Cops Arrest Journalist LIVE ON AIR! – Everything Law and Order Blog

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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.

This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.

Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.

This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.

Original Video:

WSYX ABC 6’s channel:



Court Records (Case No. 023 CR B 000284)-

Branzburg v. Hayes-

American Broadcasting Companies v. Cuomo-

Sherrill v. Knight-

Raycom National, Inc. v. Campbell-

Ohio Rev. Code § 2921.33-

State v. Barker-

Ohio Rev. Code § 2911.21-

Ohio Rev. Code § 2901.01-

State v. Dean-


36 thoughts on “Cops Arrest Journalist LIVE ON AIR!”
  1. Officer at 10:55 explained it perfectly .. he continued to be a nuisance so he was asked to leave by public officials and building manager/staff and did not leave and continued to argue so therefore he broke the law… Regardless of how the general acted is another thing in and of itself

  2. This is why you always file Federal Criminal charges against tyrants disguised in uniforms.

    Title 18 USC Sections 4, 241, 242, 371, 1951,
    Title 42 USC Sections 1983-86.

    Contact you local FBI Field Office or the Civil Rights Office and the Government Corruption Bureau, United States Department of Justice, Washnington DC.

  3. At this point, the American people need to decide if we are going to listen to the courts we know these courts right now they’re freaking corrupt they are they don’t care whether you lose your life. They don’t care whether they kill your children. They are going to give these people immunity hell you have a choice you can listen to these corrupt individuals, who are giving immunity to the baby killer to the killers of your spouse? You can listen to the court so you can remove the court. We can get rid of them. They are corrupt. There’s an election really soon. Let’s make it happen. Let’s get rid of these corrupt individuals and go after them.

  4. You have the names of these two if you wanna call him officers you know where they work. It’s on the news we have to put a stop to this tyranny. We have to put a stop to the way they treat the public and if they’re not scared of doing it on television what do you think they’re gonna do, when they’re out on the street by themselves, you should be scared. Everybody should be scared. Everybody should fight back you know where they are. You know who they are. These are the people that take your rights from you fight for or don’t, but you better make a choice because if you’re not gonna stand up for your fellow citizens, I can guarantee you they’re not gonna stand up for you.

  5. Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline, and conduct unbecoming of an officer.

    Those used to be courts martial offences for officers, especially flag officers.

    I fully expect a hot headed lack of personal discipline from a buck private, not a damned general.

    I wager he won’t be given a command higher than a national guard regiment, and won’t get just stars in the pentagon.

  6. The major General needed to know his place. H inserted him self when he is neither a security Gurard nor is he local law enforcement and should not have been close to that at all. I appears as if He seemingly too offence to and may have been the primary instigator of the escalation!

  7. So let me get this straight, the Governor called for a press conference to update the people of East Palestine Oh on a disaster and selected this place to give it, would that not then make it a public venue and open to all? I mean, this is official business coming from the Governor! what makes this any different from say a county leasing a building from a private owner? that building then becomes public space.

  8. UPDATE: In December 2023, Lambert settled the case for $80,000 plus attorney's fees. That's all well and good, but as usual, the tyrant cops get off without any repercussions. The insurance company pays out the dough, and if the county's premiums go up, the taxpayers suffer the consequences. Therefore, nothing really changes for the better.

  9. It seems like a clusterf—— all around since there was no protocol in place, probably because an exact situation like this hadn't happened in recent memory. The reporter should get out of the habit of pointing his finger in a state trooper's face.

  10. They spend all the time alloted to tell you wht the laws are. So WTF was the oucome? You run a post but never give the outcome>? i SEE A SMALLER/SHORT BLCK Major General who has two stars acting as though he has 51 stars( 1 more than an acual flag. In a flag officer hearing he can be forced to retire and religuish benifitts or are members of his state OK with his acctions. He is an officer of the ANG and only use to haing his demands listened to each and every time. NO WONDER nobody respects All ANG members or aqny of thweir authority, SO your state loses its stature Federlly and all members pay for his unusefell authority!!!

  11. The law the people pay for isn't the law for the people the law is a cartoon officer devil top cat that's all folks name and shame and photos of them officer's face's then the people might get equality and change and a better place for everyone

  12. There is a difference between frauditors and real reporters. Obviously training should be done on officers to distinguish between the 2. Also,bcoos, in my opinion, have ecery rugyt yo arrest snyone threatning anybody.. physically and or verbally. There are itger kaws tgat protect all innocent victims of these potential dangers as well.

  13. UPDATE 7-12-2024: In February of if this year he was awarded $112,000. He will receive $80,000 and $32,000 in attorneys’ fees and costs for the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and the First Amendment Clinic at Case Western Reserve University School of Law, whose attorneys represented Lambert in the action.

    He received the settlement in December 2023, month after he sued.

    Rather than fight Lambert’s claims, the city and county quickly agreed to have the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio enter judgment against them in the journalist’s favor.

    Lambert voluntarily dismissed his claims against the individual officers. (So, yeah, no one was held accountable. Idk why he dismissed them)

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