Breaking – Bodycam Released – Lawsuit Filed Today – Everything Law and Order Blog

Lawsuit filed today. More at the link:

Police Harass Innocent Citizens on Their Porch – Lawsuit Filed Today


41 thoughts on “Breaking – Bodycam Released – Lawsuit Filed Today”
  1. This cop is a prime example John, why I keep commenting on why we have to go back to the beginning, go back to the recruiting process that allows these morons to be deemed acceptable material to be police officers.
    Someone at one stage interviews this guy and thinks he will make a good cop.
    Then after the recruiter, he goes to the academy and is passed through there, after only 6 months training, then he is set free on the public, the rookie he has in tow , you can tell is unsure about the way his boss is acting.
    This is why we see so many arrests as unlawful and so many bad cops.
    It’s because the standards and policies in place are inadequate.
    The level of education is too low, a high school drop out can join the police force, these jocks and bullies, and people who are idiots we all know in high school, get to become cops, the playground in high school is now extended to the city’s and suburbs, and they are given weapons and power of arrest.
    Just listening to these idiots who call themselves police officers tells us how bad the system is.
    These idiots have no education but they think they know everything and are lawyers and doctors and psychologists, and are never wrong.
    When in reality they know nothing.

  2. Now wait a second. I couldn't get a good view of the plants. To me I thought they may be Cannabis ruderalis. Ditch weed. It grows by itself. Originally spread for its fibers and No it isn't worth selling as a recreational drug. Some unscrupulous sellers may, but that is a rip off because it has little THC. The police certainly make a big deal when they find it, but a few plants are essentially worthless. That may not matter in this case, but if a botanist looked it over it might because no one would have tried to grow it. Of course, some one may have intentionally stepped on a few seeds of Cannabis sativa to come back to check on them. Oh, I just watched the end. Next time have a botanist look at the evidence.

  3. Weird to me how I live in a state that has legalized that plant. 😂 But places like this where it can grow wild, it's not legal…
    This cop, what a joke. 😅
    Cops not knowing the rules they are enforcing,
    But they do know how to MAKE ASSUMPTIONS. 😢 YIKES.

  4. Dude you’re such a beta to make everything about race in the bedtime story you seem to be telling for some reason.
    Two shitty cops violated citizens right why does race need to always be involved

  5. I think the trooper new about the marijuana being grown back there from either a previous incident with someone else, or he himself uses this site for his own personal use.

  6. somebody help me: How is telling a copy you are afraid of them, and asking their name A CRITICISM? DUH. Everybody in this country should now BE afraid of the police. They are not police anymore, they are rampaging thugs, with guns…

  7. Wow. My Folks bought a few acres in the country back in the mid 1980's. That a previous occupant had grown Marijuana on. My Pa found a few plants growing behind the barn. Called the County sherrif about the plants. They came out cut the plants down and burnt them there dang horses where high for a couple days. No charges to either of the Folks. That was in Minnesota before that state went socialist though

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