Bodycam Catches Anne Frank Joke – Ultimate Irony – Everything Law and Order Blog

Remember the video I posted last week showing the building inspection search entry into the woman’s home? Here’s new bodycam of their Anne Frank joke.

Let’s clear up the law on when the government can search your home for an “inspection” as opposed to a criminal investigation…..

Original video:

I’ll post the law to the blog tomorrow….


49 thoughts on “Bodycam Catches Anne Frank Joke – Ultimate Irony”
  1. I can't believe this was completely dismissed by the judge in April. I hope they refile. It looks like it was mostly due to technicalities, but I'm not a lawyer. It was a pretty short 'Ordered' compared to others I've seen.

  2. What idiots don't know the difference between a search warrant and inspection warrant??!!

    I've managed many commercial and residential jobs and never had any police show up to my jobsite!!
    I hope she is able to sue all those officers that were at her house including city officials!

  3. Considering the cops think they have the right to be there and do what they are doing, I don't think the comment was racist. They think there's a hidden room, that is like the holocaust in that they made rooms that were just about impossible to find, matching water stains and making the new construction look old to match the rest. It is also ironic that they said that and they are acting like NAZI's.

  4. This clearly should be elegal. To think it's OK to go in and destroy ones home. I am disgusted and even out raged by watching this. Violations for building codes should not be done without proper actual proof of a violation and should only be allowed with proper representation of the home owner or a legal representation.

  5. No official should be declared "neutral" unless they're not in any official capacity or construct that would tie them back to police, judge, (jury) or any given bias that could be potentially used to tie it back to the bias. Because that's basic tampering.

  6. What if u live in an area where there's no restrictions. Do they have to get a warrant to do a search days later after fire. I ask because I understand what u say about the different searches but just don't know laws if you do have laws on building codes in rural areas, like hunting cabins and the land around it.

  7. Did the homeowner press charges? I really hope that they did. The reason that police are fearful for their safety is because of their actions with the people that they are supposed to protect and serve. You can’t treat a dog badly and expect it to be your friendly pet. The same is true with people. Remember that the police are there to protect and serve you, not lie and trample on your civil rights. It’s time that we petition our government for change, my concern about that is our government is allowing this to happen to further their agenda.

  8. Nobody should be able to enter your home for this. I totally get the reason for buidling permits and maybe there should be some kind of bond when an owner sells their house to protect the next owner against shoddy unpermitted work. Any dangerous work should be detected in a home inspection upon sale.

  9. Based on your excellent explanation of the details and scope of the "warrant" it is clear what we witnessed in this video is a home invasion. Have the perpetrators of this felonious breaking and entering been charged yet?

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