City Pays $250,000 after Abusing Elderly Man for Looking at a Police Car – Everything Law and Order Blog

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38 thoughts on “City Pays $250,000 after Abusing Elderly Man for Looking at a Police Car”
  1. The unprovoked assault by all 6(?) officers was bad enough and should give local citizens pause! But then the overall cause and justification' for their actions became clear. That damned fool of a sheriff let his complete 'brown' B/S flow from his brain onto a press release. That P/R stunt shows more clearly than the video why the officers act/acted the way they do. God keep us safe from self-forgiving, brown-mouthed idiots like these!

  2. Don’t they train cops about civil rights? Like the fact that if people are not driving on public streets (meaning certain obligations to show their drivers licence, car registration, etc) that they are not under any obligation to comply with police instructions unless they are informed they under arrest or been told they are under official detainment. Meaning it’s not resisting arrest to run away from a cop or to refuse to open the door for them, etc, unless a warrant is shown. Incidentally unless one is informed that one is under arrest or is informed one is officially detained, any time police touch you without consent it is at a minimum common assault. If one is in one of the 20% of US states that still permit private prosecutions under commonlaw; If the state refuses to prosecute the police, one can pay a lawyer to arrest & prosecute the police oneself.

  3. As usual there are no consequences for the people who did it. Taxpayers pay, nobody is reprimanded, fired or charged and the only consequence is that the cops have to sit through a boring lecture, and they can go right back to doing it again.

  4. His crime was having the complete audacity to talk back to a cop ,even though he was not dressed as a cop or identified himself as a cop . The way cops behave towards citizens is completely out of control, the quality and calibre of at least one third of cop's in America today falls way below the standard taxpayer's deserve, this makes the jobs of the other two thirds of decent cop's all the more difficult. That statement may already be redundant as the seven cop's in this clip all thought it was okay to abuse an old man and put him on bogus charges. This is probably why its time to remove qualified immunity as no accountability is destroying police departments all over America.

  5. Please STOP with these ridiculous video thumbnails! It is clickbait, and they are way over-sensationalized! I used to think of you with respect, but whoever you hired to create these thumbnails is dragging your reputation into the mud. Believe me, the extra views from these aren't worth it. Look, with your content stands on its own or it doesn't. Please use a thumbnail from your actual video and stop with this sensational, AI-generated crap. You are better than this.

  6. Never go to the police station to drop off meds if the pharmacy will not take it. The last thing you want to happen is bringing a controlled meds without the bottle or them accusing of a DUI just because you brought it to the station. I know this sound paranoid but I saw a video where a women who had stage 4 Cancer was arrested for a DUI and trafficing because she got her control meds in a drive thru pharmacy and put the meds on the seat next to her. The cop saw her leave the pharmacy and said she did not stop at the sign pulling out. She did stop. He said because the pills were within reach while she was that is a DUI. Basically the cop just ,ade that crap up. Some idiot could even do this with over the counter sleep meds. I know so many people who carry daily meds out side the bottle ( one they do not want to lose the whole script and cops act like you are a massive drug dealing when they find your blood pressure meds.) The other problem they take those med and even when they release you they will not release the meds. Which means if it is a control medication that you have been on for year like a benzo for seizures doctor cannot represcribe when control meds are lost and insurance will definantly not pay for replacements. They are risking people lives with there horrible mistake and what is worse is they could give one crap about it.
    Instead smash the meds up in a baggies and then mix witb used kitty litter or something nasty like a bunch of dirt or dog poop and then throw in the trash. No one is going to be trying to get smash pills that are now powered and mixed with dirty kitty litter out of the trash. If they want the drugs that bad they can have them.

  7. The u-s requires a police offenders register. Like a sex offenders register for the police that way, you can easily do a history check on any officer that you think is working in your neighborhood that might be dangerous.

  8. 7 cops for 1 unarmed, elderly non-violent man…tells you all you need to know about defunding the police and ending qualified immunity….let alone the herd mentality, false police report filed, dereliction of duty, the arrogance, lack of empathy, lack of service, weak emotional control, disregard of actually being a public servant, and (nearly) zero accountability overall and confidence that worst case they will get a taxpayer bailout and paid vacation….$250K not nearly enough

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