Company executives accused of fueling addiction

Company executives accused of fueling addiction


A billionaire doctor’s company manufactures a spray pain medication with an addictive drug. Executives are accused of profiting off patients by selling them drugs they don’t need. (Originally aired Dec. 5, 2017)



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49 thoughts on “Company executives accused of fueling addiction

  1. Remember if someone gets any toxic liquid splashed in the face, get them into the shower and immediately RINSE, RINSE, RINSE with cool water…. and KEEP RINSING BEFORE calling 9-1-1 !!!
    KEEP the water flowing while awaiting the paramedics…don't stop until they tell you to do so, even if it takes 10, 15, 20 minutes or more.
    Acids burn right through skin, and if the eyes are exposed to acid, blindness is a real possibility.
    The life you save could be a loved one.
    Be safe out there, God Bless.

    First Aid classes should be required before High School graduation.
    We would have a safer and better informed public.

  2. First Doctor Nikesh Seth when asked about Opioids and
    Fentany clearly the Doctor
    Nikesh he had dollar 💵 signs
    in his eyes 👀 of course Fentany
    was a good product because you
    you were making millions by defrauding the system

  3. And several of our politicians, especially Republicans, but not exclusively, all want us to believe that fentanyl comes from China. It comes from US pharmaceutical companies.

  4. Capitalism beats socialism. Oh wait untill it affects you. Socialism does not mean Facebook and Twitter, but socialist people won't realize that till they can't feed them selves. Oh no hun there is no sugar today. = Salt ,sugar and bread people are continuing to help spiral this county out of control.

  5. Now because of irresponsible people over 20 million people are suffering needlessly for .01% of the population who won't read directions on the pamphlets that are attached to your rd. It can't be any more dumbed down. Now the entities that be are making a choice for someone else and we no longer have a choice to choose from. Thanks a bunch to all the people who think that the government and so forth need to save you. Now you can not choose either. Fast becoming the land of the slave home of the weak. Somewhere along the way brave and free got lost cowards being afraid to make their own decisions . It is not rocket science.

  6. Only an irresponsible person will overdose. You know what you need. If you are not in PAIN don't take it.. That equals dumbass. Even if her chart said cancer. She knows she is not having knee cancer. Educate your self and you won't die . People like her are truly making people who know what type of meds help what ailments. Do you take Imodium if you are constipated!

  7. If ppl got health problems after cancer or other problems that hurt the body with so much pain ppl barly function should give ppl medication, its now so bad that doctors are so afraid of writing out medication and patients lay at home in pains just because doctors are pushed to force ppl to eat healthy, train and live healthy instead of helping them with medication so they can live a worthy life. I would rather be addicted to a pain medication than to have no life just beeing at home in pain. Ppl who die will always happen because ppl are greedy and want all pain to go away and they take to much, that should not go out over the doctors or pain patients. Let ppl get how much they need let them decide if they want to live or not with the pain they got or dont want to live with

  8. Really sad because people need this medication. These evil people are taking away medications from people who are really suffering. Not only does this affect Subsys but also all other narcotic pain medications.

  9. I live in new zealand, we dont have any of these shitty pain meds like america, oxycontin was only introduced to this country not to long ago our doctors keep an eye on all patients they prescribe it to…american doctors and drug companies are causing addictions and killing their country, while they reap the rewards and its always money…what a sad country really when drug companies keep pumping out these disgusting pain meds. Yuck

  10. I was on opiates for years through knee pain and surgeries. Very interesting that even though my surgeries didn't fix all of my problems, I do not suffer from the same pains I did while still on opioids.
    I truly believe these drugs help to wire your brain with more pain than you actually have and amplify it through processes in your brain that are altered by the drugs. Hard to explain, but I know my pains have never been the same or as severe as when I was treating it with opioids! I believe it trips the brain, so you feel more pain, so you keep needing that drug, and the addiction begins immediately.
    Just my .02 cents…

  11. I had a dr try to prescribe me Fentanyl.and try to give me pills without telling me what they are.. For chronic pain, I refused it. And walked out the E.R. NE FL
    .. and I had a dr in an e.r in PHX prescribe me percocets for a bug bite. And I didn't even seek medical attention I was there with my friend and he asked for them.

  12. this is my home and Arizona is really a giant dump everyone here seems to be on something you can go to the doctor here and say oh I hurt my hand and they will write you a script for like three different pain killers I hate the doctors here and if you say no they get mad

  13. shit like this scares the shit out of my I have never used a pain medication because they scare me so much I have had four c sections and my doctors are always pushing this crap on me and I just take reg over the counter stuff and rest… The fact that people just cant handle some damn pain is insane… If I can have my tummy sliced open and tied back up you can deal with your fucking pain this is just the stupidest shit dont be ran by a fucking pill I mean how weak can you be… JUST SAY FUCKING NO I MEAN WE ALL LEARN THIS IN SCHOOL….

  14. The company mentioned here is just the one who got caught. They were dealing with Fentinol. The others are selling tabs which are just as addictive, but they are huge, and the FDA serves the filthy rich. This guy was the poorest of the filthy rich, and he got there from not having very much, so they had to get rid of him.There are regs on fentinol, but they are less restrictive with tabs. They only regulate the people who have them, not the big heroen pushers. What if junkies could buy their heroen from a huge company? They'd go to jail, but the big company would get off one way or another.Yeah, current laws say that no one can sell heroen, but what if someone found a loophole? Loopholes work for these folks but not for us. In the end, the end user and the small time dealer would go to jail, but the big corporation that ran the whole thing would be scot free, or maybe they'd have to pay out some money, just making them raise their prices.


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