Former police officer Daniel Holtzclaw was accused of sexually assaulting multiple women on the job. Some are arguing that his trial was unfair.
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Former police officer Daniel Holtzclaw was accused of sexually assaulting multiple women on the job. Some are arguing that his trial was unfair.
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I knew right away, that the detective Kim Davis was in a relationship with a woman. Most lesbians loathe men if they think they did something to another woman. Davis most likely (more like definitely) sounded like she had made her mind up about him from the beginning. I'm guessing because of the way she felt about the situation, and going in it already with her mind made up, she did everything she could to get that man behind bars. She most likely didn't even do a thorough investigation, because she wanted him to be guilty, and also wanted to give these women peace of mind. If there was some way that Holtzclaws attorney could have her taken off of the case, and put a new detective on it, They should definitely take it. I'll be it becomes a completely different case and outcome. I mean C'mon, half of the women lied and confessed that they lied after the fact. So what's the chances that the rest of them lied also to get a police officer thrown in jail, when all of them themselves have a record, and were pulled over and ticketed by him. Isn't there a law about being able to work a case if you know the person personally? I mean, they worked together… she must have really disliked working with him… probably because he's a man.
I understand how the judicial system works, but I don't think it really makes any sense, for people to get a summons for jury duty. Almost every person that gets jury duty, is always looking for a way out of it because they don't want to be there. How would you like it if you were in court, (let's say for murder) and your life was on the line, with the decision of a jury of your peers, that are trying to find the fastest way out of there. Out of all the jurors, how many do you think are really taking the time to do their best job of finding the facts, and sentencing him properly. I hate how black people always go strait for the race card, as you can plainly hear being said, and yelled, by some of the women outside protesting. So tell me, how the heck can he be racist if he supposedly prefers doing this to mostly all black women? If he is guilty, I'm pretty sure he has a thing for black women…. But he must still be racist…. right?
STOP THE RACISM!! And It goes both ways!
Kangaroo court
I wanted to believe there might be innocence, but even the minor’s mother said he asked her daughter out….she was a minor, 17, and he had a girlfriend. I don’t think he is innocent now. Whether he did ALL the crimes, doubtful since he was described differently, but he def did SOME. Even just asking out a minor on a date is a thing Chris Hansen To Catch A Predator documents. So this guy is a creep.
Rapist !!!
Raping is disgusting and traumazing but being accused of rape falsely is also disgusting
The jurors were morons. It was clear by that one interview that those jurors could care less if he was innocent. This system is disgusting
Typical BP looking for paydays where none are warranted. They don’t care who they have to hurt to get it. They just want that check.
All these rape apologist in the comments
He’s innocent. These are all a bunch of crackheads that ruined this man’s life.
Whether he did it or not it looks like there's definitely enough that he deserves another trial. Frankly if your witnesses are on PCP you don't seem to have much of a case. Dear cops, you may tired, and on the way home, but if you're gonna pull someone over…keep your cams on and do everything by the book.. if it's worth pulling someone over, it's worth that much. it's for your safety as well
Funny how parts 1 to 3 the comments are all "OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!" to here it's 'He deserves a new trial". Keep reading the facts on this case and opinion is VERY likely to change. I'm convinced he's innocent and felt completely the opposite.
He ain’t do that shit😂
Oh well if he didn't do it, he took one for his ancestors who DID!😮
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
DNA evidence from other sexual assaults
Can't believe t, people don't know how to notice when someone is gulti…..
He definitely deserves a new trial. The media is so terrible. They convicted him to when they should have been reporting this information along time ago. Thet need to have the trial somewhere else more capable because that court and those Jurors are goofy.
What a joke, The justice system that gets pressured by a political protest outside and has to find the cop guilty because they will say he's a racist cop and should be in a jail is a failed justice system
I mean I wasnt there of course my opinion doesn't matter. I think he's guilty of having an encounter with the young woman. Vaginal fluids don't get on pants just by touching another person. But it was consensual (as far as we know) and no other DNA could be found on him or other victims.
If he has a girlfriend and black friends there was no need for him to sexually assault these women. I believe the victims, I just don't think they have the right person.
And before you get mad at me in the comments, it could still be that he had assaulted some of them. But for sure he was wrongly judged and it was as unfair for him to get a tripple life-sentence as it is for woman getting assaulted and their abuser not being found. Justice for assaulted woman and justice for him.
That dude defenitley fucked a few chicks. Most of them came out of the woods when a real accuser came out which happens, but he did a few of those women. This happens alot in law enforcement but they dont ever get caught.
Anybody who watched his initial interrogation can tell he surely did something and is not so innocent.
This is why men should learn to wash their filthy hands.
Selfish prick allowed his family to spend their life savings fighting for him.
I would have found Holtzclaw innocent beyond a reasonable doubt just from tge investigation and "witness" holes here. These "witness" were confused, misled, incentivised and high on drugs. Unbelievable.
shitty law system 😁
There’s nothing more retarded and more stupid than BLM movement sht so stupid