Former police officer Daniel Holtzclaw was accused of sexually assaulting multiple women on the job. Some are arguing that his trial was unfair.
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Former police officer Daniel Holtzclaw was accused of sexually assaulting multiple women on the job. Some are arguing that his trial was unfair.
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Why does he look Down syndrome
Absolute filth of a man. Glad he was SERVED.
Wow a man has to spend the rest of his life in prison because street sex workers are crying rape for something they get paid to perform for 20 bucks just look at the kind of women daniel was really on his A game for prostitutes.
Daniel's really acting like an NPC Like when he was in the interrogation room I'm pretty sure he was acting like an NPC just to get out of it
LOVED this series. It was so informative! Such great reporting!
This is crazy because the documentary I watched didn’t mention a lot of these things that help his case. I didn’t know some of these very important things. I definitely agree the very least is a second trial.
Detective said “I just went with my gut”.
My hero
Cops: "If you were being accused of something, you would be livid, and he didn't raise an eye brow, and that was a red flag"
Also Cops: "If you are being accused of something, and you go ballistic, that's a red flag". .
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. . . They lie, they lie, they lie. . .
So basically this innocent cop went to jail because crackheads were coached into giving false confessions against him.
As of today 2/16/22, I am part of Team Daniel! Let's goooooooo!!!!!
He is innocent! I can't believe it!!!
I can't believe it. He's innocent! Everyone watch the Truth about Daniel Holtzclaw:
Wow, so he is innocent, and all these cop-hating social justice warriors just want him in jail because he's a cop.
Wow I've been thinking he was guilty for years. But now I see that he is actually innocent. Thank you!
His gf is pretty, why was he doing that to these old ladies?
Best believe if I get arrested for a sexual assault cliam I'll scream and holler what how and when??this guy is guilty explain the DNA of a 17 yr old inside his uniform pants… I need closure he needs to admit to his wrong doings beside claiming innocence. His family are enabling him and that is disgusting and disrespectful to the victim and family
Guilty Guilty Guilty his family keeps enabling him on his innocence claim. He will never hold up to his wrongs bc of them
Totally guilty
Turning off his GPS and then pulling over women and admitted it?
Ok most who testified were pulled over by him and the same thing you were swerving
He a sick man.
What if the women with the crack pipe did it to get out of trouble
Each of these women had millions of reasons…. millions of dollar reasons.