Chaos at Columbine: Revisiting the Tragedy 17 Years Later – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

Chaos at Columbine: Revisiting the Tragedy 17 Years Later – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

It’s hard to believe it’s been 17 years since two students stormed their Colorado high school and opened fire. April 20, 1999 was a day that changed America.

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29 thoughts on “Chaos at Columbine: Revisiting the Tragedy 17 Years Later – Pt. 1 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. I feel bad for Craig Scott. Not only did he lose two friends right next to him and narrowly survived what happened that day, but his sister was the first victim. Craig had a lot of emotions after that day for a while, and I can’t say I blame him. But I’m glad he channeled his emotions into something positive.

  2. Crystal Rusmisel I mean I can agree with you on that. But it would also be very sad and a shame if you or that person didn't survive yourself from trying to save your child or someone else in general in the school.

  3. I feel that it was the school system's fault for letting this tragedy happen since had we not have such a broken education board that horrific things like this keeps happening over time.

  4. these boys were not bullied. they were unpopular bc they were neo nazis so no one interacted with them. i hate that this story has been spun into an anti bulling narrative, though i applaud this story for not bringing “bullying” up

  5. There was an emergency exit right behind Patti Nielsen (the teacher who called 911 in the library).
    I’m not blaming her for what happened but those in the library could have gotten out alive and uninjured.

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