fishing for an apology.

    The officer literally sounds like a baby: “Why are you being like this? Waahhh!”


    For the reasons stated above, we impose the following sanctions:

    (1) Respondent is suspended from his position as

    circuit judge in the Twenty-second Judicial Circuit

    for a period of six months, without pay;

    (2) Respondent will maintain compliance with the

    JLAP monitoring agreement for a period of two

    years, violation of which is reportable to the JIC;

    (3) Respondent is censured;

    (4) Respondent is ordered to pay a fine of $5,000; and

    (5) Respondent is ordered to pay the costs of this

    disciplinary proceeding, except that Respondent is

    not responsible for the costs associated with Dr.

    Clayman’s review of VCAP records.

    Six-month suspension without pay and other sanctions ordered

  3. Judge is one hundred percent right. It’s all a pile of nonsense. Now, how does he rule this situation when it comes up in his court room. In favour of the blood sucking government or common sense.

    What about everyone driving and drinking and eating or holding something else?

  4. Didn't he say he lost it you didn't lose it it was in your car you didn't have to pick it up yet because you're not going to use it in your car you can pick it up when you stop

  5. Wow. Insane. It was bad enough he called the lt. But the chief of police? And the mayor? Pulled her out of her house to talk fir 45 mins? Glad he got pulled into the jic and can't preside over criminal case involving said police dept. Thank you for this lengthy follow-up!!!

  6. He should be struck off the Bench….he is not abiding by the Law….he abused a law enforcement officer

    If I was that officer, I would start to think that he's hiding something else too.
    Look how he was Shaking with Rage from the offset

    Disgusting behaviour ALL round.

  7. All cops should be made to use their radios to communicate any information relating to a stop of a citizen, cops shouldn't be able to have personal ph on the job only a work issued phone any calls made or received on that phone should be recorded apart from personal or family calls that should only have the number logged and duration of the call

  8. I wonder how many times people charged with using their cell phones while driving have been brought before this judge and he's said these officers this is wrong what your doing is wrong you people use yours phones all the time while driving case dismissed

  9. 7:09 The judge nailed it (his ERROR/ his traffic crime) when he demonstrated “what he actually DID”! He said He REACHED DOWN ~~ thus demonstrating WHY it’s illegal and DANGEROUS to have something in your hand while driving ~~ could be any THING.”

  10. That judge should have been made to apologize to the officer, face to face, in front of the chief or mayor. Everytime he was pulled over he had broken the law for things other than the actual stop, such as an expired license. I'm glad he was disciplined.
    People like him, go around thinking they are better than other citizens and should be treated differently. He didn't get a ticket in any of the incidents you talked about, so he should be more grateful to the police department

  11. Yesterday was very disrespectful. But I feel like the trooper was escalating the situation after he got the license and registration The Trooper should have walked away and start one in his license. The trooper was being petty 😮

  12. The very idea that this judge put into motion a series of things in order to get the officer fired should in and of itself cause his own termination as a judge. When someone in this authority and capacity wants an officer fired for being calm, enforcing the law, and not in any way being disrespectful to this individual; it should result in the judge's termination. We don't need any Hitlers in our judicial system.

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