Cop Resigns (AGAIN) After Barging in Woman’s Home (AGAIN)! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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33 thoughts on “Cop Resigns (AGAIN) After Barging in Woman’s Home (AGAIN)!”
  1. Share the footage of this officer as soon as possible before he pops up somewhere else. There should be no excuse for any new department to claim they didn't know.
    DETAILS/Full Lawsuits:
    Media Report referenced in the video:

  2. We do NOT live in a DEMOCRACY…..the devil is in the details……the more we hear and see such mayhem from government officials top down, there's ONLY ONE conclusion…..WE DO NOT LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY!!!!

  3. She was naked, only covered by a towel. She opened the door just enough to look through while hiding her body behind the door. When the officer forced it open and exposed her, that became a sexual assault as well as a 4th amendment violation. He should be charged with both.

  4. Perhaps even more important than "don't talk to cops" is "have no dealings with social services and the minute they show up, get a lawyer." They are government-empowered busybodies, and a large majority of their cases are them "finding something to do". I've seen numerous examples of them making ordinary families go through hell, while the known meth house down the street is ignored, and their kids are clearly abused. Does social service Karen give a shit? No. Much like cops who'd rather write "failure to activate turn signal" tickets than arrest dangerous gangs across town, Social Service Karen would rather be in a safe white neighborhood ruining a home with a mom, dad and 2.5 kids and a picket fence than rescuing malnourished beaten kids from Carl the methhead at the trailer park.

  5. Allowing a terrible officer to "resign" rather than firing him is poor leadership from the chief! This officer was dressed as if he had just finished a shift at a local factory.. not dressed as an officer or a representative of the court.

  6. If you get fired from a retail jpb for theft, where you are charged, and have a record, then any other retail job that does a background check will not hire you. WHY IS THIS NOT THE SAME FOR OFFICERS?!?

  7. I have said it before ad I will say it again, ONLY juries can stop police abuse. When juries all wake up and start awarding all of the abuse victims $10 billion dollars police abuse will instantly stop. Our very wise founding fathers wrote "Trial by Jury of peers" into our Constitution to protect We the People from Government abuse.

  8. If you think that the American standards are low for police officers, then you would be aghast at the unbelievable level of corruption here in Ireland. It’s not that the filth (Gardai) cross the line here, as far as they are concerned, there is no line. And we don’t have the American constitution to protect our civil liberties.

  9. Can we agree that entering a person's home with a loaded firearm against the wishes of the resident of said home, and without a legal basis to do so, is an armed home invasion, and that the person whose home is being invaded has the right to defend themselves with deadly force if they believe their life is in imminent danger as a result of the home invasion? Can we agree that detaining someone against their will without a legal basis for doing so is false imprisonment and that the person being falsely imprisoned has the right to defend themselves with deadly force if they believe their life is in imminent danger as a result of the false imprisonment? Can we agree that non-consensual touching of another person without legal justification is battery and that the person being battered has the right to defend themselves with deadly force if they believe their life is in imminent danger as a result of the battery? Can we agree that pointing a gun at somebody without a legal basis to do so is an aggravated assault and that the person who is being assaulted has the right to defend themselves with deadly force if they believe their life is in imminent danger as a result of the aggravated assault? Can we agree that performing illegal acts under color-of-law is not an excuse for violating the law?

  10. First I'm Canadian and just from watching and knowing some of the Us Law, I can see huge problems with the fact that these officers, attorneys, and yes in some cases judges all have this qualified immunity from prosecution and any charges what's so ever. If I was in power I think I could solve some of the problems that I see. 1 I would require the county sheriff office to have liability insurance for all officers. 2 Because the Police often belong to a Union that goes to bat for them they to should have liability insurance for the officers.3 Finally the officers them selves should carry at least 5 million liability insurance. We all know that once a insurance claim is paid out for wrong doing the insurance rates go up for all parties. All it would take is 2 or 3 claims and insurance would be so high that all parties would be paying higher premiums. The officer would be forced to pay even higher premiums to the point it would not be able to find suitable insurance anywhere. It's worked well in the Auto industry. To many points and you cant afford to drive.

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