Campus security: Discussing Saugus High School attack with school safety expert – TCDPOD

Campus security: Discussing Saugus High School attack with school safety expert – TCDPOD

In this week’s podcast: After Thursday morning’s attack at Saugus High School in Southern California, we discuss campus security, school safety issues, institutional response, law enforcement, and the media. Guest: Retired police lieutenant and campus security expert Eric Rosoff.


School safety expert talks campus security, threat assessment – TCDPOD (9/6/19):

Guest Eric Rosoff info:

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34 thoughts on “Campus security: Discussing Saugus High School attack with school safety expert – TCDPOD


  2. Every state should have mandatory background checks. List of people who can not buy guns, so when someone checks somebody’s ID, it pops up saying they can’t own a weapon. Mandatory safety classes to own a firearm. Also you should need to have a gun license to own a gun. Just a small fix not going to solve everything obviously

  3. Every school should have police and security at schools. Armed and unarmed. Bullet proof glass. Locked doors, with cameras everywhere. And the lady in the office has to let whoever wants to enter the school in. Mandatory Sign in and out, and ID’s. Working gates. Police stations near the school. Drills in school. Alarms. Announcements throughout the school telling students where the shooter is. Alarms. Hall monitors. Ppl doing there job, no taking short cuts. Better help with mental health, cheaper prices for medicine and therapy.

  4. You need a license to steer a car, to own a large dog or even to fly a little drone. But every fool and selfcentered person is permitted to raise his child the way he wants. Even if ot becomes a monster like this young man.

  5. This is so sad and im tired of hearing these stories…..each one of these killer seems like to trying make it worse as the last….the news should stop trying to up there ratings everyone of these killers is looking for there 15 mins of fame..basically its some white person with too much time on there hands and on the internet you don't have to agree…….we should out law making bullets without ammo for the guns you'd have to beat people to death with the gun im sure there would be people to jump this idiot and keep the body count down

  6. Shootings seem to be a product of started with Millennials and being passed on to Gen Z.  I do not remember this type of behavior in previous gens.  We need to look at what social media and sensationalism seeking NEWS sources are feeding to our youth.  Their sucking the life and ambition from our kids!

  7. I work in a High School and have worked in 3 additional ones over the years and I can say with confidence, some schools are very good with school security; both staff and students know their roles and follow them precisely for all the random practices. Having said that, there are schools that don't have a clue what to do; staff asking each other where do I go, what do I do, students not following strict guidelines. (IE: NO MOBILE PHONES ON) Parents and the community can't be bothered to attend meetings, emergency practice evacuations because they're "busy' but they'll be the first ones to moan when a situation arises. The communities need to be more involved!

  8. All this crap is BS there have been shootings in schools for decades the damn government and these counties should have figured this s*** out a long time ago too many kids have died because these greedy cities don't want to spend the money okay when you start getting sued by parents for not keeping their kids safe then we'll see how * changes

  9. You know what I'm clinically depressed I have anxiety and bipolar disorder that's not an excuse to go shoot up a school in fellow students and kill a bunch of kids I mean these parents need to start really talking to their kids and making them aware of stuff I have an 11 year old daughter and two students in her school one hung herself but was actually saved and she has another friend that's a clutter and has scars all up and down arms and cuts I had to explain to my daughter Nothing in life is worth getting you down that bad that you hurt yourself or others things will always change

  10. I want to hear the guest. I don't want to hear the host ramble thru unfinished sentences that don't end in questions. Prepare some questions, ask them. I'm tuning out at thirteen minutes in because I haven't learned anything from the guest…

  11. Mental health awareness is good to work on but pointless if states aren't offering enough mental health care.
    Its not a luxury thing. It should be openly offered to people who need it.

  12. What bothers me is that my brain went wait there was another school shooting? ANOTHER ONE? God damn!

    and that was it. It's such a common thing it didn't even upset me at first. It used to. I'm not just a shit person. Just after so many it doesn't have that same affect ya know?

  13. Borg Industrial educational programming of children fed toxic industrial food is at the core of school shootings. The cause is not mentally ill children with fire arms it is the dys-education of children by focusing only on the left brain. This leads to reptilian, non-empathetic, robotic, "lost" and suffering children with no venue for expressing their existential pain. The solution to Borg school shootings is Wholebrain education and Nature Connection, Rightbrain-Heart cultivation, Body-Mind integration, Soul Vocation, Non-violent Communication, Empathetic Expression, Humanities, Trivium and Quadrivium (Liberal arts of astronomy, arithmetic, music and geometry), Social Justice, Natural Law, Global Morality and Duty to Humanity and the Planet.

  14. Why are we not putting armed guards in school? You have armed guards in museums, jewelry stores, etc. Are not our children more precious than all of these? You don't want to upset the environment of the school? It is too late. Kids dying isn't more upsetting? You don't have the money? Prioritize! Their lives are worth more than a computer or a book. How many more kids have to die? The reason for shootings is societal & will take years to change. Immediate response is armed guards in the school at all times kids are present. An elementary child should not have to think about what to do in case of a shooting. They should have a guard saying I will take care of you. Don't worry about it. Why is this so hard to understand? This is now our reality, adults, deal with it!!! Put in the guards today!!!

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