Body Language Expert Breaks Down Bodycam of Maddie Soto’s Accused Killer – Everything Law and Order Blog

Body language expert Dr. G explains and breaks down the bodycam video showing Madeline Soto’s mother, Jennifer Soto, and Stephan Sterns, recorded hours after discovering the 13-year-old went missing. Madeline’s mother appears stressed and anxious, desperate to find answers for her daughter, while Sterns’ body language appears to tell another story.

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47 thoughts on “Body Language Expert Breaks Down Bodycam of Maddie Soto’s Accused Killer”
  1. There are some cases where the mother is aware but chooses not to do anything about it as they know they will lose their man if they do….also some mothers have been SA themselves as a child and they are damaged themselves

  2. I'm sorry but I differed from you, I do think she has a lot to do with Madeline's murder, after knowing all the horrible things she allowed him to do to her daughter is shameful and disgusting. She should be investigated totally.

  3. I think that all mothers and fathers has to be responsible for our children and doing the things that she does as simple as you think letting your child sleep with a strange person, this mother is as responsible as the killer. The law has to be more strong with these.

  4. Not sure what to make of this so-called dissection. Throughout the whole footage Jenn is swaying side to side but at 10:28 Dr. G dismisses it again as just anxiety because she was engaging the officers and he says it's not a sign of deception. But as far as I see it, she was nervous the whole time and, as Maddie's mother, was designated to speak with the cops, so of course she didn't want to make it seem like they had something to hide. At no point did Jenn exhibit any worry or haste for the police to find her daughter. At 15:00 she even laughs, while continuing to sway nervously, more exaggerated than Stephan but Dr. G ignores this. Why? To me that's a sign of them trying to assuage the officers and not raise suspicion. It wasn't a laughing matter. I guarantee you that if Stephan was the one talking to the cops while endlessly swaying, everyone would be screaming Chris Watts in the neighbour's house all over again. Dr. G repeatedly points out that Stephan stands back from the police so not to engage with them. We obviously now know why. But, in all fairness, Jenn was the designated speaker so why would he force himself into the conversation? Both Stephan and Jenn knew what happened to Maddie and they had the whole day to perfect their story, which is why Jenn seems so placid IMO. But at 13:19 she messed up by not telling the officer the last time she saw Maddie, thus implicitly agreeing with Stephan that "we" dropped her to school. How involved in her death they both are remains to be seen. Are they both guilty or is one covering up for the other? All we know for sure is that Stephan is defenitely guilty of SA. But it is concerning that Jenn has not been charged as of yet as it is extremely likely that she knew about it based on her refusal to accept it was Stephan in the pictures/evidence that she was shown.

  5. What I noticed mostly are the decrepancies between Body language Dr. G and the verbal analysis of the "Deception Detective", I think his analysis should be published on this channel as well as a matter of fair play.

  6. Jennifer Soto is so plain and dumpy that she sacrifed her daughter to keep a man. She is evil.
    Jennifer never says her daughters name, she has to be asked for it. This woman should be charged also.

  7. The mother checked her email from the school, messaged her teacher, waited at the school, went to another location, was attentive even to the officers radio chatter…a lot of times guilty people inquire or reach out because they know it’s fruitless & there’s no point.

  8. “Hi principle! I’m ok how are you?!” Her daughter’s been missing for over 12 hours!
    I think body language is interesting.. but it’s what people say or don’t say that displays deception. This video has confirmed that for me.

  9. I think it’s possible that she didn’t know EXACTLY what had happened at THIS point in the investigation… her demeanor changes tremendously in the interview in her home. He could have thought he could keep it from her and she may have figured it out or been told by him in between this interview and the next… but she seems very suspicious overall. If she’d been in denial of some truths she didn’t want to acknowledge for herself, they may have all started making sense as this happened… hopefully we will find out soon. Above all, Madeleine deserves justice… and so do the other kids being victimized through this kind of abuse.

  10. 9:28 Yeah the female doesn't look suspicious whatsoever.. I'm surprised people will even pick her out because usually when people at fault they don't engage..
    Some women are oblivious to things that happened or don't want to know.. but have a feeling.

  11. I never suspected the mother. The only thing she did wrong was trust that piece of garbage with her daughter. I don’t know if it’s true but I heard somewhere that the poor girl was pregnant to this creep. That would have blown everything up! So that to me would be motive. Lock him up & throw away the key. Disgusting.

  12. I’ve though since the beginning that based on Jen’s body language she had something to hide. Idk what exactly she knew and for how long before this happened but she is not clueless she must have known something!!!

  13. 15:05 When the officer jokes about the tattoos on minors, they laugh. Laughter is a release valve in highly stressful situations. Notice how much longer it takes for the smile to leave SS’s face than it does JS’s. He obviously needed the laugh to a greater degree than JS. If I were an investigator this would alert me to SS having more tension within him in this situation.

  14. I'm sorry, but I have to disagree with you about Jennifer Soto. The way she keeps looking at the ceiling when she starts talking to the police, seems to me like she's trying to make sure she gets her story straight as if it was rehearsed. I feel like she knows more, but can't say anything because Stephan is there.

  15. She should be at the least charged with child endangerment for giving this freak access to her child. Anyone with kids dating child predators should be held accountable for giving them access to their kids.

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