Case Updates: AR15 Open Carry Case, V. Mand@ate Case, Family Judge Search Case – FIS 69 – Everything Law and Order Blog

Some case updates from the #civilrightslawyer including the Walker v. Donahoe #opencarry case, the current V. mandate wrongful discharge case, as well as the infamous #FamilyCourt Judge Search Case. Join me live – Freedom is Scary, Ep. 69.

Link to the Walker v. Donahoe petition for rehearing en banc:

UPDATE: the response brief in the Enlivant case:


31 thoughts on “Case Updates: AR15 Open Carry Case, V. Mand@ate Case, Family Judge Search Case – FIS 69”
  1. Disconnect all other electronics from wifi, you have fullest strongest signal if you plug in instead. Good luck and great work! Thank you for helping folks in this time especially

  2. So in your opinion is it equally wrong for medical personal to be required to have up-to-date TB vaccinations? That is a fairly universal requirement in the medical field, even when I worked in medical records. I was also required to get a yearly flu shot while employed by GMed. In my view, it is typical in a medical setting to require employees to be vaccinated to protect the patients in the care of the clinic or facility. If you choose not to do so, you choose not to continue your employment. To me, it's that simple.

  3. I just found your channel it is excellent no doubt I clicked the little bell I live in Texas even though it is the south the police think it is the wild west therefore I am considering becoming an auditor if you could please give me some advice as I expect I will be illegally arrested what are my options and how I can litigate future injustice when I live in penury with a paucity of wealth and a dearth of opportunity thank you

  4. I am a subscriber to your channel and love your content, insight and opinions. But one and a half hours of anything is way too long for anyone on YouTube. People come to YouTube for the Cliff Notes. I wish you would approach your videos more like a news cast giving the viewer the information pertinent to the subject but in a format that doesn’t drag you through the mud. I would really like updates on these cases listed on this video because I have been following them via your channel but turning it into A 1 1/2 hour lecture makes it unwatchable. I can only imagine how many viewers and subscribers you will never get because they see the duration of some of these videos and don’t have the time to invest, nor should they. I don’t mean this to be criticism, if I knew how to send this message privately I would have but I don’t. But I thought maybe, you would like to know what most people are thinking. I know I am not alone in this. Once again I am a subscriber and really enjoy your content and you’re insight but just cannot invest an hour or two to get an update on anything. Best of luck! Jason

  5. Brother please I need your help I have emailed you and not heard back. I was falsely arrested in russellville ky back on nov 9th 2020. And sat 5 days in jail with no mat and no blanket all because I recorded the jail and flipped the camera the bird. And now I was being harassed by a guy in Russellville I was even jumped by the city tow truck driver for the police and they did nothing to him and he even assaulted me with a gun that was live on the internet and they did nothing to him but instead they arrested me last year well now I was told by the city police to go to the county attorney's office to file criminal charges on a guy that have been harassing me so I went there was surrounded by cops because I was open carrying they were accusing me of being a felon they didn't stop until one of the cops knew me and they ran my name and determined that I was not a felon I then left there in the very next day now they have warrants on me again because I was at the courthouse outside of it they said I got within 500 ft of the sheriff's department which violated my court order but the only reason I went there was because the city police told me I had no choice I had to all the videos are on my channel the last five videos I have posted is all about this can you please help me I need help badly these charges are bull I'm now in Tennessee I have not turned myself in and will not until I can get an attorney. My email is

  6. If he were carrying a sign with a picture of an AR-15 on it that said F the Police, the 4th amendment rights would likely have been found to be violated because there it is the intersection of the 1st and 4th amendments. As you say it is a weird thing to treat the 4th amendment any differently just because it intersects with 2nd versus any other amendment.

  7. The officer was correct in that he CAN stop and investigate anyone with a firearm. But he cannot LEGALLY do so which is the crux of this issue. This officer and many others do not seem to understand this distinction. A hard look should be taken towards the JUDGE who made this ruling. He seems to have been told, ordered or encouraged to rule in this manner rather than coming to this conclusion on his own.

  8. The left is in control and gaining ground everyday. You cannot legally fight the system and win. Even Trump would not admit to police corruption. No politician is going to go against those who are there to protect them and only them.

  9. just because a man puts on a disguise with badge and gun does not grant him authority to know anything about anybody; what the court ruled is the "STATE", through its agent, is MASTER, anybody else is SLAVE; the 1st question is 1) when Bob wears "officer" disguise, does disguise render Bob MASTER over all other people within his line-of-sight? THE QUESTION IS OF JURISDICTION; 2) what grants "officer" (or STATE) jurisdiction over people? jurisdiction that Bob (not wearing "officer" disguise) does not have when he is simply Bob? WHO IS MASTER? WHO IS SLAVE? W VA "law" applies to W VA agents W VA "law" does not apply to people…

  10. March 25, 2013 In a unanimous vote, the West Virginia House of Delegates repealed their state’s forced sterilization law, which had been on the books since 1929. West Virginia was the last state in the U.S. to repeal eugenic sterilization legislation. Given that the West Virginia sterilization law drew its legitimacy directly from the affirmation of legality of compulsory sterilization and the Virginia Sterilization Act through the pro-sterilization ruling of the United States Supreme Court in the infamous Buck v. Bell case, sterilization in West Virginia failed to gain significant momentum. According to the American Neurological Association, slowness in sterilization in the state could be attributed to the complexity of legal process required in the state law (Paul, p. 535). With the exception of the sterilization “revival” in the mid 1950s (50 operations between 1954 and 1956) caused by an influx of requests to sterilize from superintendents of institutions to the State Board of Health, the rate of sterilizations per year remained below ten (Paul, pp. 535-8). Paul, Julius. 1965. “‘Three Generations of Imbeciles Are Enough’: State Eugenic Sterilization Laws in American Thought and Practice.” Unpublished manuscript. Washington, D.C.: Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.

  11. The last thing "Family" court judges care about is 'Family." Family court judges are crappy lawyers that couldn't hack it in private practice or were not good enough to be superior court judges.

  12. Can you check into the reason they're calling it a vaccine, when it's not, technically, a vaccine? I heard it was because you can't sue pharmaceutical companies for adverse reactions to vaccines. Is that true, and is that why they're doing it?

  13. At approximately 32 minutes, you're discussing health at the federal level.

    I don't recall health being a power delegated to the federal government. Therefore it would be a state, or the peoples power as proscribed. Is it possible that they did so, incorrectly, under the necessary and proper clause?

    I seem to recall Robert Barnes saying that he'd taken up a case based on similar circumstances. It might be beneficial to both parties for council to conspire for beneficial outcome to their clients.

    1:01:26 why can nobody ever get that saying correct?

  14. If Dr Dre's wife can argue that the desire to get married is coercion to invalidate a prenumptual agreement, then requiring medical procedures to have a job is also coercion.

  15. The open carry case makes me lose all faith in the Just-us system. It also is pretty insane, wasn't it the 4th that just threw out the 21 age restriction on handguns and ammo? So now I'm confused, is this about law or about politics? If it's about the political opinions from the bench then we have no law and no reason what so ever to follow any of it. Why would anyone? Since the law or interpretation of it will change depending on the person on the benches personal affiliations.

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