Can Employers Define Your Religion When Applying for a Religious Exemption? – Everything Law and Order Blog

Lately I’ve been helping quite a few people with their religious exemption applications, particularly in regards to one particular hospital in West Virginia. Since I’ve talked with numerous employees, I’ve seen the identical boilerplate form email denials from the hospital – whether the employee is a physician, nurse or remote IT worker.

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32 thoughts on “Can Employers Define Your Religion When Applying for a Religious Exemption?”
  1. Ohhh I wonder what they’re for?? Religious exemptions are total bullshit. Your belief in a mythical sky being shouldn’t allow you to dictate what you or cannot do on a job.

  2. Creed is protected just as much as religion you don't have to believe everything that a doctrine of a sect religion believes . Do a poll ask catholics if they agree with everything the church decrees you'll find many disagree on certain subjects that are either religious or moral ethical issues that are basically creed based beliefs. No one is qualified on determining whether something is religious or a deeply held belief and whether it lines up with what and each individual believes. I agree with many religions just not all of what they believe!

  3. You can be an atheist and still have sincerely held beliefs.
    The Jury isn't supposed to decide if your belief is rational or consistent with some doctrine. Jury's are nigh unreviewable. The Pope himself can say He commands all catholics to get certain medical treatment or be excommunicated. A Catholic could still say it is against MY beliefs. Curious if a religious leader instructed thier practitioners to go old Testiment on a identified group, the law wouldn't excuse the practitioners. I was only following orders? Would their creator deity accept that in some afterlife reckoning day?

  4. The supreme court has ruled twice in the 20th century about fines for the unvaccinated and once just a few weeks ago about religious exmptions in Maine. It would seem all of this is just fluff. It's been ruled constitutional twice in those cases there was no religious exemption.

  5. Does the 4th circuit supercede this coming federal contractor mandate? My company is claiming they are a federal contractor and must adhere. My refusal to disclose my status already cost me a promotion and it's about to cost me my job entirely. This has been an authoritarians wet dream

  6. Can you please watch the latest video from Jersey Watcher they arrested him and about broke his arm for saying scumbag he was told it was a curse word and there were children around I'm appalled I'm 53 years old I started shaking the man needs help legally

  7. How would you feel if you work at a place who only has two employees. This place always needs at least one employee to work on Sunday. The one employee pulls out the religious card and now never has to work on Sunday and the non religious person who would like to be home on Sunday with their family is never going to be home on Sunday with their family. Workers in the work place should be treated fairly and not discriminated against based on someone else's religious belief

  8. The christians alone have 35,000 different sects which means they have 35,000 different beliefs. Separation of church and state says one cannot interfere with the other so a religious person does not have the right to interfere with an employers right to hire and if that employer need an employee to work on a religious holiday then work or quit so the employer can hire a person willing to work

  9. What some of us really want to know is why you're representing a rights violator?? The situation with the problematic mayor of Alderson WV who likes to violate rights and abuse his power. Why would you represent someone like that. We want to know. Do you really care about people's rights or is it just about the money? It appears to be the latter but it'll all come out as the case progresses which side you're really on. And it's a shame because I thought I might hire you one of these days because the police are always trying to screw with me. Appears lll have to look elsewhere 🙁

  10. Having to explain one's deeply held beliefs seems to be many employer's preferred method for manipulating a person into a position where they unwittingly allow their beliefs to be challenged or judged. A simple response stating that a particular regulation or policy is either not a person's deeply held belief or practice should be all that is required to negate a violation of your 1st amendment right. All of the examples that John provides here, while perfectly valid, should never be required to be enumerated. In the real world the established narrative that is prevalent starts with the presumption that a deeply held belief must be allowed and therefore can be denied. Most EULAs (end user licensing agreements) require you to opt out of predefined provisions which is analogous to a mandate or law establishing the authority to limit an inviolate right and require you to request an exemption or accommodation to allow you permission to exorcise that same right. Intimidation and or harassment are assault and a hostile work environment can easily be created with employers attempting to enforce the latest federal state or local mandates or policies. Hopefully John and his fellow civil rights lawyers will find success in the courts soon. Shout out to fellow YouTuber Peggy Hall at for her tireless work.

  11. Thanks John for your time…We're out here behind the lines in commiefornia and need all the help we can get…if you know someone out here that knows and does what you do let us know… again thanks.

  12. Thank you very much for your valuable insights. As we are learning From what is happening at United Airlines and at the State of Washington
    a religious exemption (or even a Medical Exemption) is only as trustworthy as those who are in charge of the company and thus can be
    rescinded at any point in time. Since the leadership of most of these major employers are crooked to the core that says a lot.
    For those who have not heard the State of Washington almost across the board revoked all religious exemptions less than a month before the
    mandate went into effect close to the end of this month citing a new standard of criteria. And as per the regulation one had to be fully jabbed –
    including the 14 day period of time post the second jab in order for employees of the State of Washington to keep their jobs.
    According to the article I was reading this was forcing everyone who hadn't already started the process to take the J & J jab almost immediately
    in addition to leaving zero time for appeal.

    Thus a warning to all. Even if you do happen to get an exemption (either Religious or Medical) it is only temporary in this very
    volatile climate especially with the federal gov "strongly encouraging" employer mandates.

  13. before watching the video… I believe — No the employer can not "define your religion". YES they can required you to have a vaccine and any variance should require a discussion and a reasonable accommodation, but not all accommodations are reasonable and it can come down to. get it (the vaccine) or get out. — finished the video now, I did not know the case law but I don't see any changes from what I thought was the rules.

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