Cold Case: 4 Murdered Mid-Day in South Carolina Motorsports Shop – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

Cold Case: 4 Murdered Mid-Day in South Carolina Motorsports Shop – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

A high-profile murder mystery remains unsolved in Chesnee, South Carolina: Four people massacred in a motorsports shop in the middle of the day.

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30 thoughts on “Cold Case: 4 Murdered Mid-Day in South Carolina Motorsports Shop – Pt. 2 – Crime Watch Daily

  1. this is the first time I've ever heard it intimated that Scott wasn't the baby's father, but Brian was. That blows my mind. I attended the same church as them. Melissa seemed besotted with Scott. I do remember how happy she was after the baby came; she just glowed. You would never have known her husband was gone, she would never see him again. I would be distraught for many months, if not years.

  2. It's eerie now watching the reenactment n knowing how similar the actor looks to the real killer and how accurate the reenactment is in relation to the way it was done.

  3. That’s so freaking sad you’re supposed to be safe at your job place ! A specially a car dealer like who tf is so cold that they’d do something like this!!! My heart goes out to the distraught little boy RIP to those victims I couldn’t imagine my last moments on earth are to a situation like this …

  4. My hometown… nut job that did it kept trying to get me to go out with him… tried to offer me a job… TOTALLY GAVE ME THE CREEPS… glad my gut instinct kicked… but to mention he is gross… no no no TODD

  5. Watching this knowing the case is solved sorta makes me sad for these people who were clearly grasping at straws and pointing their fingers at the wrong people. Sometimes murder is just murder, there's no conspiracy.

  6. This was all admitted to by Todd Kolhepp, the Serial Killer who had that woman Kala locked up in a shipping container on his property.

    Luckily, she was found alive by the police, but when Kolhepp was caught, he actually walked the police through exactly how he did these, "Superbike Motorsports," murders in stunning exacting detail.

    This is part 1 of his confession;

    (You can find part 2 from there.)

    (The confession is really frustrating to watch lol because he's narrating while the police are writing it all down, and so they are constantly telling him to slow down so they can catch up to what he's saying. It's actually mind-numbingly excruciating lol you'll see.)

  7. What the heck. People who have it so good still look for greener grass. Once you find the Love of your life, please, stop looking. Now the wife has permanent consequences of her actions, however deep they go, and no way to reconcile.

  8. Well, clearly that couple had ZILCH to do with this. This is why judging people can be a dangerous thing. The man who did it was seemingly a normal guy. A real estate person. Yet, he was a serial killer who had a girl tied up in a storage shed.

  9. Am I the only one here that finds Matt Doran attractive?

    Also, this is so sad. Very sad that a father didn't get to meet his new baby. Everything is sad about this story. I hope that the families involved in this, find some peace. No one deserves to die like that.

    I admire their strength, to go out there and talk about this, and their pain.

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