A government computer specialist goes missing on Valentine’s Day 2009. Michelle Sigona has the Crime Watch Daily mystery.
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A government computer specialist goes missing on Valentine’s Day 2009. Michelle Sigona has the Crime Watch Daily mystery.
Check your local listings at CrimeWatchDaily.com.
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Her name should be in the title
Sad that this only has 15 comments. Let it have been "someone else" though! SMH! Rest In Love Pamela! #BlackWomenNeedToBeProtected!!
The number of military/law enforcement men who kill their partners…….
Did she happen to work with the Clintons at all?
The white house
This is so sad. This family need answers. Is this government related.
Pamela's brother and mother are such a fine, lovely people. I feel so sorry for them, so sad story. If Pamela had placed a camera on the left side of her house, maybe she'd be live now. But how could she have known?
https://wtop.com/dc/2017/10/va-man-pleads-guilty-killing-girlfriend-disappeared-2009/ spoiler alert
3rd case of female gone missing that worked for the government
Holy Moley….
does anyone have an update on this story have they found her ? prayers up I do find it very strange she worked for the govt though
Sad storie