Confessed killer makes bombshell claim in murder of Dan Markel (Pt. 1) Crime Watch Daily

Confessed killer makes bombshell claim in murder of Dan Markel (Pt. 1) Crime Watch Daily

UPDATE: One of two men arrested for the murder of renowned scholar Dan Markel has agreed to tell detectives everything he knows, and #CrimeWatchDaily has the full confession.

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48 thoughts on “Confessed killer makes bombshell claim in murder of Dan Markel (Pt. 1) Crime Watch Daily

  1. Let's fast forward now that Charlie has been convicted and Donna Adelson is in jail, set to go to trial next month 9/17/24 in Tallahassee, is Georgia Cappleman still going to require a witness to roll on Wendi before she is arrested? Charlie has implicated Wendi multiple times in his jail phone calls with Donna, right before Donna was arrested, talking about essentially it was Wendi who got him convicted because of Wendi's drive down Trescott right after the murder, saying she just couldn't help herself, etc… Also, Donna implicated Wendi after she failed to hang up from one of those jail phone calls, and kept talking, saying
    "Your brother protected you for years. Now you're not guilty? Your lawyer took very good care of you. You can bury me in that dress I bought for Lincoln's Bar Mitzvah."

  2. Comments here are ridiculous. The Rivera evidence is obviously nonsense and his testimony in court is not consistent with what he says in this segment and is full of contradictions. He is saying what he thinks the investigators and prosecution wants to hear to get a shorter sentence . The state is prosecuting the case on weighing the evidence they have. We should wait and see where that eventually leads. A sensationalist TV segment is not trial evidence and one should not judge people’s guilt, involvement or innocence on the basis of it. That is what we have courts for.

  3. So now Katie’s children have no parents— over something that is none of their business.

    Markel’s boys will have no father, possibly no mother, no uncle, no grandmother… I mean did these people think ?

  4. Katie is so duplicitous. She demanded Sigfredo do the murder if he wants her back. She got Sigfredo to do the murder so Charlie would be both enamored with and indebted to her.

  5. What kind of….trash, walk on this Earth?? Just fight for "human rights", obviously there's too many. World became unbelivable, 15-16-17 century sentances are necessity.

  6. How bad could this guy be if all we heard was that he wanted at least some custody of his kids? Meanwhile the brother and parents jump on board the murder train after the victim didnt sell his childrens love for $1 million.

  7. They locked up the other two minorities strictly on the word of one minority, but his word isn't good enough to have those white folk who Mastermind the plan locked up?! this is disgusting!

  8. This a racist ass channel for real! I noticed all the years that I've been watching it, you guys only use the term baby daddy when you're referring to minorities. You never use it when you're mentioning white people

  9. The only one to benefit from Dan Markel’s murder was non other than Wendy Adelson. Why isn’t she arrested. Because our justice system is crooked. From judges, prosecutors, lawyers, etc. The average person without money, would be behind bars. This has been 8 years, 8 years!! Does this make sense. Someone is being paid off and we know where the money is coming from.

  10. You can’t trust the gang member hitman. He’s getting a plea and he’s heard of these cop theories for two years. He has every reason to lie to get a plea.

  11. The reason the lawyers can't make the Adelson family testify is because, even if they subpoena them to appear, the Adelsons can plead the 5th ammendment. Therefore, in order not to compromise the investigation, the COPS have to go step-by-step. Such a brazen crime cannot go unpunished. What's the Statute of Limitations for murder?🤔

  12. As a criminal defense attorney I am respectful of the power of the government. The fact that Wendi Adelson knows criminal law and would put herself in this position is remarkable.

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