Cop who murdered girlfriend, staged body as suicide to be released back into community under new law – Everything Law and Order Blog

This Week on True Crime Daily The Podcast: A cop convicted of murdering his girlfriend may be released into the community under controversial new legislation as the victim’s family fights for the killer to stay behind bars.

Luis Bolaños, Steve Lazzarini, and Amanda Lane-More join host Ana Garcia.

Sign the petition to keep this convicted murderer behind bars:

#truecrime #justice
Ana Garcia

Luis Bolaños
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41 thoughts on “Cop who murdered girlfriend, staged body as suicide to be released back into community under new law”
  1. I’m just seeing this mid-October. I’m so sorry for the family of the victim.
    I see he’s living with his buddy in Beaumont. Maybe that house should be a new “tourist attraction
    I’ve signed the petition

  2. These guys are the professional victim and get through with it. "Oh, poor meeee, I just murdered someone and now I want oouuuuut!" 🙈🙈🙈🤯🤯🤯

    And then this police buddy of his taking him in….🤢🤢🤢

    These guys all form a circle with each other, it's disgusting. A GP diagnosing pulmonary fibrosis. 😂😂😂🙈🙈🙈

  3. How many guns does the retired cop have in his house? How many can this criminal easily get his hands on? Once again this is the justice system putting the needs or “rights” of a criminal first, than the needs and safety of victims and general public. Our safety and our rights as law abiding people fall far below and it’s time our voice gets louder. And legislators start hearing us.

  4. Think it's shocking to let this murderer out of jail just because he is ill. People must stand together and stop this immediately. My condolences to the family and the grief and trauma they are going through. My prayers are for you through this

  5. I signed to stand in solidarity with your family, so hopefully MY family won't experience prolonged betrayal of justice in 30 years. In honor of Kristina & my Grandma Helen Pasdach.

  6. OF COURSE it's ALL about the MONEY!! …why this law was passed, & it's only SUPPOSEDLY (wink, wink) meant to be about "compassion!!" ("Let all the 'little ppl' think it's all about 'compassion;' they'll never realize what we're actually, really doing!!") The authorities could care less about these ill inmates; it is ALL about saving, what, $50,000+/year per incarcerated prison inmate, & right across the whole country?????!!!!! DO THE MATH!!! These authorities brush it off as, "Well, the guy's at least SUPPOSEDLY dying, let's accept his medicals bec he's not much of a threat any more anyway, & why NOT save ALL THIS MONEY!!!!!" So …FOLLOW THE MONEY!!! Who exactly amongst "the authorities" first came up with this harebrained, ill-conceived scheme anyway? Or, what bleeding heart presented it to the authorities & the authorities saw the huge MONEY advantages to it & so enacted a law as fast & smoothly as possible, using a procedure to make it least likely to be opposed by anyone???? FOLLOW THE MONEY!!!!! IT IS N.O.T. ABOUT "COMPASSION," THAT'S JUST THE MASK, THE HYPE, THEY'RE USING TO SAVE A.L.L. T.H.I.S. M.O N.E.Y.!! THIS TRUTH NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED!!!!! So I hope everyone (non-inmate) affected are able to relax a little bit now, just thinking all about this, & not be so upset about these killers being treated so "compassionately" … they just got really lucky, sadly, but that is not the big picture right now!! They get out, sure, but let's hope they truly are dying, & any killers getting out under this law MUST be monitored forever after, & to ensure their medical history is bona fide & their prognoses are actually true. And if they can be forced to also consult specialists BEFORE even being allowed out, or even applying to get out, so much the better!! A compassionate-seeming "opening of the gates" to these killers by these authorlties is just a very much less important by-product of SAVING THE BIG $ RIGHT ACROSS THE WHOLE COUNTRY — & freeing up seriously overcrowded prison space too (Hey, no one wants to spend any more $ on building new prisons, right???!!!). And, freed up space, how much nicer for all the other prisoners still left inside, right???!!! Hey …a sweetheart deal, a win-win for everyone but the directly affected friends & families, & they don't matter anyway as they are mere bystanders, mere "side effects" of prison system procedures, & not part of the prison system, so forget about THEM; THEY DO NOT COUNT; + THEY do not cost us any $!!! G.E.T. I.T. ??????? They COULD build a big prison hospital somewhere especially for these guys, with bars on the windows & enforced restricted movements, etc., & ship all these guys over there. But, there goes all the savings, right, never mind saving all those extra medical costs too(!!!), over & above …so THAT'LL never happen. MAY I PLEASE HEAR COMMENTS & OPINIONS ON THE ABOVE, & HAVE A REPLY TO ALL THIS BY THIS CHANNEL'S CREATORS, SUPPORTIVE POLICE OR OTHER AUTHORITIES, AND/OR FRIENDS & FAMILY MEMBERS??? I'd really like to know if I am actually onto something here. Logically, I think I really am.

  7. its always a concern whether such person will do the crime over again , one truth i can tell , other side the grave people gets resurrected , and they get judged for righteousness or unrighteousness , and they get harvested , separated , if found under condemnation because one did not repent from sin, and died in his sins they get casted , as i saw countless people, this life does not end here, it goes on in the spirit the other side , and they have flesh and blood in their bodies, they look the same as before they died . So even if this jealous lover killed her , there are other reasons , or humanity reasons z it does not mean he might kill the same way again , its wait and see
    My half brother , same5 mother different fathers , he was in and out of prison , and he came out over times , but did things that made him go back to prison , one day he told me , he I wants to rather be back in prison , because he is looked after , and this South Africa , then long time he got released and unfortunately a car killed him , sadly many years after he died , i was shown things about my brother , he died in his sin , before he even thought or had a chance to repent , this is why my heart is grieving for him he got sent to hell , i have been taken to witness , don't worry what ever a man did wrong , there is a second chance for him , he has to repent to Jesus , to save his soul

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