Can Private Employers Mandate? Radio Appearance this Morning – Everything Law and Order Blog

Can private employers mandate you-know-what? Here’s my appearance on the Tom Roton Show this morning.

Here is a “to whom it may concern” letter for those in West Virginia who are being threatened with, or subjected to, you-know-what mandates, which I mentioned during the broadcast.

“To whom it may concern” letter detailing the fact that it is illegal under federal law to mandate COVID vaccines

Podcast of the entire interview:


47 thoughts on “Can Private Employers Mandate? Radio Appearance this Morning”
  1. They own the bully pulpit (Pol/MSM/PvTBiZNs) the police force (paid mercenarys) and above all the utter ignorance of We the People (believing to be well informed free individuals, exceptional, living under the RULE OF LAW.

  2. Done with your channel. You made some great videos standing up for people that have been taken advantage of, but this is a REAL virus that has killed some people close to me. We are in a territory that is fairly new, and laws need to be enacted to protect from this virus. Most people are ignorant and selfish and you are making them feel empowered. If you don't care about stopping the virus, I don't care what else you have to say.

  3. Unfortunately after several videos you and I disagree. Private Employers own the business and alot of times the land. They have the right and obligation to protect themselves, their customers,as well as their employees. One could argue that by attempting to take away that right via lawsuits you are taking away their ability to be secure in their person's and property. Furthermore they also could trespass you from the property and then if you come back have you thrown in jail. Save yourself the headache and embarrassment and go somewhere they don't require masks.

  4. Despite what they tell you, if you think there is no age discrimination in the workforce, you are delusional. All a sadistic manager has to do is fabricate a poor performance evaluation against an employee and that will be enough to justify any dismissal. And you will almost always find a lawyer who will take your money to "represent" you in spite of knowing that proving age discrimination is almost impossible. Who has the deeper pockets, the employer or the employee? Managers litigate with company funds. The employee litigates with his meager funds.

  5. Our governor has said that people that's had vaccines not approved by the FDA don't need masks. Vaccines developed and deemed safe in a few months no thanks . It's a personal choice .

  6. I refuse to wear a mask! NO ONE has any access to my medical records and I don't have to reveal anything about them. Our 1st amendment guarantees my right to assemble and my right to religion. Enough of this foolishness. Yes, this is a hill I am willing to die on. BRING IT.

  7. My work just sent out an email stating anyone fully vaccinated can remove the mask, those not must continue to wear one per the CDC guidelines. Is this a violation as it will singlenout those who choose to not get vaccinated?

  8. WV CITIZENS Mountaineers Are Always Free! Start educating yourself, do your own research, stop being lazy & ignorant & pay attention to exactly what the WV legislature is up to. They work for We the people not the corporations LOBBYIST etc.

  9. WV has lied & with held generic meds that study after study say work all doctors REFUSE TO PRESCRIBE. HYDROXYCHLORQUINE, IVERMECTIN, Vit D Bit C etc. I have all of the studies & also where the federal govt wanted the Federal stockpile replenished. WV PHARAMACY BOARD pdf FACT!

  10. You are aware that the hospitals in Huntington mandated all employees would take this vaccine or no job! They are both the same hospital now, one corporation. Police ER EVERYONE for TRUMP's China Flu & this is Not a vaccine it is Gene Therapy!

  11. Rodriguez v. Ray Donavan U.S. Dept. of Labor 769 F.2d, 1344, 1348 (1985)
    All codes, rules and regulations are for government authorities only, not humans in accordance with God's Laws. All codes, rules and regulations are unconstitutional lacking due process.

    U.S. v. Minker 359 US 179, 178, 76, S.Ct. 281, L.Ed. 185, (1956)
    The Supreme Court has warned, "Because of what appears to be lawful commands (statutory rules, regulations, codes, ordinances, and restrictions) on the surface, many citizens, because of their respect of what appears to be "law", are cunningly coerced into waiving their rights due to ignorance (deceptive practices, constructed fraud, barratry, legal plunder, conversion, and malicious prosecution) in inferior administrative state courts."

    Self v. Rhay 61 Wn (2d) 261
    The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land. The codes, rules, regulations, policies, and statutes are not the law.

  12. Mr. John Bryant!, People (+politicians) are afraid to speak out because they will be hammered by the mainstream MEDIA and Social. That kind ostracization and intimidation has to stop for this to change.
    Best wishes and cheers

  13. Private companies that provide public services that are constitutionally protected; OK Private, don't like it get the service elsewhere??; but if there is no other service?or there is a Monopoly ??? It strange how a platform that revolves around the social activity of communication can not be held responsible; when it is the only service available…. or has a Monopoly on the access to the different service if available ??

  14. According to Catherine Austin-Fitts it is imperative that an employee/student
    under the above circumstances have in writing from said employer/institution, that,
    employee/student has the go ahead by the company's insurance provider that said
    company will cover any vaccine (or mask) injury, whether it be physical,
    neurological, mental or other injury and or death by the vaccine
    injury, whether it be immediate or delayed by as much as 36 months
    unless proven a greater number of years. (just see how fast they back
    down) This is the due diligence employees/students much take.

  15. I don't think masks are effective either but what does a private business do if their insurance company tells them they won't pay any claims unless they enforce a "No entry without a mask" policy at their locations?

  16. Mask mandates are being relaxed based on whether people are "fully vaccinated" – both at the government and private business level. My question is, "how do they know?

    1. Maybe I've had the disease already and am theoretically immune – no vaccination necessary.
    2. Maybe I've only taken one of a two vaccine regimen.
    3. Maybe I've refused vaccination for any number of legitimate reasons (immune compromised being one of the most obvious.)
    4. Maybe I just lie.

    The fact is they can't know unless they plan on demanding proof (like showing a shot record for child school registration). And, to me, that demand of proof – at minimum – would put whoever is demanding the information in direct violation of HIPPA rules. That's as litigable as the day is long. They have no legitimate business/reason to ask or demand sensitive personal medical information as a prerequisite for someone to "do business" with either a public or private entity of any stripe.

    Maybe the HIPPA angle where to start and then work out from there? Just and idea.

  17. The myth of "Separation of Church and State".
    The First Amendment:
    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

    Here is yet another example of how we misinterpret a document by being told what it means before actually reading it and ignoring historical practice.
    There is no "establishment clause" in the First Amendment. There is a "shall make no law respecting" clause. The Court perverted the meaning of "establishment", a noun, as equivalent to the verb "establishing".
    Historically, at the time of the ratification of the Constitution as amended by the Bill of Rights, The Episcopal Church was the "respected" religious establishment (as in eating establishment) for the State of New York. The Congregational Church was the respected establishment in Connecticut until 1820. The Episcopal Church could not change its' canon law without the approval of the New York State legislature. This later changed, yet there was a New York State High School Hymnal into the late 1950s. You can still see the pew reserved for the Governor in Saint Peter's Episcopal in Albany. The Court wrongly decided the word "establishment" was equivalent to the verb "establishing" based on an obscure letter Thomas Jefferson had written to a religious group where he used the phrase "wall of separation". Note Jefferson specified the to be a part of the University of Virginia was the Bible.
    The court chose to alter our first amendment with a phrase from the Soviet constitution of 1920. Specifically, "the Church shall be separate from the State and the State separate from the Church". As politics is the practice of our faith in community, the myth of separation of Church and State is clearly designed to disenfranchise Christians. We are being kept ignorant of history in ordet to manipulate us. Further, as John Bradshaw (inventor of the "inner child" construct in the '90s) told us, children are "magical, non-logical, and egocentric", one reasons school experience before age 13 is a "religious" experience. I base this on the Pamela Levin book 'Cycles of Power', the Wolinski book 'Trances People Live, and Alice Miller's book 'For Your Own Good'.
    The elimination of market forces on the public schools and the takeover of the teaching establishments by Christophobic "liberals" has resulted in the schools being turned into indoctrination centers. Christian children are having their spirituality attacked to the point of being turned into functional atheists and functional cowards by "teachers" they dare not question. This is violent child abuse and denies Christian parents their reproductive rights. It is a complete negation of the trust parents have a right to expect when sending their children to school. Teachers should be mandated to "do no harm". The public schools are way beyond violating and endangering the welfare of minor children. What they are doing now fits the United Nations definition of genocide. This commands a voucher system as a Constitutional mandate.

  18. I am immune compromised and trying to social distance still. They stressed masks over Distancing only because it is easy to shame people not wearing a mask and less easy to say hey you stepped too close for a second. But I was told in the 1990’s by a friend who did service work at the CDC that one of the researchers there said they were working on a disease to reduce some if the population…and I gotta say they couldn’t have designed a better one to save the government money-Killed off a bunch of people dependent on the state-old people, unhealthy people, and Native Americans sitting on uranium and other land resources. But who knows? I do think this is just round one of many waves coming at us…so get ready…

  19. The one thing that has died from COVID is critical thinking. Seems like so many people are stuck with Stockholm Syndrome. Very few people question the narrative, so-called rules of public safety and treatments.

  20. You are mistaking that a "company" or a "public servant" has rights they don't they are NOT a Citizen, ONLY Citizens have "RIGHTS", everything else has "PRIVILEGES, DUTIES, and RESPONSIBILITIES to SERVE and to PROTECT OUR rights!

    Well that is IF you don't believe in the DECLARATION, CONSTITUTION, or the rest of "The Charters of Freedom".

    Remember as a CITIZEN it is not what you want, it is what "The Charters of Freedom" say and the "oath" as a Citizen you swear to abide by! That goes for everyone, …… if you don't agree with that go to Russia, China, North Korea, England, etc. or any of the other Nazi Socialist or Communist Socialist regimes! 🤣

  21. Interesting how you are "playin" that double edged sword, on how a business owner can discriminate sometimes and sometimes not against a customer or employee! I guess it always subject specific to the details and comparing that to "The Charters of Freedom". 👀🤣

  22. Hey I just wanted to remind you to inform client or possible clients that if the mandate goes through that they should not sign any release form before they get their vaccination shot because then they're companies legal department can then try and use that to say they took the liability as the individual when they got their shot. Just wanted to put that out there.

  23. Do not wear a mask no matter where I go, have been out and about more in the last year and a half then ever before…I am normally not one to go out and around unless I absolutely need to, seems I have had a lot more needs lately..LOL…been to every place around here, including both Walmarts, have never worn a mask
    Did not last year, have not this year, and will not because some Governor claims he mandated it, he does NOT make laws, nor can he make laws and in fact emergency powers are limited and wearing masks is not part of his authority to claim.Neither is it in the authority of a "public" business….now if one is a private entity where one has to be a member etc to enter ( Sams Club comes to mind because you have to pay to be allowed in for example ), they can perhaps do that, BUT not a general public business, that includes walmart as it is open to all of the public…discrimination laws, privacy laws etc seem to apply in that venue….like they claim showing a vaccine card? Laws prohibit the demand of showing medical/private information etc.
    And in fact in WV there is an anti-mask law that says YOU CAN NOT WEAR A MASK in most places including streets and ally ways, and in businesses in WV
    appears some forget that fact also. WV code §61-6-22
    I am Not an attorney, and as corrupt as courts have become, it is hard to say IF any court would stand up for the individuals over Governments and Big business Corporations.
    that's my two cents worth !!!

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