This week: The years-long unsolved murders of a family of four finally see resolution this week when a business associate is convicted in Southern California. A woman fights back hard when her neighbor attacks her in her house in the middle of the night in Niagara Falls, New York. A mother of 3 is accused of shooting her boyfriend to death after he has a falling out with a cult in a dispute over her in Pennsylvania. And a new social media app helps capture an accused pedophile, who also happens to be a California cop. (June 14, 2019)

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By elboriyorker


48 thoughts on “Conviction concludes McStay Family murder mystery; Alien cult member killed – TCDPOD”
  1. In regards to the bullied childs mom… anyone under 25 that has been a child in school within the last decade will know how awful kids can be and that they just added "snitch" and "mommas boy" to their arsenal of insults. She obviously meant well but i'd be surprised if it helped and didnt make it worse.

  2. I was walking through that industrial section of Niagara Falls the day Michael Ciscowicks house was surrounded by cops I turned off before going through the area he was caught the next day… In one way I wish I kept walking through the woods and run into him so I could of told police sooner where he was but at the same time I don't know what he would of done to me

  3. I don’t think it will help any pedo. They have hands, they will collect that’s what most do they share this stuff. However I would like instant kill, instead of lethal injection.

  4. Chemical castration is a pill to take away the sex drive. I completely agree with that. Yes, they should not be above getting their dicks cut off, but at least they are going a step faurther than just having their name on a registry.

  5. feeding castration chemicals to someone is cruel & unusual. if someone is evaluated to be a likely re-offender, they need to just keep them in jail. cant wait until they start castrating the wrong people, like they put innocent people in jail, that is going to be a disaster

  6. I think a child rapist ought to be locked up for life. I am against chemical castration because I don't think it will work. Either lock them up or exile them somehow.

  7. Regarding chemical castration for pedophiles; there's plenty of evidence that it doesn't work… because rape is a crime of violence. There is no pill for people who have to have power over a child; I think they need to be warehoused until there is a real cure.

  8. If you want to check out a channel that does the same thing as Ethan did, just some good citizen, then check out anxiety war. He is an amazing guy and does it as a hobby and has put multiple guys in jail. He is severely underrated so I try to plug him everywhere I can bc he deserves the extra ad revenue and views

  9. I am so paranoid and afraid of strangers, I won’t even answer my door for people I know. If you want to come over CALL FIRST. If I don’t know you I’m NOT opening the door. I feel so terrible for these poor people who this terrifying stuff happens to!

  10. First time watcher. Good content but y'all need to inject some personality when reading the news stories. Right now y'all sound like robots on auto pilot.

  11. I believe that this law is a fantastic law to put in place and enforce fully! I believe once people see that it is being enforced as time goes on then maybe they will think twice about molesting a child due to the nature of the punishment. Mental illness is a serious battle in our country but when you molest and take a child's innocence away from them forever, you should have to pay more of a price then some jail time and your name on a list. End of Story. I am all for this!

  12. That Niagra falls story is so scary. Of course you would open your door because you assume your neighbor is not a threat. What a strong brave woman. Such a badass, I love that she bashed his head into the window so hard it shattered the glass.

  13. Chemical Castration? Sure when women who live in poverty keep having kids while on welfare and endanger them by buying hair weave instead of food for thier kids. Rspist should punished. But more and more men have been falsely accused. When woman are to be believed at all times and it's been proven that children are easily coerced. This also has been tried before using Depi Provera. Also rape is not about sex. If they can't use thier penis they will use s broomstick, knife or anything else handy. Its about violence. This is just like putting hyperactive boys on drugs to take away thier make traits. By making boys safer. How long before if teenage boy has an erection on class before we put him on drugs? Seems like a lot of these laws are aimed at men when ain't shit woman shouldn't be having kids in the first place. Am I angry…you bet. Especially after seeing what happened a prospective supreme court justice last year. Where are the protests now?

  14. There is nothing like when your kid is getting bullied. My daughter was getting bullied by a girl on the schoolbus when she was in 4th grade. First I called the kids mom. Then I went to the teacher. Then I went to the principal. THEN my daughter told me the girls had her younger cousin joining in, a boy, and he had spit on her. Lord Jesus. I went back to that school one last time. I told the principal that if I hear ONE more story about this guttersnipe, I'm done talking to people who aren't doing anything. Next time she messes with my daughter, I'm gonna be waiting at that girl's bus stop with a leather belt in my hand and I am gonna give her the ass whooping she should have gotten a long time ago. I told the principal from there the problem may be between me and the kid's mom, me and the school, or me and the law, and I'll take all that, but that girl's knees are gonna bend every time she looks at a leather belt. I am pleased to report we had no more problems with that family. To this day I have no idea what that principal said to stop it cold but she saved that child's ass, and probably mine too. My friends laughed at me when I told them the story because everyone who knows me knows I've never whooped a child in my life, including my own. I had to remind them that I spent enough years on the other end of that belt, I know how it works! (Thanks Dad)

  15. This case is a significant one for me. I remember watching a documentary of the McStay family ,missing, when I was about 14, 15 not sure. I'm 20 now and this case just isn't like any other for me. May the Mcstays rest in peace.

  16. STOP PUTTING PODCASTS ON HERE Nobody wants to sit and listen to you guys narrate a case when you guys can just put the episode up

  17. Another thing about that Chemical Castration, that bothers me. Is that there are cases we hear of . Where 17 yr old boys, could be charged with having relations with a 13 yr old girl. And yes. Most of us Parents, I would THINK. Wouldnt be too happy w/our 13 yr old being with a 17 yr old. But we'd also be smart enough to KNOW. That him being 17 still makes him a child as well. So why should he be charged as pedophile? But there are Crazy States like Alabama. Ran by CRAZY PPL, like this Old Woman and her Party. That would allow the parents of the 13 yr old girl. To accuse a young boy , also still a minor.. And ppl like this woman and her party. Would have no problem. Charging a young man or woman, under the age of 18. Especially if Black or Brown. For being involved w/ someone also under 18. And especially if they were White!

    And when we start going down this type of a road. We'll look up and next we'll see all of that I just mentioned. Turned up to 100 in most all RW ran states. And itll backfire on the same rubes cheering this woman.

    Theyll be using this Chemical Castration crap to justify everything. It could get to the point they start in on 5 yrs old who may do something they consider inappropriate. THEY CONSIDER, keyword. Thats how crazy I think RW Politicians , and some of these Teachers, are today . So I wouldn't put it past them to go that low. Theyd do it Under the geiss of "We have to catch it warly and weed it out of em!" This is how SICK. This Republican Cults Idealogy has gotten. And lets keep it real. It is the REPUBLICAN PARTY, and the Republican Party ONLY. Who are pretending to be about Law and Order. And then when they get enough rubes to cheer on their cruelty. Then before you know it. We get stuff like this being signed into legislation. Not VOTED IN, by the People. Just a Cult who took it upon themselves. To tell the taxpayers. "Heres another Bill. That YOU, will be footin the bill for! Plus our salaries as well"

    Everybodys life in Alabama, not just the actual CRIMINALS, gets affected negatively, with things like this

    Parents may now have to go through the legal system because their 16 yr old son, was labeled a pedophile for sleeping with a 13 yr old. I mean its a disaster waiting to HAPPEN, in so many different situations and scenarios!

  18. After yrs they found out the women and 3 kids who were stuffed in 3 diff barrels in the woods in NH, and they know the serial killer who did It . DNA don’t lie

  19. He murdered all of them by blunt force trauma. That takes time to die and they would have watched each other be murdered. this guy deserves the death penalty.

  20. I am now addicted to listening to their podcast. Fortunately, one of you pops up with an amazingly beautiful lady who said that she was on the wrong side of the 80 years, I fell completely for her
    Thanks for the fact that she lined up and showed us how to download the podcasts, something I must have finally understood what is and how it work, I have findings a whole new world, and I em 46 years old🤣🤣(Someone learns amazingly slowly) I always go back with you two, you fill each other amazingly well I love the black humor you have at the same time an incredibly profound respect for all the victims and their relatives
    Greetings a big fan from the Norway 💕

  21. Rape can not just be done via person. Objects can be considered as raping a person & can do just do as much physical & emotional damage to a person in my opinion

  22. Is this not just accepting that prison will not reform these molesters? And is castration just masking the symptoms? Something needs to change in the prison system to address the root of prisoners behaviours.

  23. Always a pleasure listening to u the podcasts and it's one of the the best parts of my weekend…thank u,keep up the good work!!

  24. The problem with castration is that it just makes sexual offenders worse, the fact that their dick doesn't work won't stop them from offending and will just make them angry and treat their victims worse. In fact it makes them more violent, according to the FBI. For example there's been many many examples of sexual offenders developing Erectile Dysfunction and going from rape to stabbing or vicious beating. While rape is bad, at least you can survive it, unlike murder. I wish people would listen to experts like John Douglas before making these laws or believing that castration is the answer to dealing with sexual offenders.

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