CLIP – Ex-candidate for Idaho governor arrested in Colorado cold case – TCDPOD

CLIP – Ex-candidate for Idaho governor arrested in Colorado cold case  – TCDPOD

Steven Dana Pankey, a two-time candidate for Idaho governor, is arrested in the cold-case disappearance and murder of 12-year-old Colorado girl Jonelle Matthews in 1984. Ana Garcia and Dr. Judy Ho discuss the case details.

From Friday’s full podcast here: ’Farmer buries jogger in field, joins search to find her; Ex-candidate arrested in cold case – TCDPOD’

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36 thoughts on “CLIP – Ex-candidate for Idaho governor arrested in Colorado cold case – TCDPOD

  1. Okay, I know the police have reason to believe he did it but the father's alibi doesn't add up either and I find it odd that nobody is questioning it. The father claimed he couldn't go see Janelle at her school play because he already made arrangements to watch his other daughter play basketball and his wife had to go out of town to visit a sick relative. The father was the first person to discover Janelle was missing or not home. 15 minutes later he answers the door and it's the little girl coming home from basketball. I thought he was at the basketball game???

  2. The truth sometimes finds a way to the surface. Wasn't he a former neighbour, the sick Pludo 😠 Funny how him and his wife went to California on a holiday the day she was missing.

  3. Correction: The news reports say that Jonelle’s mother was out of town visiting her father when Jonelle was kidnapped.
    TheBehaviorPanel on YouTube has done a good body language analysis of one of Pankey’s recent interviews.

  4. Just get to damned facts……… So far, the first 7-and-half minutes are just tragedy porn, going over and over about how all of this makes the commentators sad…video of this young child, etc. How small, again, was the casket????? The woman with glasses, describing the girls tattered clothes, says, "My lord I'm getting upset." Again, this is tragedy porn – what led them to the suspect and what's the evidence?

  5. I bet he was in the process of robbery when she came home. He thought the family was out and would have time to steal but she came home. So I’m not sure this was a sexual homicide.

  6. No credible evidence, he gave DNA in Aug 2019, indicted in Oct 2020. Ah, what a time to be a camera friendly Asian female (Judy Ho) with a PhD in the biggest charlatan racket, psychology. An authority in nothing but eye candy. McMartin daycare sex abuse case and spate of daycare sex abuse cases. Richard Jewel was profiled and a person of interest. Central Park 5, and Bloomberg wouldn't settle the case.

    Judy Ho says, "He is a text book case in terms of the kind of person who becomes a serial criminal or serial killer…he has all the warning signs along the way, and its just incredible that somehow he didn't end up in prison before finally having the case solved just now." Judy, are you a precog from a Philip K. Dick novel?

    Era of drive by media/internet should end. Need responsibility in terms of jail time to shake the pretty rats off the screen.

  7. You can't just flap your flappers
    And rub your trappers

    You can't start a video like this with bs , and offer zero substance , and end with bs !

    If he really did do it … – ARE YOU TWO INSANE !

    WHERE THE f IS THE evidence ! ! !


    EVIDENCE ! ! !

    My opinion – HE WALKS ! ! !

  8. I don’t know who this podcast lady is, but she seems to have some self-esteem issues….hence, the trophies and Emmys lined up, all over behind her back.

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