Cell phone video shows the aftermath of a near-deadly crash in Minnesota on Monday. Authorities said Crow Wing County deputy Matthew Jorgens’ squad car burst into flames after colliding with two vehicles parked on the left side of a highway. The Law&Crime Network’s Sierra Gillespie has the details.
Sierra Gillespie: https://twitter.com/sierragillespie
#Minnesota #CaughtonCamera #LawAndCrime
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lul cops are such speds
$100 says they tried to blame the other drivers and even cited and charged them for something😡
Hopefully the officer was cited like we would be
Yet another genius police officer
Were there victims? Sorry , but this information about how the deputy sheriff crashed the car is not more important than knowing about victims. Thanks for the clarification. The squad car was a total loss.
So the cop rear ended 2 people and im guessing its the 2 victims insurance that pays out.
He was probably on his cell phone not paying attention
That was just a very expensive parking job the deputy did. 😆
Give him a ticket for distracted driving.
None of the news people drive huh?
I was wondering if it was totaled, I figure it may buff out.
Was the cop TEXTING…
Culprit Judiciary
Cop must have been drunk or high 😅
So why did he crash? Texting? Fallen asleep? Hope he's fired immediately.
Will the EPA be issuing fines for all that pollution?
A cop car rear ending a vehicle? Something totally not right here 😕
I can't believe that people still say passerbys. It's passersby. I abhor bad grammar.
How drunk was the cop? Or what was he on?
Let’s see what everyone thinks the cause is..bc no way was he distracted or on phone no way.. so I’m thinking gas pedal stick or brakes not working there’s a few others
Does qualified immunity cover this?
Test his blood! He better be held accountable for this!!!!
Why do they show the video in 3 frames?
Anyone know?
Ooooooo he in trouble
I hope the cop gets in trouble for this if it were me or you we sure would
WoW 😮 shocking!
The hail
Who wants to bet the deputy was busy texting instead of watching the road?.🤔…
I bet it wasn't his fault, no wrongdoing here guys move along.