A government computer specialist goes missing on Valentine’s Day 2009. Michelle Sigona has the Crime Watch Daily mystery.
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A government computer specialist goes missing on Valentine’s Day 2009. Michelle Sigona has the Crime Watch Daily mystery.
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This is the 2nd woman he killed
He killed her and put her body in those bags, ladies please stop meeting these bums online. Online dating makes you an easy target RipMsButler
omg the guy's such a narc…..ovbiously he did it> he's on camera!!!
funny how he thinks everyone is so stupid….omg you just can't date anyone on line……
Im sure he killed her an cut her up .
If this was a white woman it been investigated differently…. was there any evidence taken from the house
Police failed this victim
In October 2017 Jose Rodriguez -Cruz admitted to strangling Pamela Butler and he eventually pleaded guilty to second-degree murder. He is also suspect in the murder of his ex wife whose remains were found in 1991. Pamela Butler’s body was finally found in May 2019. Somehow this murdering, woman abusing, bastard only got 12 years.
He dismembered her and cleaned up smh
To hear her mother speak really hurts my heart.
The brother never have up and now they have some clos ure. It really gets under my skin that someone can get a reduced sentence for giving up the location of a body or crime. He only 12 years for strangling this poor woman to death. It's disgusting when he from day one made himself look guilty from that moment forward.
Even a blind man could see he murdered her. Why wasn't he arrested back in 2009???? Yet more incompetence by the police.
shes in the bags
For god sake. How difficult is it to solve this crime. The dude did it. There are no other suspects, he’s refusing to cooperate, he’s acting erratic, and what pisses me off is that he’s using PTSD to cover up a murder that he committed.
It’s crazy to think that just getting into a relationship with someone can be the worst thing you can ever do.
Bad job from the police
she worked for the government and her bf was military ..she disapears in her own home… alot of documents scattered ..and nobody links this to her job.. ok lol
They've Arrested Him As Of April 2017 For This Murder!
I am DISGuSTEd by the horrible police work or lack of I should say
does anyone have an update on this story have they found her ? prayers up I do find it very strange she worked for the govt though
he looks like a scapegoat for the nsa.
should had video from in the house to
Seven years dead and no progress. Jose is a protected man. Seems like he was right when he said they didn't know who they were messing with.
he's guilty. plain and simple
I am surprised that this kind of reporting is allowed. They present the guy like the killer, although there is no evidence backing that up.
It is sad for the family, but this kind of reporting and pointing fingers is by no means responsible journalism.
It's not fair that he's walking around free when it's obvious he killed her and cleaned up after himself.
It is sad situacion,but,if you just think little harder you can see tru Joses lies and he did probably horible thing and the anwser was definetly in them trash bags he took away