Cop Detains Law-Abiding Citizen and Calls Him a C__ksucker | What Happened in Court – Everything Law and Order Blog

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NOTE: We don’t condone threats or violence of any kind. If you are upset or outraged by acts of government misconduct featured in this video, we encourage you to utilize lawful means of expression, including becoming involved in the political process, as well as seeking accountability through the judicial system.


26 thoughts on “Cop Detains Law-Abiding Citizen and Calls Him a C__ksucker | What Happened in Court”
  1. This was not a consensual stop. It’s not against the law to open carry, go coddle those showflakes that called. Every constitutional law was broken. You have every right to ask for my 🆔 but unless I’ve broken a law, I have every right to refuse

  2. That cop spent 5 straight minutes on camera essentially screaming "Im a felon Im a felon, god someone please arrest me I dont knownthe first thing about my job". Please guys for your mothers sake, eat your wheaties shoot politis

  3. So by this dumb ass cop's logic everyone is guilty until they prove their innocents what a clown every time this cop talks he sounds more and more like an ass clown an doesn't have the mentality to be doing this job and he apparently doesn't know the law either

  4. Injured party when a law is broken? Not always. Protective laws such speeding, no jaywalking, no parking on this side of the street, etc. do not have an injured party. These are general laws to protect unkown public and often the safety of the person such as jaywalking.

  5. Yes this officer's demanding of ID is a violation if he had of just asked but then the officer illegally detains the citizen. The officer is attempting to display his authority and he's in control while violating citizens rights. This officer's has zero business being in law enforcement and is a danger to the community he's hired to serve

  6. Cops are not little tyrants that can legally abscond the law.
    So there are those in the nation the bill of rights is not extended to? If you’re a felon, you don’t lose the items in the bill of rights regarding legal grounds?
    Add cussing him out as a Civil Servant cause taxpayers cuss them out.
    It looks like the copper doesn’t want to appreciate the law abiding their rights, he writes his own in the books.

  7. My right not to think that cops are idiots with no awareness of the rights of citizens has been violated. This seems epidemic in our country. I remember my father telling me that one of the big differences between European nations and the U.S. is the rights people have not to be stopped and interrogated by the police without their being some suspicion that a crime has been committed. He said that if we ever get to the point where the police in the U.S. can stop us and say "papers please" we will have lost our country.

  8. Now I have a question. As many shootings that are happening today, let’s say the cops can only tip their hats at someone carrying a firearm because of these rights decided to open fire and kill someone, what would you be saying then? Would you become an accessory at that moment after you have defended that person? Please give us a direct answer please. Another question. Why would a person not want to let the cops see their ID? Was it really hunting season? Seems to me that the guy with the firearm would have been on his way a lot sooner if he would have just have let the cop look at his ID. Provoking needs to stop just to prove a point about civil rights. It sure is good for your business isn’t it. I got bullied by a punk city cop in a small town that I go thru a couple of times a year, I had all rights to file a complaint because I was trying to get home for an emergency. My sister in law’s baby had just gotten molested and she didn’t know what to do. I told her to go to the police station and wait on us so we could go with her to file the papers. Anyway I was stretching the speed a little I got stopped, the cop confirmed that there was an emergency, the cop said his supervisor was not going to ticket me but the racist, young cop held me there for 15 minutes after asking if I could leave hoping that I would make a mistake so he could hurt me. I stayed calm and he finally gave me my license back. Moral to this true story is, if I came thru that town again that corrupt cop could have bullied me more. Sometimes it’s best to comply and move forward instead of being pricks, assholes, punks.

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