A father under arrest – accused of child abuse against his two-month-old daughter. But what really happened to baby Naomi?
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A father under arrest – accused of child abuse against his two-month-old daughter. But what really happened to baby Naomi?
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The thing that is aggravating about this case is that they blame innocent parents of abusing their daughter. CPS was like a dog with a bone and I honestly think they didn't care who they hurt in the process
CPS was called on us bc my daughter was going to puberty and emotional… they said my daughter was suicidal & since I didn’t take her and check her into a mental ward , a counselor called CPS. I was horrified by the investigation. They called close family and friends asking what kind of parents we were… they wanted to go to the school to interview my children & I said I’ll get them out of school ,you’re not embarrassing them at HS!
I lived in Dearborn Hts in Wayne county at the time. Detroit is full of bad parents but we were put on the burner bc my daughter was emotional and 14!
The wife was cleared, she shouldn't have even been on that registry to begin with.
Lol poor kid!
there own stupidity things on social media …
Due to carelessness/ stupidity of there parents baby got abuse from Babysitter/Nanny
What a shame they upload
On YouTube itself, there are MANY MANY Videos of appalling child abuse AND I MEAN APPALLING Torture, to their own children or step children, things like…… 1..Starvation, 2..burning then with cigarettes,
3.. drowning,
4..eating royton good,
5..eating their own waste,
6. Scapegoating 1 child,
a..who may sleep in the cellar,
b..eating scraps
e..kicked or booted
f..thrown against a wall,
g..dropped or thrown down from a height.
These abuse cases have been brought to child social services attention time and time again, by schools. doctors, hospital's, even family member's, which is sometimes difficult for a family member or friend, to call the authorities on their own child or friend but some do it. hoping they are wrong and then hoping they are forgiven. So it can be difficult to do what you think is the right thing to do and make that call but to then have your call dismissed and to be ignored by the authorities. You've not only lost the person you love but now you have no contact with them and therefore can not protect the child from what they deem as abuse. In one case on you tube a case worker said after seeing bruses "well he seems to be a difficult baby", like it's the babies fault he took a punch to the face.
I MYSELF from birth was left for about 18hours on my own at 6mnths old. I was bitten. Screemed at and hit. Then I wrnt into foster care at age 1. Then a children's home at age 4, with my younger brother. Who my mother chose to come in the middle of the night and take my brother home and leave me. No one explained where he had gone.
Then my mother took me home 3mnths later to my step father. Who decided when I was 5yrs old to S/abuse me, up until I was 13. I told my brother who told my mum. The S/abuse then stopped and she took over blamed me she was narsasistic. My family looked like a nice family from the outside. Up until I was 50 I craved my mum's love. It was then I realised my family didn't love me. I think they saw me as a time bomb. At 50 I wanted to talk about what happened, they both denied everything. This was like being abused all over again and because of thos my mental health became so bad. My brothers bullied and attacked me. I lost everything I known all my life. I lost my home and my physical health went into decline. I started to have breathing problems. I became homeless. I've now had to start again with nothing and no family.
Doctor Gabor maté has said early servre child abuse can shorten a person's life by 20 years.
One thing I have gained from having the life I have is hypervidulance, I have an ability to see what child is being abused and if parents are abusers.
You have ppl who haven't had any experience of any sort of abuse.
This is a major mistake, most careers you need training and experience, this is not most jobs. These are human beings, children can die or live a dreadful life and go on to suffer for ever. Just because I look ok if your mind doesn't work properly you may have your eye sight or all your limbs. But servre childabuse leaves a major disability.
The statement made abused ppl abuse ppl, not true, you would do this regardless. This is a statement to keep the actual abuse from getting the punishment they deserve.
Having servre trauma an abused person mind set is we all know right from wrong, and having suffered we don't want others to suffer, you will usually find most ppl having suffered early server abuse are the most honest. We see manipulation straight away and lies. We usually isolate as not many ppl understand our no bull """" mind set.
All this said most cases on you tube there is obvious bruses and you can see the abuse and still nothing is done.
We have charity and adverts for virtually everything. Yet considering 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 9 boys are abused by a family member or family friend, yet no charity's or adverts, we are even told to play your s/abuse dwn. So we don't offend the public. It's the public that believe s/abuse is just touching, it's not, it is what it says and as long as we keep identifying child abuse as abuse, it allows the abusers to hide under an umbrella term abuse.
When a person is abused by a partner, it's horrific. I know they are brainwashed and experience hell. It should be called "ABUSE". The word ABUSE should be kept for children they have no choice at 5 they can't leave. Or someone with physical disability can not leave, or an old age pensioner can not leave. A partner of spousal abuse no matter what horrific things they experience they still have the ability to leave. And they know where to go I understand their fear keeps them there, but with children. Physically disabled and OAPs have that fear but know they have no other choices that is it full stop. I'm happy spousal abuse is finally seen as dangerous and life or death sometimes. I believe the powers that be jumped right in there to bring awareness about this to through the cent away from Childabuse. You have ppl now who work for government bodies. Who feel under valued so want to do as little work as possible for the most money as possible,count how many children are dying at the hands of social services. This is then abuse on top of abuse.
Dr Gabor Maté states that most ppl with drug abuse issues, have experienced some sort of child hood trauma. Very sad that the abuse is visible in every fiber of a person's life, the people who are older need to bring awareness ofvthe damage it's caused in their lives. We need help because not only destroys lives , it shortens our life by 20 years. That's like someone giving you a major disease which makes your life difficult to live a normal life and then your because you can't afford therapy this disease will kill you when you get to about 60. The ppl who do this to you get a slap on the wrist or a year in prison , do the government is seen to be doing something.
We get adverts to help children in other countries, we should , but where is the help for our own kids in our own country. Someone said to me. Yes but those kids are starving, I replied, so your saying their needs are more important than my life. Which I will die early. The best is these abusers will usually continue to abuse. And because it's not out there in the public. And the government's do nothing. Abusers do believe, well it can't be that bad or the powers that be would obviously do more, they don't because it's just part of life.
To us survivors our inner voice is screeming to be heard and know there are so many before us and with us that have died inside trying to be heard that when my abuser stole my self worth, my confidence, my self esteem these are the tools I would need in life. So I don't bother because why would ppl listen to me, I have nothing different to offer, than the millions before me.
sorry to go on and on and on and then on some more. This maybe boring but it's the truth.
I haven't even got enough confidence to start a you tube channel, which I believe is heavenly father's purpose for me. I need to start it but After my mothers narsasistic abuse. amouncst other abuse I need to help ppl, as I don't want to let heavenly father down, everyday I struggle with this. As well as at 58 starting again with nothing.
Anyway if you read ALL OF THIS it's obvious you feel strongly about stopping monsters from committing the abuse, and getting the right ppl in the right job who know about abuse and can bring about changes in to, the ppls lives who have been abused and preventing ANYMORE CHILDREN FROM BEING ABUSED and this destroying their lives. Or ABUSED and losing their lives.
It has to stop, changes are needed. This is not by focusing on parents that have an accident and destroying their lives and their daughters life. using innocent ppl,so the powers that be look like they are doing something to quiet the talks of their neglect in abuse cases.
Can I say in the cases were some of these children died. And social services looked into these cases and failed the innocent. These social workers never lost their jobs. Infact one social worker allowed 2 different children in 2 different family's not only to continue in their suffering, from their parents torture but to also circum and give up their battle to survive.2 little lives gone. Tortured by their parents and ignored by the back up plan put in place by the powers that be, to protect these children if their parents turn out to be monsters. The SS are waiting in the wings to step in and save them. They didn't save the children but they did save their jobs, and when someone tries to hold them accountable
Some say, we'll ppl make mistakes, these were not mistakes.
However the number of mistakes on YouTube, this is about if the SS fought for the children as much as they fought to keep their jobs, these children would be alive today.
Thank you.
GOD only knows the truth, and so does the father. Then how did the brain get injured they need to find out that’s so important to everyone.
So if they are both innocent, what happened to the child? And mom running away with the baby spoke volumes. I notice in the last of the video that the toddler has a large head compared to her body….was there permanent brain damage? That’s also an indication that she may not be getting enough to eat. I really hope that this little girl was ok all these years.
less than a minute in……AND dad's as guilty af
That's so fucked up, that they can judge & charge a GREAT parent for an accident! Yet they GIVE CHILDREN BACK TO DOCUMENTED ABUSIVE PARENTS, AFTER ONE ANGER CLASS? WTF!
And yet we have cases like Gabriel Fernandez, Glenera Bates, Arthur Labinjo-Hughes… How can the CPS be so wrong in so many situations with no repercussions???? They’re not just useless they’re actually hindering child safety.
CPS & CFS are blatantly evil; they do nothing but destroy families, and also do nothing for families that are struggling. F*** their

“services “!
Wow and my daughter admitted to cops and cps that her mom choked her all the time and I still can't get custody let alone her get in trouble.
CPS had done the same to me and it was unbeknown to be of what CPS had done to my life until I tried to become a Registered Nurse and was denied. Got a Lawyer but a long story short it was too far past the Statue of Limitations in PA to do anything, even with my daughter wanting to help me. I was accused of burning my daughter with a cigarette but I didn't…however my daughter did get burned on my cigarette but it was by accident. CPS refused to restate their way of questioning to my 5yr old daughter and would not change their Rhetoric. So I told off the CPS Worker and walked out of her office with my daughter and I did threaten her if CPS would try to take my daughter. The CPS Worker was so pissed off at me that over 20+ years later, I gound out that her documentations kept me from becoming a Registered Nurse and there was nothing me or my daughter to do. That one hateful and lying CPS Worker kept me from being able to make more money to support me and my daughter all these years later. I never knew of any of this until after I had started College in my 40s and needed a Child Abuse Clearance to do Clinicals in College and it took me getting a Lawyer to find out why I was listed on CPS Records as "Indicated" in child abuse due to a cigarette burn on her arm and her top of toes (?)…which makes no sense, unless she had stuck her feet under the Wood Stove to warm up her feet after sled riding while she was at the babysitter's house. The wood stove was in the kitchen and all the kids would gather around it to warm up. However, I never saw any burns on my daughter's toes. I only saw one spot on her Left arm that was a cigarette burn from when my daughter ran up from behind me and my arm was down with a cigarette in my hand and when she went to grab me she got burnt. I tended to her immediately but a malicious person turned me in to CPS.
Child services I’ve been doing this for years it’s about time. Things are coming out about them and they should be held accountable for their actions putting children in foster homes to be abused leaving them there to be abused, taking children at a homes when they don’t need to be taken accusing families, or doing things when they’re innocent something needs to be done.
Rapists don't even get nine months. This man is no abuser. He should be compensated.
Bro what are they talking about giving him a lenient sentence? He didn't fucking do anything. Like I don't understand that at all. CPS are about the most worthless agency on the freaking planet. And the hospitals are just as bad. They either have kids that come in emaciated and bruised up and don't do anything at all, or you have the kids that come in with a little scratch or a bump on their head and they're ready to put you in prison for 20 years. There is no happy median at all. They ruined people's lives man they have way too much power
The family should sue CPS for lying about Child abuse.
Not guilty 100%.
No warrant.
No Court Order
And lots and lots of tapes in evidence. Everything I suggest has collaborating visual and audio evidence. The tapes like Nixon's tapes.
Poor family… that man seemed very sincere. So much lost time with his baby he can never get back.
Cps hasn’t don’t shit for any kids but neglect them
This sickens me that our court system is this goddamn retarded
Sounds similar to Harris County Texas, & most other counties in Texas. Cps & investigators, DA office, etc, seem to have equated guilty with child abuse. Going thru the legal process is only for show. I've known 2 ppl having gone thru this, both the accusers, 1 was accusing her ex of sexually abusing her daughter, & none of it was true, she was mad that he may be granted equal custody of their bio child, it disgusts me that it's not uncommon in custody battles. The other accuser called me upset because the Cps investigator commented the accused would not get away with it. Then called again upset to say the investigator told her he had changed the report, & say was she was choked, instead of her hair being pulled. We later found out he did this to increase charge to felony. Neither investigator contacted the accused. Something needs to change.
The judge knows he is innocent!
I believe in his innocence. I have a relative in prison for something he didn’t do.
Justin DiPietro is still free! Go figure!
CPS can only take the child if there's a birth certificate. Get the child a live life claim to seperate child from birth certificate now CPS has no say.
The fact that neither ever denied or hid the previous day’s incident from the doctor or the courts shows a lot. Plus the medical issues brought on at her birth. Accidents happen. My husband was playing with my daughter when she was about 2 years old and she slipped from his hands. Thankfully she fell on her bum and wasn’t hurt severely. I was right there and we all screamed with fear when it happened. She could have hurt her spine or legs! Would that make him a child beater? Frightening at times. Don’t get me wrong I completely support the fact that they have to notify the authorities if they have doubts but like I said previously he offered information immediately to the medical team.
CPS at its finest , total failures . going after good parents while returning children to notably abusive parents
This is why people don’t trust the government.