Neurosurgeon Melissa Macias has been arrested for driving drunk … three times. When she was pulled over one night, a blood test revealed her blood alcohol content was more than twice the legal limit. She was scheduled to perform two delicate operations ten hours later.

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By elboriyorker


45 thoughts on “Brain Surgeon Arrested For DUI – Crime Watch Daily with Chris Hansen”
  1. According to the Wisconsin Circuit Court Access website, she is currently involved in a medical malpractice lawsuit.
    Dr. Macias was investigated by the medical boards of both Wisconsin and Texas for having multiple unreported DUI convictions. The Texas Medical Board concluded their investigation in March of 2018.

    The conclusions of the investigation are a matter of open public record and can be found at the following website by typing in her name here:
    *Also be sure to look at and download the PDF copy of the official order of discipline.*

    She has a hair trigger temper and a God complex. Her bedside manner is awful. Her career is on thin ice, as per the disciplinary orders in WI and TX.

    In January 2016, my mother died following neck surgery performed by Dr. Macias. Wisconsin medical malpractice laws prohibited me from suing because my mother was unmarried with no dependant minor children. My mother's death was found to be of "natural causes", and Dr. Macias was "not responsible".

    She sent me a shitty arbicola tree a few days later. I threw it in the fucking trash.

    Two months later, she had her third DUI conviction.

    If you are considering having her do your surgery, DON'T!! Do your research. Google her. Look at online reviews!


  2. Wonder why so many judges take it easy on drunks, esp functioning ones? It's because so many judges are alcoholics, or used to be. Same with federal agents. There is a serious spike in numbers for these fields.

  3. I had no idea that Dr. Macias had been arrested for drunk
    driving prior to the spinal fusion surgery she performed on me in May of 2014.
    This was just 4 months after her January 2014 DUI in Boone County, Illinois. Dr.
    Macias created more problems than fixes when she fused my cervical spine. To
    this day, I still have nerve pain, central disc protrusions and spinal canal
    stenosis because of that fusion and I had to quit work and go on disability due
    to the on-going problems from my surgery. I would have appreciated the hospital
    checking up on their physicians before allowing an alcoholic to perform brain
    and spinal surgeries.

  4. This woman botched my friends surgery! She left my friend severely crippled! She did a spinal surgery on her and screwed it up so bad. This woman has not one, but 3 DUI's. If a normal person did this they would have their med licence revoked indefinitely. It makes me SICK to even think that this woman may have been drunk or hung over when she did my friends surgery. There is not 1 DAY my friend does not have pain because of this woman's negligence. LIKE IF YOU AGREE THIS WOMAN SHOULD BE ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH NEGLIGENCE!

  5. Doctors. Nurses. EMTs Fireman Police Officers& soon& so forth are Human Beings I'm sure many of us would be shocked if we were privy to their Lives. Shame on this Neurosurgeon!!! .207??? & she was scheduled for 2 surgical procedures 12 hours after her arrest?? I would expect the Dr to have had a good alcohol&a good nights sleep followed by a healthy breakfast if she were operating on me!! This "dr" would have failed a breathalyzer before surgery!! Talk about opening yourself up toGod only knows how many lawsuits!!! This is a wake up call for me.. I have had so many Surgeries &My Back Surgery Failed in 2007 when I was only 24 yrs old… I have to have another back surgery.. well I'm going to do what I can & at least run a background check & google my New Neurosurgeon… SMH….. & In her line of work she ought to know 1st hand how Dangerous Drinking & Driving is. & she got away with it BC she has Money… What a Disgraceful Person… She has no respect for her Position or her patients. I'm curious how many times has she done this? 3 That she got caught…. but how many times did she get away with it? & How many people has she operated on while under the influence ????

  6. I just contacted the medical center and let them know what I think about them re-employing her. They condone her repeated misconduct by doing that. Can you imagine being a patient there?

  7. Plenty doctors, police, judges drink that's been debunked. You have construction workers who get tested everyday they're on the job like my step dad. These occupations should have the same rules enforced.

  8. What does this have to do with her being a brain surgeon? Unless she has operated while drunk! Dumb life choices happen to everyone. Addiction is not picky. Stupidity does not skip those with degrees of the highest academic levels.

  9. Does anyone think it's kinda weird how Chris Hanson promotes the show telling us to "record it on your DVR and watch it later that night". Doesn't he think we all get the concept yet of recording something when we are not available and watch it later when we are? After hearing him say it over and over it's kind of odd. Don't ya think?

  10. It doesn't take a brain surgeon to….oh wait

    Oh wait, you're the ones who believe people are better depending on what paper they get in college. She looks like fat trash to me. Get working eyes can't trust fat doctor's and nurses. Jew doctors try to touch me. Fuck all doctor's.

  11. If she was as wealthy as Alice Walton the charges wouldn't of been filed until it was to late, and they would have to be dropped.
    All that money and these people insist on driving…probably daring us peasants to get in the way.
    Alice really sickens me because she has gotten away with it so many times…way to go Texas…keep enforcing those laws, but for the low working class only.!

  12. I was under in impression in almost every state the 3rd DUI is a felony. Idk about you but If I had a felony I wouldn't be able to get a job fucking mopping floors at taco bell, Let alone getting a job around controlled substances and performing brain surgery.

    Just goes to show ya, If you have money you can commit whatever crime you want and get a slap on the wrist.

  13. She’s human like everyone else and obviously has a problem, but how in the hell is she allowed to keep her license?? I’m glad I watched this, just in case I need a neurosurgeon. I hope a lot more people watch it as well.

  14. Her license should have been taken away from her so she's not able to perform brain surgery on anyone unfortunately she still performing surgery and now in Texas she surely do look like she have a drinking problem hopefully she stays clean which I don't think she well she can still hide and drink her face looks very scary

  15. A year? That's all she faces. Aside from the legal aspect, I know that woman spent some of her education or residency in the emergency room. She probably has coworkers that have seen the cost of drunk driver first hand.

    How the HELL do those images not cross her mind? Are you kidding me? I'd be even more cautious if I spent time seeing the results of something.

    That woman needs more than a year behind bars. She can't possibly be so broke she can't call a cab. I would go out once a year for my birthday with the intent of getting drunk, and I got picked up from my house without taking my vehicle, and I got one back home when it was over. That was what, $40 I think because I went about 10 mins out the way.
    And I was a damn cashier at a grocery store.
    That bitch can afford a limo and even afford to have it waiting at her beck and call, hell why even go through all that, you can build a bar in your home or yard and hire a bartender and just party at home.

    Absolutely pitiful. I hate saying it's worse for some people to do things vs others, because that's not really fair to hold people at different levels like that, but really? Brain surgeon? You telling me she ain't ever had a patient from a dui/dwi or texting and driving accident? I've seen the statistics, I call bullshit on that, so yes, I do hold her at a more responsible level.
    Bitch needs to fall off a bridge or something before she ends up costing an innocent life.

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