“Cannibal Cop” Envisioned Cutting Up, Eating Women – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

“Cannibal Cop” Envisioned Cutting Up, Eating Women – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

Former NYPD cop Gilberto Valle fantasized about cutting up and eating women. He detailed these desires in an online forum.
Legal analysis — Dash’s Docket: Should ‘Thought Police’ Have Nabbed ‘Cannibal Cop’?
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27 thoughts on ““Cannibal Cop” Envisioned Cutting Up, Eating Women – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 1)

  1. So he's a cop who fantasizes about raping, killing and eating women? Like wtf. And then he acts like it's just a fetish people are into. If your fetish is harming people, it's not a sex fantasy thing, it's criminal and disturbing. It means you don't belong in society and you're a danger to women everywhere. As a cop, this is what he supposed to prevent from happening and protect against.

  2. Hey if y'all going to start policeing people's thoughts and disturbing graphic novels you better arrest Stephen King Clive Barker and a couple other ones John grissom John Saul. I mess a little ridiculous if the man didn't do anything and he didn't hurt anybody is not a whole lot you can for to him

  3. This isn't normal for a human being or a cop!! What a weirdo. So basically don't trust strangers and DONT TRUST COPS!! How scarey that this guy was a cop?!

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