Cops at Your Door: What They Don’t Want You to Know – Everything Law and Order Blog

This sort of behavior happens all the time: cops show up to a private residence, they knock on the door. What are your rights in that situation? What rights to the police have to do what they’re doing? Let’s make some things clear.

Read more:

The WV video from last week:


47 thoughts on “Cops at Your Door: What They Don’t Want You to Know”
  1. What They Don’t Want You to Know is that they are criminals with a badge. No, not all are bad or out to get you but their are plenty that use unscrupulous tactics and illegal means seen as necessary but violate people every day. We need to curtail these actions as they have gotten way out of control in many states and cities/towns in the USA.

  2. Picky semantics: individual police officers have the same RIGHTS as everyone else; the question is what AUTHORITY they have which civilians lack.

    One of my pet peeves in this sort of video, using RIGHTS and AUTHORITY interchangeably.

  3. Trained? Cops aren't being trained in anything but corruption and how to get away with it.We are living in a police state. People have been conditioned by decades of propaganda ( police shows ) to think this is normal. I lived in a place and time many decades ago where there were no local police. When police from other places came there that is when crime happened. Cops create crime.

  4. The cops come to my door I open the door. I let them do whatever they need to do and I let them leave. I’m doing nothing illegal. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I don’t do drugs. I don’t have people in my house. I live alone and I don’t own the gun I have two dogs, why would I need to be afraid to let the police in only people that have some thing to hide would not let the police in or if they’re doing something illegal which 98.9% of the time that’s why people don’t want the police in their house because they have something illegal or they broke the law or they don’t want the cops to see something they’re doingwhich is illegal

  5. How about if your home is your car?
    Like with Travis Heintze who's woken up almost every night when parked for his night's sleep.

    Shouldn't he insist for his health on his 4th Amendment to not answer the door?!

  6. Can a cop not at home and nobody at home or apt . CAN you tell the difference if your place had been a real terrorist attacked ? Maybe not ban the Marijuana maybe folks can be smarter trust sir anyone can do the same to you for a terrorist attack so do that make sense like a cop will do and see got the same form like a cop ?

  7. Also when the people need to get qualified immunity revoked it should never have been put in place anyway it's not a law and the Supreme Court should not be able to just make up anything they want they should have to go through the proper branches of government

  8. Thank you for your information you are really a great deal the cops were harassing me at my front porch for no reason and if I would have known about this knock and talk thing I would have rewrote them . Now I know.thank you very much.

  9. Took me an hour on the phone to get the weirdo Sheriff deputy who was on force for one year to be trespassed. He harassed the shit out of me and even mentioned stuff that had nothing to do what he was there for. I usually do not talk to them .. never will again and Lately I no longer answer anyone at the door nor phone calls I do not recognize. I am not into voluntarily giving info out anymore. I am putting up the sign your implied license to knock and talk is hereby revoked and you are trespassing and will be charged.

  10. Law enforcement has increasingly intentionally walked over our constitutional rights over the decades. That's why they don't teach civics to kids in school anymore. To create compliance through ignorance in spite of your rights.

  11. 1. When cops with a warrant refuse to show warrant and threaten you.
    2. When they search and damage house.
    3. When they have no warrant and refuse to leave and put their foot in the door..
    Happens all the time..

  12. Leave it to a cop to escalate a situation unnecessarily over a few plants on someone's private property No critical thinking anything that's illegal no matter how small they got to chase you to the end of the earth some cops are the most dangerous people you'll ever come across

  13. If you open the door, then they stick their foot in and if you so much as brush their toe trying to close the door, he and his friends pile in, like a football tackle, bruise you like you bruised their ego, then drag you off for assaulting an officer. Best to never open the door for pigs or vampires.

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