Can Cops Search Visitors at a Home Being Searched with a Warrant? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Can cops search visitors and seize their personal property when they just happen to be present at the time a premises is being searched pursuant to a search warrant?


22 thoughts on “Can Cops Search Visitors at a Home Being Searched with a Warrant?”
  1. PLEASE READ AND RESPOND PLEASE Hey bud so i was visiting a friend and his sister and my house got raided while i wasnt there they arrested my girlfriend who was the only one home at the time, then they came banging on all the doors in the house i was visiting screaming search warrant so i came out and they started questioning me WITHOUT AN ACTUAL WARRANT my private attorney just told me they didnt have a search warrant until i talked IS THIS LEGAL

  2. I'm pretty sure the rules and boundaries of a search warrant are clearly spelled out in detail in the 4th amendment. It's a wonderful country when Americans can have their constitutional rights violated daily. And, the treasonous perpetrators are rarely held accountable for their treacherous actions.

  3. 1:52 there is no way to stop police from searching the residence once they have a warrant. They police are going to go in NOT CARING who is who. They are under the mindset that bc they have a warrant anybody is subject to their authority! Call it like it is!!!

  4. It is a crying shame that they cannot express the law in common language, they keep it written in "leagalize" confusing language just in the hopes no one can understand it. Hell, words that you think you know the meaning of probably do not mean the same then in written law, and that should be a crime!

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