Twenty-one-year-old Kelcey Fike was a beloved daughter and friend ready to live happily ever after with the love of her life in a humble mobile home. Tragically, the home caught fire, and responders found Kelcey’s lifeless body in the bedroom and her cherished dog deceased in the living room. But investigators determined the flames were a coverup for a brutal killing, and years later, the case remains unsolved.
Cold-blooded killing covered up by trailer fire

may those responsible be prosecuted
Surely there are other cameras in the neighbourhood that will capture the sedan. There are not many cars on the road at that time.
My prayers to her family and friends.
Where was the boyfriend???
Love Anna Garcia
( reporter)
My last name is Fike too. My brother who passed was named Randy.
Dropping in to say hi, come say hello and leave a comment
Setting a trailer on fire to hide a murder? This is beyond chilling. Who else felt uneasy watching this?
My Cat's breath smells like Cat food.
My condolences to the family, I wish everyone watching the video a happy life with their family.
Kelcey gorgeous
Why are people always wonderful after they pass away?
Wow her bf looks pretty
Why do people "live together" before marriage???
It's like unfinished or it's just me? More on boyfriend? Love triangle? Lover? Anything?What?
Is ana garcia gonna cry in this video as well? Stay tuned and find out!
They keep saying they sounds like it’s more than one person
Ana ♥♥♥♥♥

Were lssce
Jist trust them they cu t what
She vould nevere ere be a ith
Thank you for the sad information
Dang rip