Kaylee Sawyer was just twenty-three years old when she was out having fun with friends at a bachelorette party, until she vanished. While walking down the street to get to her apartment, she was trapped in a campus security vehicle and kidnapped by a Central Oregon Community College security guard named Edwin Lara. The Decoder breaks down the story to reveal what really happened the day she disappeared.
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"the sound of the life that got breathed into her"?? Bro had a very bad sequence there wtf
The much more common version is that she comes home the next day and lies and months later confesses that she cheated. Typical American girl behavior.
His confession ruled inadmissible ??? Well, correctly reading him his rights is tricky isn't it? You need a high IQ to get that right, and cops don't get much chance to practice it. It takes years to master it, if you're just an everyday cop.
He was obviously mentally ill.
I was living here when this happened. Totally shocked everyone in town RIP Kaylee.
This Edwin loser is a narcist, pathological liar, killer, borderline..very very dangerous mixed of characters
I think the girl that got kidnapped unjustly spent quite a bit of time in jail too. They thought she was an accomplice or somthing. Poor girl.
Wtf. happened to the death penalty ?
Actually having a degree in criminal justice doesn’t give you understanding of the law. It does prepare you for a degree that would help you learn the law.
I don't think he ever thought she was a hooker. He was out looking for a victim and found one. What a sicko.
Even for an off duty cop with his side arm, walking around drunk at 1am is dangerous. Come to think of it, even a cop in full gear and sober isn't safe walking around at 1am. They have to pay attention and have a radio for backup.
I got asthma could you tell them to not be rough with me 😂 is this guy for real 🤡
12:50 If someone is creepy enough that you wouldn't get in a car with them and they're in a position of trust, do something about it!
Back in the 90's I worked as a security guard a few places and let me tell you I worked with some nutty guys who were "security guards", all it takes to be one is fill out an application and at some sites you're only there to satisfy insurance regulations…I'll never be a security guard again it's the most boring job on earth
The killer was a government employee working in an official capacity when he committed these horrendous crimes to Kaylee Sawyer. That means the family had grounds to sue the government, which they did, and they were ultimately awarded $2 million by the courts.
its so crazy when murderers ask not to be roughed up.
“A Subaru Impreza” … Shows a WRX STI.. LOL
“Phone off” I mean…
he knew she wasn't a hooker RIP KAYLEE
Dang this story got more crazy as i kelt watching!