“Cannibal Cop” Envisioned Cutting Up, Eating Women – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 4)

“Cannibal Cop” Envisioned Cutting Up, Eating Women – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 4)

Former NYPD cop Gilberto Valle fantasized about cutting up and eating women. He detailed these desires in an online forum.

Legal analysis — Dash’s Docket: Should ‘Thought Police’ Have Nabbed ‘Cannibal Cop’?

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38 thoughts on ““Cannibal Cop” Envisioned Cutting Up, Eating Women – Crime Watch Daily With Chris Hansen (Pt 4)

  1. He’s a psychopath! Can’t believe someone stood up for this guy! If he was talking about all those dark thoughts, it’s because he was thinking do them! He is not sorry because his wife left, he’s sorry because he was caught! And I guarantee, if he wouldn’t be caught, he would put in plan his evil thoughts 😡Justice failed big time! A normal person doesn’t think about crazy stuff like this, nor talking with other psycho about them 😡

  2. I know plenty of folks have fricked up thoughts + internet history, fetishes, etc. The difference between that and becoming concerning, is when you start discussing real people, particularly those you know. NOT TO MENTION HE WAS LOOKING UP THINGS LIKE CHLOROFORM That crosses a line where it shows some sort of red flag. While I wouldn't say lock him for life, he needs to have a close eye on him at least for a while. He didn't do anything, but he easily could have

  3. The dude is definitely sick and I think that he was prevented from murdering people and being a cop part of the corruption in America just like Nancy Pelosi Chuck Schumer Adam shift the list goes down. He would’ve gotten away with it to more than likely.

  4. This dude needed put in prison for a week instead of being pampered in solitary confinement n the broad that's defending him in this interview is disgusting he's a monster … Take him to the chamber

  5. I believe the psychiatrist needs to retrain. Gil may not have eaten a person yet, but, he was well on his way to achieving his goal. The Dr. should have been well aware this would have been the outcome had his plans not been thwarted. The dr’s an idiot in my opinion and so is the appeal’s court 🤬🤬🤬

  6. He was married and was still a virgin? Confused. A virgin at 25 dude looks like 36. He wouldn't last a day in prison hed lose it there that's for sure. Cannibal cop doesn't like smoking but he likes pole to hole

  7. 🚫🚫so your saying I can chat to someone about wanting to kill the girl next door to me and rip her body apart and cook it up and feed it to my kids and having a plan how I'm going to do it with details and dates when it will happen AND STILL NOT GO TO JAILLLLL THAT'S AMERICA FOR YOU GUYS SMHHHH

  8. Eventually, he may cross the line, and then what? There is fiction that is made up of names and faces, these were real people that he was talking about including his wife. This is not normal and then to share pictures of who his future victims will be. The best is that his wife was smart enough to stay away from him forever, and he was exposed to the world. This is good because he will be watched forever if ever a crime is committed in his life. One has to wonder how many cops are doing this if he did, just imagine the sick people out there, scary though. He is writing books on deviant fantasies maybe this is where he fullfills his urges by writing this instead of acting out. Only the futures knows.

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