Cop Defends Citizen Against Another Cop! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original video:

Officer Giannantonio’s body camera:

Officer Brown’s body camera:

Auditors Of America (Last Days Of Freedom)’s channel:

James Freeman’s coverage:



Tenn. Code § 39-13-101-

Tenn. Code § 39-13-102-

Tenn. Code § 39-11-106-

State v. Sims-

Tenn. Code § 39-13-302-

Tenn. Code § 39-13-303-

Tenn. Code § 39-13-301-

Tenn. Code § 39-16-403-

Tenn. Code § 39-16-402-

Tenn. Code § 39-14-405-

Property line-

Tenn. Code § 39-14-502-

Tenn. Code § 39-14-503-


50 thoughts on “Cop Defends Citizen Against Another Cop!”
  1. That officer was disgusted that "undesirables" had the audacity to be in his neighborhood, and turned this into a fight from the second he confronted them. He is a tyrant, and that poor little girl will now forever be resentful toward law enforcement.

  2. What's a what's it take Aditi audit to get an A+ I'm just curious because you sit there and you watch the officer off duty a salsa man with a child and his wife walking across the street his daughter accidentally drops a piece of paper and they pick it up are the I think you need to grow a pair and I think you need to apologize to this man and his wife and his child and I think you need to dig in your little Rich pocket and give that man some money you want to know why because if you don't my personal opinion about you and your your channel here you're a disgrace sir as of this time but I would dare say you won't do it you won't let your ego do it cuz you're just as bad as that officer and you're just as bad as that officer Brown you want to cover the The Thin Blue Line and I'm I'm telling you right now I'm going to start watching your channel and I'm going to start calling you out on this stuff because evidently nobody has the guts to sorry you need to be put in check

  3. Typical vanilla apology. These cops only apologize when they get caught. The cop in the car is a disgrace, faithful to the thin blue line over the law! Officer Brown was a bit better but still fell in line. Disgusting!

  4. Kicking a man when he's down. That's what that corrupt cop Thorogood did. He should lose his job.
    Jeremiah should has asked the black officer if a black family was just walking through the neighborhood and Thorogood did the same to them what would that black officer do?

  5. If an off duty cop ever assaulted me like that you can bet your ass I’m going to be fighting back in self defense. When the police arrive they would find an unconscious off duty officer laying on the ground with me sitting on his back telling them to cuff him and file charges

  6. I mean, the off duty cop was heading back to his house when this guy decided to pull his phone out. Yes, the cop was in the wrong the entire time, but why would you aggravate a guy like that. Just walk away and keep your family safe. All these people today who think antagonizing other people is a good decision need to take stock of themselves. Be calm and respectful to everyone at all times, and you're not likely to find yourself in these situations.

  7. In college I worked as a security guard for a state police agency and I saw police focus on protecting other officers even when it meant letting a child sex offender go.

    The citizens ended up finding a way to get it reported up the chain ; ) and the incident was handled appropriately at least initially (it became a confidential investigation due to the nature of the incident).

    But it took some doing to get even such an egregious situation investigated since an officer was involved.

  8. For those wondering, Detective William Thorowgood has been terminated from his position at the Nashville Metro PD as of Sept 2023, according to anonymous sources that reached out to Jeremiah. I couldn't find any new information regarding the civil lawsuit against Thorowgood or the department.

  9. You can tell he wasn’t afraid to lie because he knew some of his buddies were just as pathetic and awful as he his. Glad the one cop was at least there. And I can’t believe that a-hole in the car “he doesn’t know better” and good for the lady to call him on that bs

  10. If it were 2 civilians someone would have gone to jail. He and his department in my opinion should be held accountable. He was acting as an employee of Metro although I'm not so sure he would have jurisdiction in that suburb. I wish the female officer would have had her way.

  11. You can judge a person’s character by the way they treat vulnerable people.

    That is a lying scumbag who wanted to teach a lesson to a mouthy homeless man, and when he got caught abusing his power he figured the responding cops would help him victimize them further.

    Thankfully the internet is forever, and this disgusting excuse for a human will remain unmasked to anyone who wants to Google it.

  12. There are three corrupt cops here. Officer Thorogood is a piece of garbage and officer Begley should be fired because he is garbage as well. Officer Brown is no better than the rest. Applause to officer Antonio, the only real cop in the whole video.

  13. To be fair to the female officer, without video it would make sense to chalk it up to the aggressive party being the people walking down the street. Someone going ballistic and getting into a fistfight over supposed littering seems so absurd you're almost obligated to assume there's more to the story – but no, the guy really is just that unhinged lol

  14. It just shows what a complete farce the police and the justice system is in America you have no system that protects the public. The protect and serve they have on their vehicles is not for the citizens it's for them and the courts go along with it so there them against us as well as the uniform scum.

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